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Activities of CHMI under CLRTAP

CHMI established in 1954 by the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, is responsible for monitoring air quality, hydrology, climate, and meteorology. It operates national monitoring networks, processes observations and measurements, provides forecasts, and conducts scientific research. CHMI collaborates with international organizations such as WMO, EMEP, ACTRIS, and ICAO. The organization's structure includes 3 divisions, 7 branch offices, and 750 employees. CHMI is involved in various international programs and projects, including EMEP, GAW/WMO, and ACTRIS. The Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections manages emission reporting, projections, and inventory data for air pollution sources.

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Activities of CHMI under CLRTAP

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  1. Activities of CHMI under CLRTAP Milan Váňa, milan.vana@chmi.cz EMEP TFMM Praha 3-5.May 2017

  2. CHMI Established in 1954 According to foundation charter issued by The Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, CHMI is a state-founded organization operates as the Czech Republic´s national institute in the field of air quality, hydrology, water quality, climatology and meteorology

  3. CHMI mission Established in 1954 Establish and operate national monitoring networks (monitoring of the atmosphere and hydrosphere both qualitatively and quantitatively) Process in an expert manner the results of observations, measurements and monitoring Create and maintain databases Provide forecasts and warnings Carry out and coordinate scientific and research activities Fields: meteorology and climatology, air quality, hydrology (both surface water and groundwater)

  4. CHMI international collaboration WMO (World Meteorological Organization) EMEP (program under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution) ACTRIS (Aerosols, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure) ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) ISDR (International Strategy for Disaster Reduction) GEO/GEOSS (Global Earth Observations) EUMETSAT (European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) EEA (European Environment Agency) AQUILA (Air Quality Reference Laboratories network) US EPA(US Environmental Protection Agency) Hydrological UNESCO Program etc.

  5. CHMI structure CHMI 3 divisions 7 branch offices 750 employees Our responsibility for AQ emissions and sources State monitoring network AQ laboratories (incl. Calibration laboratory) AQ databases dispersion modeling AQ assessment 2 observatories

  6. National Atmospheric ObservatoryKošetice – EMEP LEVEL 2 station

  7. International programmes and projects • EMEP (Co-operative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe) • ICP-IM (International Co-operative Progamme on Integrated Monitoring) • GAW/WMO (Global Atmosphere Watch) • ACTRIS (Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Research InfraStructure network) • ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observing System) • GMOS (Global Mercury ObservationSystem,) • GAPS (Global Atmosphere Passive Sampling Network) • MONET (POPs Passive Sampling Monitoring Network) EMEP TFMM Praha 3-5.May 2017

  8. Campaigns • EMEP POPs passive sampling campaign 2016 • ACTRIS AMS volatility studies, HTDMA hygroscopicity studies (2013-2014) • EMEP/ACTRIS intensive campaign (summer 2012, winter 2013) • ACTRIS round robin test (VOCs, NOx, 2012) • ACTRIS artefact denuder test (EC-OC, summer 2012) • EUSAAR denuder test (EC-OC, April, July, August 2012) • EMEP intensive campaign (PM, EC-OC, 14C, levogucosan, summer 2008, winter 2009) • Aircraft measurements of PM vertical profile (PM10, PM2,5, PM1 – March 2009) • Aircraft measurements of ozone and NOx vertical profile (June 2007) • EUSAAR denuder test (EC-OC, winter 2007) • EMEP intensive campaign (PM, EC-OC, Summer 2006, winter 2007) • EMEP POPs passive sampling campaign (July-August 2006) • GAW VOCs intercomparison (March 2003) • EMEP EC-OC campaign (September 2002 – June 2003) • NILU intercomparison (sulphur and nitrogen compounds, August 1998 – July 1999)

  9. Churáňov EMEP LEVEL 1 - mountain station Geographical co-ordinates: 4904´ N, 1337´ EAltitude (m a.s.l.): 1118

  10. SvratouchEMEP LEVEL 1 – regional background Geographical co-ordinates: 4973´ N, 1603´ EAltitude (m a.s.l.): 737

  11. EMEP Assessment Reports, 2004, 2007, 2015 • HM case study Other activities EMEP TFMM Praha 3-5.May 2017

  12. Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections (TFEIP) • Emission inventory reporting cover all years from 1990 onwards (Main and Otherpollutants, Particulatematter, HMs and POPs) • Four-yearly reporting • projections for the years 2020, 2025 and 2030 • Gridded emissions and Large point sources (LPS) emissions • InformativeInventory Report (IIR)

  13. Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections (TFEIP) • The information is stored in the Register of Emissions and Stationary Sources (REZZO), which is used for archiving and presenting data on stationary and mobile sources of air pollution. Air pollution sources are divided to the individually monitored sources and sources monitored as area sources. • Czech emission inventory is performed in accordance with the national legislation for the prevention of air polluting and reduction of air pollution - Act 201/2012 Coll., on the air protection (Air Protection Act)

  14. Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections (TFEIP) Sectoral inventories are prepared by sectoral experts from sector-solving institutions, which are coordinated and reviewed by CHMI: • Transport Research Centre (CDV), Brno, is responsible for compilation of the inventory in sector 1 Energy, Road and non-road Transport. • Research Institute of Agricultural Technology (VUZT), Prague, is responsible for compilation of the inventory in sector 3, Agricultural and sector 1A4cii non-road Agricultural and Forestry mobile sources. • National Research Institute for the Protection of Materials, Ltd. (SVÚOM), Prague, is responsible for compilation of the inventory in sector 2D Solvent Use • The Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) under the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment is designated as the coordinating and managing organization responsible for the compilation of the national inventory and reporting its results. • Coordinator of EmissionInventory: Ing. PavelMachalek, machalek@chmi.cz

  15. Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling (TFIAM) • The Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling (TFIAM) was established by the Executive Body of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution at its fourth session in 1986. In the following years integrated assessment models were developed that provided the basis for negotiation of the 1994 Oslo Protocol and the Gothenburg Protocol in 1999. The Task Force is co-chaired by the Netherlands and Sweden. • The Task Force’s main focus is to combine information gathered from the Parties and from other Convention bodies and through computer models assist in the development of legal instruments (protocols).

  16. Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling (TFIAM) National projections are prepared by sectoral experts from sector-solving institutions, which are coordinated and reviewed by CHMI: • ENVIROS, s.r.o. is responsible for compilation of the projection in sector Energy. • Ing. Jiri Dufek is responsible for compilation of the projection in sector Transport. • Research Institute of Agricultural Technology (VUZT), Prague, is responsible for compilation of the projection in sector Agricultural. • Ing. Miroslav Havranek (CUNI) is responsible for compilation of the projection in sector Waste • The Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) under the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment is designated as the coordinating and managing organization responsible for the compilation of the national projections and reporting its results. • Coordinator of Emission Projections: Mes. RostislavNeveceral, neveceral@chmi.cz

  17. EMEP TFMM Praha 3-5.May 2017

  18. International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems(ICP IM) • The multi-disciplinary Integrated Monitoring programme (ICP IM) is part of the effect-oriented activities under the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP), which covers the region of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). ICP IM belongs to a group of six specialist ICP Programmes (ICPs) which have been set up under the LRTAP Convention's Working Group on Effects to look at relevant receptors and environmental issues. The ICP IM sites are catchments/plots located in natural or semi-natural areas • The overall aim of integrated monitoring was originally to determine and predict the state and change of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems in a long-term perspective with respect to the impact of air pollutants, especially nitrogen and sulphur. • Košetice Observatory (Anenské povodí) represents the Czech republic in ICP-IM since 1989. • More detailed info on Friday

  19. ICP-IM network

  20. Thank you for your attention…

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