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Theory-Driven Design in HCI

Theory-Driven Design in HCI. Mary Czerwinski Microsoft Research. Overview. Why theory, especially now? Brief history of HCI, psychology and theory The importance/role of theory Examples of theory-driven research How to do theory Summary of benefits of theory to HCI.

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Theory-Driven Design in HCI

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  1. Theory-Driven Design in HCI Mary Czerwinski Microsoft Research

  2. Overview • Why theory, especially now? • Brief history of HCI, psychology and theory • The importance/role of theory • Examples of theory-driven research • How to do theory • Summary of benefits of theory to HCI UIST 2004

  3. Why is it a good time to revisit theory? Yesterday… UIST 2004

  4. Dichotic Listening Task (Cherry, 1953) UIST 2004

  5. Cocktail Party Phenomenon • Cocktail party problem • How is it that out of a sea of voices we can focus on a single conversation? • Cocktail party effect • Moray (1959) • While you are usually unaware of identity of words in a non-attended conversation… • A notable exception is your name UIST 2004

  6. Attenuation Theory of Attention (Treisman, 1960) • Blocking out the irrelevant content easy until…. • It’s semantically meaningful or important to you Hey, Mary! UIST 2004

  7. Guidelines for Speech Communication Applications, Cockpits, etc. • Provide a mechanism to “pull” one voice into focus • Mostly focusing on physical attributes of the message • Do not present too much information simultaneously • Provide enough time for the user to fully fuse streams if necessary UIST 2004

  8. 80s and 90s: Personal Computer UIST 2004

  9. User-Centered Theories in HCI • The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction, by Card, Moran and Newell (1983) • Simon and Newell’s contributions to psychology, AI and HCI • Cognitive and perceptual psychology theories codified into guidelines • A LOT of theory from this era is used in HCI design practice today UIST 2004

  10. And Then, Time Stood Still… • Advances to GUI desktops arguably stalled • Lots of evolution on designs but less new theory • Do we need it? • Where are the breakthroughs? Evolution UIST 2004

  11. Today: Ubicomp UIST 2004

  12. Theoretical Guidance Missing… • Social proxemics and etiquette? • Multi-cursor interaction? • New mental models? • New metrics for productivity and acceptance? • New artifacts? • Privacy? • New input approaches? UIST 2004

  13. Tomorrow Today • Brain-computer interaction devices like BrainGate • Controlling objects with thought is becoming a reality • Good science—new theories? UIST 2004

  14. UIST 2004

  15. VeriChip • FDA approved implantable chips • RFID tags • Rooted in the skin for accessing medical records • Privacy issues are becoming pervasive in our research • Philosophy->Theory-? UIST 2004

  16. A Tools Stage of HCI • (Painting by Zdenek Burian) • Cro Magnons occurred ~40,000 years ago • Hunted mainly with spears, (bow and arrows were later developed). • Made tools from blades of Flint stone, used for preparing animal skins. UIST 2004

  17. Shneiderman—Why Theories in HCI? • Descriptive: clarify terms, key concepts • Explanatory: reveal relationships and processes • Predictive: about performance and situations • Prescriptive: convey guidance for decision making in design by recording best practice • Generative: enable practitioners to create, invent or discover something new UIST 2004

  18. Examples of Theory-Driven Research • Just a few examples • Not exhaustive! • Still, a tough task to identify well-known examples across all types of theory UIST 2004

  19. Explanatory Theory Example • Norman’s seven stage model from POET (1988) • An approximate model with a continuous feedback loop • Forming the goal • Forming the intention • Specifying the action • Executing the action • Perceiving the state of the world • Interpreting the state of the world • Evaluating the outcome UIST 2004

  20. Using the model predictively… • Miyata & Norman (1986) • Predicted interruptions between task execution and evaluation as less harmful when multitasking • Untested • In 2000, we decided to test this using IM and multiple tasks • Examined planning, execution and evaluation phases of tasks UIST 2004

  21. UIST 2004

  22. Attention-Based Principles of Notifications • Early in a task was the worst time to interrupt if you want user to remember • Make notifications situation-aware • Look for cognitive breakpoints in users’ interactions. • When possible, use smart monitoring • Monitor the user (what stage in task?) • Content of interruption—similar is better • Obvious privacy issues, etc. UIST 2004

  23. Predictive Theory Examples • Large display research (Tan, Czerwinski & Robertson, 2001-2003) • Most early research carried out around cockpit design • New hardware often necessitates the need for new software/interaction • Serendipitous gender and spatial cognition findings based on theories of perception and cognition UIST 2004

  24. Dsharp Display 43" 11" UIST 2004

  25. Prescriptive Theory Examples • Example: Gestalt Theory of Perception (similarity, closure, good continuity, proximity/figure-ground) • Example: Feature Integration Theory (Triesman et al., 80s), guided visual search and pop out effects • Utilized well in design guidelines today UIST 2004

  26. Information Visualizer System Analysis Goals UI Artifacts COST STRUCTURE OF INFORMATION INFORMATION WORKSPACE ANIMATED GUI Larger Workspace Denser Workspace AccessCosts 3D/Rooms Interactive Objects Cognitive Coprocessor InteractionCosts Highly Interactive INFORMATION VISUALIZATIONS Assimilation Costs Information Visualization CASESTUDIES EXPLOIT HUMAN PERCEPTION UIST 2004

  27. ACT-IF (Pirolli & Card ’99) • Theory based on information foraging, sensemaking and the scatter/gather approach • Published in Psychology Review UIST 2004

  28. Scatter/Gather Document Browser UIST 2004

  29. UIST 2004

  30. Generative Theory Examples • Shneiderman: “The future of HCI must be tied to more effective generativetheories that enable HCI to become the bright shining source of innovation; a much stronger role than the usability testers and refiners of ideas initiated by others.” UIST 2004

  31. Buxton’s 3-State Model of Graphical Input (1990) • Model inspired Mackinlay, Card & Robertson (1991) to write “A Semantic Analysis of the Design Space of Input Devices” • Hinckley et al. (1998) extended the ideas to add notation for continuous properties during state transitions of devices UIST 2004

  32. Pointing and Fitts’ law – The abc’s of user interfaces (Predictive and Generative) • Fitts’ law UIST 2004

  33. Zhai et al.: Laws of actions • Pointing • Crossing • Steering • Thank you Shumin! UIST 2004

  34. Accot& Zhai 2002 Crossing – more than dotting the i’s • Why crossing? • increasing interaction “vocabulary” • Pen based computing • How does crossing compare with pointing? • What is the theoretical foundation of crossing? UIST 2004

  35. Accot & Zhai, CHI 2002 Target type:pointing vs crossing Constraint direction:collinear vs orthogonal Continuity: continuous vs discrete Systematic comparison UIST 2004

  36. Accot & Zhai2003 Crossing-based interfaces UIST 2004

  37. Accot & Zhai 1997, 1999, 2001) D W Law of steering Rashevsky 1959, Drury 1971;Accot & Zhai, 1997, 1999, 2001 UIST 2004

  38. ds IDC = W(s) C Law of Steering - General form TC = a + b IDC W(s) ds C UIST 2004

  39. Computing off the desktop • Desktop computing “workstation” interface foundation • Large and personal display • Input device (mouse) • Typewriter keyboard • HCI Frontier – beyond the desktop • Interfaces without display-mouse-keyboard tripod • Numerous difficult challenges UIST 2004

  40. Zhai, Hunter, Smith 2000; Zhai, Sue, Accot 2002, Drews 18000 16000 14000 Word connectivity Human Movement Study: Fitts’ law MT = a + b Log2(Dsi/Wi + 1) 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 sp E T A H O N S R I D L U W M C G Y F B P K V J X Q Z English Letter Corpus(News, chat etc) “Fitts-digraph energy” Metropolis “random walk” optimization Alphabetical tuning Alphabetically Tuned and Optimized Mobile Interface Keyboard (ATOMIK) UIST 2004

  41. Limitations and hints from ATOMIK • Tapping one key at a time – tedious. The stylus can be more expressive and dexterous. • Does not utilize language redundancy/statistical intelligence. • People tend to remember the pattern of a whole word, not individual letters. UIST 2004

  42. Zhai et al.--Shark UIST 2004

  43. Metrics Development—”Subjective Duration Assessment” • HCI and iterative usability metrics • Performance (task times, success rates) • Preference (user satisfaction questionnaires) • Usually correlated, but not always • Users notoriously “positive” w/ratings • Neilsen & Levy (1994): need an average of 5 on a 7 point scale UIST 2004

  44. Ziegarnik Effect (1927) • People remember uncompleted tasks better than completed • Weybrew (1984) used time estimation • People overestimate time on unfinished tasks • People underestimate time on completed tasks • Van Bergen (1968) task has to be engaging or more difficult to get the effect UIST 2004

  45. Spool (2001) • Found a strong correlation between perceived download time and whether users successfully completed their tasks on a site • When people accomplish task on a site, they perceive that site to be fast, and vice versa • Goes against emphasis on fast download times only, need to support user’s task most UIST 2004

  46. MSN Study—SDA Better Predictor of Difficulty than User Satisfaction UIST 2004

  47. So Are We in Good Shape? • Obviously, great work has come out of theory in HCI • Do we need more? UIST 2004

  48. Why I Think Tomorrow’s HCI Needs Theory • We’ve come full circle • Many new tools used both singly and by multiple people • Theory is one of the most important things we should be doing as a discipline • Not everyone needs to do it, but some of us have to! • A way to guarantee progress • Invite new disciplines to work with us • Cognitive neuroscientists, biologists, ethicists? UIST 2004

  49. How to Do Theory? • Whittaker, Terveen & Nardi (2000) • Adopt a reference task agenda • A set of well-defined “tasks” that candidate systems could be evaluated against like TREC • Even skeptics (Landauer, Carroll et al., Bannon) agree on the importance of having an adequate  descriptive base for HCI as a prerequisite for more theory development UIST 2004

  50. Engestrom’s Activity System Model (1987) • Most human activities are collective ones taking place in rich social environments • Model used to explain collective activities and cooperative work, including cultural conventions and established rules UIST 2004

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