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Entrepreneurial Communication in Business Development Course

Learn concepts and principles of entrepreneurial communication, ethics, promotion, market research, and financial analysis. Develop business plans and entrepreneurial skills.

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Entrepreneurial Communication in Business Development Course

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  1. HI-MEETING 2 KOM3433 KEUSAHAWANAN DLM KOMUNIKASI By Assoc. Prof. Dr Zulhamri Abdullah (PhD, Cardiff & PDE, Cambridge) Director, Centre of Entrepreneurial Development & Graduate Marketability (CEM) Assoc. Prof. in Corporate & Organizational Communication

  2. Knowing You, Knowing Me Academic Professional PhD in Professionalisation of Corporate Communication (CARDIFF,) AMDP in Advanced Management (HARVARD) PDE in Entrepreneurship (CAMBRIDGE) Master of Organizational Communication (UPM) BA in Communication (Public Relations) (UKM) Director, Centre of Entrepreneurial Development & Graduate Marketability (CEM), UPM Deputy Director, Centre of Entrepreneurship Innovation & Student Development, UPM Panel Expert Review, Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) President, Cambridge Association of Malaysian Entrepreneurial Consultants (CAME) Member , European Public Relations Education & Research Association, Germany. Member, International Association of Corporate Marketing Studies, United Kingdom

  3. LET’S TALK! Step into my office at FBMK or CEM Speak/text to me at 0192373973 Log on to http://www.lms.upm.edu.my Like me at Zulhamri Abdullah zulhamri@hotmail.com

  4. SYNOPSIS • The course covers the concepts and principles of entrepreneurships communication. Ethics of entrepreneurships, promotion and publicity, market research, innovation of entrepreneurships, and financial analysis are emphasized

  5. Learning Outcomes • menghuraikan budaya keusahawanan komunikasi serta sifat keusahawanan (C5) • menghasilkan rancangan perniagaan yang telah dikenal pasti dan dinilai potensinya (P3) • melaksanakan aktiviti keusahawanan (A4) • mempamerkan bakat keusahawanan dalam kerja berpasukan (KK)

  6. TEACHING TOPICS • Pengenalan kepada komunikasi keusahawanan - asas keusahawanan - kepentingankomunikasikeusahawanan • Konsepdanpembangunankeusahawanan- perkembanganduniakeusahawanan - konsepkomunikasikeusahawanan • Peluangdanrancanganperniagaan- Perancanganberstrukturuntukmemulakanperniagaan • Praktikumkeusahawanan- kepentinganpraktikumkeusahawanan • Etika keusahawanan - kepentingan kod etika keusahawanan

  7. Kajian pasaran - kajian awal untuk mngetahui permintaan pasaran • Aktadanperundangankeusahawanan- kepentinganaktadanperundangankeusahawanan • Kreativiti dan inovasi keusahawanan - keperluan kreativiti keusahawanan • - keperluaninovasikeusahawanan • Analisiskompetensikeusahawanandiri- personalitidiriparausahawan • - keperluananalisiskompetensidiri • Peluang perniagaan melalui Internet - penerokaan peluang perniagaan di Ebay dan Amazon • Analisis teknik am pengurusan dan perakaunan - pentaksiran risiko dan ancaman perniagaan - keperluan analisis teknik pengurusan - penilaian teknik pengurusan perniagaan

  8. EVALUATION (PJJ) • Assignment 1 20% • Assignment 2 30% • MID TERM EXAM 20% • FINAL EXAM 30% • Note: Attendance is compulsory (80% requirement)

  9. EXAMINATION • MID-TERM EXAM: (Chapter 1 - Chapter 5) • OBJECTIVE/SUBJECTIVE • FINAL EXAM: (Chaptyer 6-Chapter 10) • OBJECTIVE/SUBJECTIVE • Recall questions; multiple choices; true & false • The question based on understanding, reasoning, application, and synthesis. • General knowledge is strongly needed

  10. References PHOTOCOPYING OF BOOKS IS RESTRICTED UNDER LAW Textbook: • Schaper, M & Volery, T. (2007). Entrepreneurship and Small Business. (2nd Pacific Rim Edition). Australia: John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd. Additional Readings: • Abdul Aziz Yusof. (2003). PrinsipKeusahawanan. KualaLumpur: Pearson Education. • Hisrich, R. D., Peters, M. P., & Shepherd, D. A. (2005).Entrepreneurship. (6th ed.). Singapore: McGraw-Hill. • Kuratko, D. F. & Hodgetts, R. M. (2007). Entrepreneurship Theory, Process & Practice. (7th ed.). Thompson South-Western • Lambing, P. A. & Kuehl, C. R. (2007). Entrepreneurship. (4th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education.

  11. TUGASAN 1 (20%) • Nyatakandefinasikeusahawanan • Nyatakan 10 ciriseseorangusahawan yang berjaya • TugasaninihendaklahdilakukansecaraBERKUMPULAN (3 ahlidalamsatukumpulan) • Setiaptugasanbertulismestilahtidaklebihdaripada15 mukasuratsahaja. • Tugasan yang dibuatmestilahmengandungisekurang-kurangkannya 10 bukuteks, artikeljurnaldan/ataurujukan yang berkaitan.

  12. TUGASAN 2 (30%) PelajardimintamenulisRancanganPerniagaan (Business Plan) • TugasaninihendaklahdilakukansecaraBERKUMPULAN (3 ahlidalamsatukumpulan) • Setiaptugasanbertulismestilahtidaklebihdaripada15 mukasuratsahaja.

  13. STRUKTUR TUGASAN 2 • Ringkasan eksekutif • Latarbelakang mengenai produk/perkhidmatan yang dipilih • Aspek pentadbiran & pengurusan perniagaan • Tapak/lokasi perniagaan • Tanggungjawab pengurusan/pentadbiran masing-masing • Jadual perlaksanaan aktiviti perniagaan (Gantt chart dan Jadual yang lebih terperinci lebih baik) • Aspek pembelian barangan bagi business pembarangan/aspekoperasi pengeluaran bagi business pembuatan • Aspek pemasaran • Aspek kewangan • Senarai perbelanjaan • Penyata kewangan terutama penyata P&L (Profit & Loss) • Analisis kewangan (ROI – Return of Investment & TPM – Titik Pulang Modal)

  14. Keterangan Tugasan - Tugasan tersebut mestilah disediakan oleh pelajar dan perlu diserahkan pada waktu yang telah ditetapkan: Tugasan 1: Minggu 5 Tugasan 2: Minggu 10 - Markah akan ditolak bagi penghantaran tugasan yang lewat

  15. ASSIGNMENT MARKING SCHEME Assignments will be assessed based on four key criteria (COPS) as follows: Marking Criteria Marks 1. Content 30 2. Organization 30 3. Presentation 20 4. Style 20 Total: 100%

  16. ASSIGNMENT MARKING SCHEME(2) Content Well focused; rigorous arguments/analysis; outstanding knowledge of and use of evidences; relevant supporting academic materials and real world examples; and excellent use of direct quotations. Organization Great mapping strategy guiding the readers; a clear introduction including a thesis statement (main ideas/key points); a main body clearly divided into sections; and excellent use of sub-headings and linking devices. Presentation Clearly presented with attention to detail of the conventions of the title page, bibliography, appendices, & overall layout; excellent referencing system; excelent use of appropriate vocabulary and gramatical structures; and able to demonstrate appropriate length with excellent spelling and punctuation. Style Excellent attention paid to a particular style demonstrated throughout; outstanding insights with high quality and innovation; and overall consistency of the style addressed throughout.

  17. CONTACT DETAIL • *Consultation hours: TUE 2.00-5.00PM (preferably by appointment) • Room no: B 029, Com Dept., FBMK • Room CEM* (often here) • TEL: 03-8946 8775 / 8947 1336* • Hp: 019-2373973 (Text only: Call if urgent) • *EMAIL: zulhamri@upm.edu.my or zulhamri@hotmail.com • Online • My facebook zulhamri@hotmail.com • Putra LMS www.lms.upm.edu.my


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