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Dear Sally, Here are some examples of what we do which is similar to your Living to Learn Program. We do our extra programs outside of our everyday subjects. Programs we do: Sport Day/School house system: We use house systems but only for our Sports day and Swimming Carnival.
Dear Sally, • Here are some examples of what we do which is similar to your Living to Learn Program. We do our extra programs outside of our everyday subjects. • Programs we do: • Sport Day/School house system: We use house systems but only for our Sports day and Swimming Carnival. • Personal Well Being: PLP, Op Flinders and Blue Light Dive Camp. • Community Service: Clean ups, Beach Combing, Tree planting, Dolphin Watch. • Arts and Creativity: Rock Eisteddfod, Art, Tech Studies, Cooking. • Global Citizenship: Asian Market, Casual days, Raising money, other cultures.
. Our House Systems On Kangaroo Island we have three house teams. There is Harriet which is Red, Chapman which is Blue and Cygnet which is Yellow. They are all rivers on K.I. We only do 2 different house events each year; these are Sports Day and The Swimming Carnival. .
POINTS • We have a point system in Sports day. • If you compete in any even, but don’t come 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th you earn 1 point for participation. • If you come first you earn 10 points. • If you come 2nd place you earn 7 points. • If you come third place you earn 4 points. • And if you come 4th place you earn 2 points.
Sports • Boys and girls are split up into different groups. • The sports you can participate in at sports day are: • 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1.5km and 3km run. • Shot-put, discus, javelin, high jump, long jump, and relay.
PLP… “PLP”(Person Learning Program) is a lesson that all students in year 10 undertake. This program is design to help and guide students on their future career pathways. During this program students go to Adelaide (our capital city) and we visit different work places and explore the working world. Also each student will undertake work experience in a field of work they are interested in. Students on Careers week visiting AAMI Stadium.
Op Flinders… Some students and teaches on Op Flinders. “Op Flinders” (Operation Flinders) is a program designed to help rebellious teenagers. It is a camp that goes for 7 days which includes hiking through the Flinders Rangers. While on the camp the students are to help out and look after themselves and each other.
Blue Light Dive Camp… This program is designed for students who show leadership. The camp is run by the Police. The duration of the camp is about five days. While on the camp you learn to skin dive and you also do a lot of land based leadership games. During the course you study and at the end of the camp you will have an exam and you can gain your Skin Diving Certificate. Students doing land bases activies. Students doing some water activities.
Cleanup Some of the community service we do on Kangaroo Island is a clean up. We will go to some part of the Island and pick up all the rubbish we find lying around. We usually fill up a couple bags.
Dolphinwatch A group goes out on a boat with cameras to take pictures of dolphins and come back to identify the dolphins and catalogue the pictures. It helps us keep track of how many dolphins we’ve got hanging around.
Treeplanting Every year the Kingscote Yr 10 class goes out to Penneshaw to plant trees. We stay out there for about an hour and we get a few boxes of trees planted.
Beachcombing Beach combing is a cleanup except the Yr 1,2 and 3’s do it on the beach. They find a lot of plastic bags and glass and often see marine animals like crabs.
Creativity and Art • One of the lessons that we do that help with Creativity and Art is Art.
Tech Studies • Another subject that helps with Creativity and Art is Tech Studies. • Here are some pictures of the student’s Tech Studies work:
Cooking • Cooking is another subject that helps with Creativity and Art. Here is some pictures of the student’s cooking:
Rock Eisteddfod • Rock Eisteddfod is a program where you dance to music to tell a story. Here are some pictures of Rock Eisteddfod.
Asian market • At the Asian market we sell products that we have either cooked, made or grown. These are set up through stalls. 10% profits of the school based stalls go to charity. At the Asian markets there are fun and games for all ages.
Casual days • Casual days are usually themed, the students always have to bring a gold coin donation which goes to the charity of choice. For example we have Crazy hair days for the leukaemia foundation.
Raising Money • Most of the fund raising is charity based and all of the money raised goes to the particular charity of choice. For example: The Pakistan Flood Appeal.
Other cultures • We learn Indonesian. To experience as much of the Indonesian culture with out leaving the country we have Indonesian excursions. We have an annual Indonesian camp.