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ADVANCED BIO-FRIENDLY POLYMERS. Jaroslav Mosn áček. ADVANCED BIO-FRIENDLY POLYMERS. HUSK/1101/1.2.1/0209. 1.10.2012 – 30.9.2014. Polymer Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.

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  2. ADVANCED BIO-FRIENDLY POLYMERS HUSK/1101/1.2.1/0209 1.10.2012 – 30.9.2014 Polymer Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

  3. Polymer Institute SAS a brief overview Ing. Igor Lacík, DSc. director Personnel (in categories): Polymer Institute SAS Dúbravská cesta 9 845 41 Bratislava www.polymer.sav.sk *17 PhD students Average age of researchers: 43.5

  4. Polymer Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Mission: Competitive center for basic and applied research in polymer chemistry 4 scientific departments ~ 4 profile fields Molecular simulations Composite materials Synthesis and characteriza-tion Biopolymer research • cell immobilization • enzyme immobilization • bioconjugates • vaccines • stimuli sensitive polym. • non-biofouling surfaces • hydrogels • bioadhesive materials • (nano)composites • blends • biopolymers • electrically conductive • thermally conductive • phase change materials • adhesives & sealants • controlled polymerization • functional polymers • nanoparticles • hybrid dispersions • Degradation, stabilization • polymer flammability • photochemistry • liquid chromatography • structure/properties relation • molecular simulations • confined polymers • DNA in nanochannels • folding of proteins • polymer brushes • condensed polymers

  5. Selected infrastructure XPS K-Alpha ThermoFisher Scientific Nanoindentor HysitronTl-750 Conical calorimeter Infrared spectrometer with microscope Microcompounder DSM Fluorescence lifetime determination

  6. Selected infrastructure Gel permeation chromatography Dielectric spectrometer Novocontrol Suntest Lumipol

  7. Research Centre for Natural Sciences Hungarian Academy of Sciences H-1025 BUDAPEST PUSZTASZERI U. 59-67 HUNGARY DIRECTOR GENERAL: GYÖRGY MIKLÓS KESERŰ Number of employees: 680 Number of reserchers: 360 Number of PhD students: 60

  8. Research Centre For Natural Sciences Hungarian Academy Of Sciences http://www.ttk.mta.hu/en/ Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry • Department of Functional and Structural Materials • Department of Interfaces and Surface Modification • Department of Polymer Chemistry and Physics • Department of Environmental Chemistry and Catalysis • Department of Renewable and Clean Energy • Laboratory for Environmental Protection • Department of Polymer Chemistry (Head: prof. Bela Ivan) • Novel functional polymers • Carbocationic polymerization • Radical polymerization • Amphiphilic conetworks • Degradation and stabilization of polymers • Novel topology polymers

  9. Research Centre for Natural Sciences HAS Examples On Research Infrastructure 600 MHz NMR MULTIDETECTOR GELPERMEATION CHROMATOGRAPHY (GPC)

  10. ADVANCED BIO-FRIENDLY POLYMERS Activity 1: Establishment of an intensive R&D collaboration, expansion of the infrastructure and dissemination of the research results within the scientific and industrial communities Activity 2: Joint research and development of polymeric materials applicable in agriculture and food packaging

  11. Activity 1 - Expansion of infrastructure: New equipments at PI SAS, Bratislava Fume Hoods Portable Raman &Modular NIR Spectrometer GPC system consisting of autosampler, quartery pump, thermostated columns and RI detector will be delivered soon Thermostatic cabinet

  12. New equipments at RCNS HAS, Budapest Dessicator UV-VIS spetrofotometer Infusion pump PLANNED TO BE PURCHASED termostat for GPC columns cryostate glove-box

  13. Activity2 • Output 2a: Polymeric material for food packaging with improved properties and stability in comparison with commercially available products, and zero diffusion of the stabilizers out of the polymer films. • Output 2b: Polymeric material for application as mulching films with properties and service lifetime the best fitting demands of the Slovak/Hungarian agricultural region. • Screening of properties and degradability of commercially available polymers applicable in agriculture and food packaging. • Development of non-diffusive hyperbranched stabilizers and prodegradants for polymers applicable in agriculture and food packaging. • Development of polymeric materials with controlled service lifetime and properties required for applications in agriculture and food packaging. • Output 2c: Polyacrylamide for soil conditioning with structure and charge density ensuring the properties the best fitting the requirements of soils, which are typical in Slovak/Hungarian agricultural region.

  14. Cooperation with universities and producers Institute of Polymer Materials, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava & Chemosvit Svit a.s. Biodegradable foils based on PLA and PLA/PHB Tomas Bata University in Zlin Preparation of biodegradable composites containing carbon black Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Horticulture and landscape engineering faculty Department of vegetable production Possible testing of prepared new mulch foil in real application

  15. Comunication with end-users • Samples of mulch foils tested under real conditions: • Mulch film after one season of use for production of sweet peppers = transparent LDPE foil(Distributor Schetelig.sk) • Black mulch LDPE foil – original and used one season for production of melon • Black/white LDPE mulch foil – used for production of strawberries Farmers from Mostova na Dunaji: Farmers from Ostratice: • Survey of requirements or demands of users on the properties of mulch film

  16. Gy. Szarka

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