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We are the leading replacement auto body parts provider in the industry. Visit us to purchase the best automotive body parts for your industrial need.
Replacement AutoBodyParts https://bodycarltd.com/about/
TheCompanystarteditsoperationsbackin1993withwholesaleofcarbodypartsforvehicle recovery after serious road accidents. The name of the Company itself (body and car) is indicative of the Company’s initial activities related to the bodywork (exterior part) of passenger and light duty vehicles. In addition to that the company has started developing activityinthefieldoftransmissionbeltsbusiness–forallindustrial,transportandagricultural equipmentapplications.Sincethebeginningofitsoperation,theCompanyhasreliedupon investment in large stock of goods, which was essential to its further development and activity in general. Currently, due to the market situation and the broad offerings of automotive brands and models, the Company has revised its extensive stock keeping business model and has focused on the proposals by offering customized solutions for vehiclesrecoverytoitscustomers.Withanexpandedrangeofproductsandanewmethod of operating the Organization has reached an even higher level of professionalism, better financial results and significant opportunities for steady growth in all business aspects. The Company stands out from the other companies on the market with its uniqueness and distinctiveness. https://bodycarltd.com/about/ CompanyIntroduction
BodycarLtd.offerstop-qualityautosparepartsfor various industry sectors. Visit us today to purchase affordablecarautoparts.Weoffertop-quality warehouse auto parts along with auto spare parts for various industry sectors. Visit us today for affordablewarehouseautoparts.Wearetheleading replacement auto body parts provider in the industry.Visitustopurchasethebestautomotive bodypartsforyourindustrialneed.BodycarLtd.is oneoftheleadingautomotivepartssuppliersinthe industry.Visittoknowmoreaboutthebeltdrive powertransmissionequipment.
Developed and innovative market for vehicles and automotivecomponents,contributingtothegrowthofthis sector and to improving the environment. The Company visionisentirelysharedbythefounderoftheCompanyand allitsemployees.Thefounder’sexpectationsregardingthe Organization’s growth in terms of portfolio and financial results are well motivated and the same have been successfullyimplementedsofar.Thevaluesthatmotivate usaretodobetterandtocontributetotheenvironmental well-being in all aspects. Since the people are the most important factor in any organization, their well-being and the social development of their environment is the Company’smainpriority. Primaryobjectives(Companyvision):
Heavy-DutyPowerTransmissionDriveBeltsAtBodycarLtd. Heavy-dutypowertransmissionbeltsareutilizedinindustrial,transportandautomotiveapplications.BodycarLtd.has createdanewlineofheavy-dutypowertransmissionbeltstoaccommodatetheinternationalclients’evolvingdemands. The goods that fall under this category are aramid fiber cords reinforced. The EPDM material used is durable even at operating temperatures between -50°C to above +120°. They offer excellent dimensional stability and load capacity within this range. They can support multiple engineering productivity improvements. To satisfy the current industrial requirements,theywereproducedunderthesupervisionofthetopprofessionalsintheindustry.Theyworkexcellentin automotive,oil&gas,agriculture,mining,transport,etc.industries.Nevertoletyoudown.
AdministrativeAddress BusinessLogisticsCenter 8MalashevskaStreet HadziDimitarIndustrialArea Postcode: 1202 TheCityofSofia TheRepublicofBulgaria DirectLandline: (++)359(0)29312190 DirectLine: (++)359889931000 GeneralReceptionMail: Inquiries@BodycarLtd.com CorporateCorrespondenceChannels
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