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Cross-Cutting Capacity Development Strategy – GEF 5. Expanded Constituency Workshop July 2-3, 2013 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. What is meant by capacity development (CD)?.
Cross-Cutting Capacity Development Strategy – GEF 5 Expanded Constituency Workshop July 2-3, 2013 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
What is meant by capacity development (CD)? “The process by which individuals, organizations and societies strengthen their ability to address environmental issues, manage natural resource issues, and mainstream environmental sustainability into development policies, plans and decisions.”
Dimensions of CCCD • At the individual level: the process by which a change in attitudes and behaviors occurs • At the organizational level: the focus is on functional capacities allowing for organizational change • At the system level: the focus is on the enabling environment (i.e. policy, regulation, etc.)
Time line of CD in the GEF • CapacityDevelopment Initiative (GEF/UNDP, 2000) • National Capacity Self-Assessments – NCSA (2002-2010) • Strategic Approach for Capacity Development (GEF, 2003) • Support from the corporate program for NCSAs (GEF/UNDP/UNEP, 2005-2010)
Strategic focus for CD (GEF) GEF STRATEGIC APPROACH TO CAPACITY BUILDINGFour pathways to develop countries’ capacity to implement the Rio Conventions (Council Decision C/22.8) Capacity Development (CD) through: 4. Critical Programs for CD in LDCs & SIDS 1. National Capacity Self-Assessments (NCSAs) 2. Greater attention to CD in individual projects 3. Cross-cutting CD projects
National Capacity Self-Assessments: Results, Lessons Learned, Opportunities 1. National Capacity Self-Assessments (NCSAs)
Operational guidelines for NCSAs (1) • Relevant to the decisions in the Rio Conventions. • Mainstreaming into the country’s development priorities. • Spearheaded by the country, with a high-level political commitment. • Based on extensive consultation of the various players for decision-making.
Operational guidelines for NCSAs (2) • Using existing structures and mechanisms in countries. • Based on development of existing capacities. • Designed to strengthen system, organization and individual capacities. • Reflecting synergies between the Rio Conventions.
Types of Capacities identified in NCSAs • Stakeholder engagement • Information management and knowledge • Organizational capacities • Environmental governance • Monitoring and evaluation
Capacity development needs identified in the NCSAs • Programming and international policy • National governance structures • Mainstreaming of the environmental perspective • Knowledge creation and management • Public awareness and education • Economic and financial sustainability • Technology • 119 countries out of a total of 146
Some lessons learned from NCSA exercises • Capacities must be enhanced to: • Improve stakeholder engagement in order to ensure legitimacy • Manage data and information and create knowledge • Improve environmental governance • Mainstream the environmental sustainability dimension into policy frameworks • Monitor and evaluate actions as an ongoing exercise in order to ensure the validity and relevance of policy and programs
NCSA results – The basis for GEF 5 Strategy (1) • Demonstrate creation of synergies to meet the priorities of the Rio Conventions; • Test and replicate innovative tools and “best practices”; • Mainstream the global environmental dimension into national policies and legislative and regulatory frameworks;
NCSA results – The basis for GEF 5 Strategy (2) • Adopt an adaptive and collaborative management approach in the design and execution of projects; • Focus capacity development in the light of limitations of absorption capacity; • Enhance environmental sustainability through monitoring guidelines and strong indicators
Strategic objectives of capacity development - GEF 5 • CD 1: To enhance the capacities of stakeholders to engage throughout the consultative process (National Dialogue Initiative, Program Coordination Agency, Small Grants Program and focal area projects) • CD 2: To generate, access and use information and Knowledge • CD 3: To strengthen capacities to develop policy and legislative frameworks • CD 4: To strengthen capacities to implement and manage global convention guidelines • CD 5: To enhance capacities to monitor and evaluate environmental impacts and trends
General requirements for CCCD projects • Consistency with GEF strategic objectives of cross-cutting capacity development (http://www.thegef.org/gef/GEF5_Capacity_Development_Strategy) • Multi-focal (benefit at least three focal areas) • Priorities were identified in NCSA exercises • Indicators are included for measuring progress and attainment of objectives agreed in beneficiary countries • Measures are specified to ensure sustainability • Co-financing (at least 1:1) • Medium-Sized or Full-Sized projects
Examples of GEF 5 projects • Côte d’Ivoire Strengthened Environmental Management Information System for Coastal Development to meet Rio Convention Objectives • Burkina Faso Generating Global Environmental Benefits from Improved Local Planning and Decision-making Systems in Burkina Faso • Ukraine Integrating Rio Convention Provisions into Ukraine's National Environmental Policy Framework • Togo Strengthening National and Decentralized Management for Global Environmental Benefits • Costa Rica Capacity Building for Mainstreaming MEA Objectives into Inter-ministerial Structures and Mechanisms • Afghanistan Developing Core Capacity for Decentralized MEA Implementation and Natural Resources Management in Afghanistan • Sri Lanka Ensuring global environmental concerns and best practices mainstreamed in the post-conflict rapid development process of Sri Lanka through improved information management
by strengthening key capacities to implement the MEAs and mainstream the global commons into decision making Cross-Cutting Capacity Development help countries meet and sustain global environmental outcomes How?
Draft Strategy– GEF6 • To integrate global environmental needs into management information systems. • To strengthen consultative and management structures and mechanisms. • To integrate Multilateral Environmental Agreements’ provisions within national policy, legislative, and regulatory frameworks. • To pilot innovative economic and financial tools for Conventions implementation. • Updating of NCSAs.
Thank you for your attention Any questions? The Global Environment Facility 1818 H Street, NW, Mail Stop P4-400 - Washington, DC 20433 USATel: (202) 473-0508 Fax: (202) 522-3240/3245 www.thegef.org / secretariat@thegef.org
Practical exercise – Capacity development Questions: • What are the country’s priority capacity needs as identified in the Needs Self-Assessment exercise? Are those capacity needs still valid? • Choose two or three priorities to be addressed in a Hypothetical project • To what objectives of the Cross-Cutting Capacity Development Strategy would the project relate? • What are the components of the project?