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Session 3 – PSRN, PSED, KUW, CD, & PD.

Session 3 – PSRN, PSED, KUW, CD, & PD. In the Foundation Stage Maths is known as ‘Problem solving, Reasoning and Numeracy’. Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy. Numbers as labels for counting. Calculating Shape, space and measures. Numbers for labels and counting.

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Session 3 – PSRN, PSED, KUW, CD, & PD.

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  1. Session 3 – PSRN, PSED, KUW, CD, & PD. In the Foundation Stage Maths is known as ‘Problem solving, Reasoning and Numeracy’

  2. Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy • Numbers as labels for counting. • Calculating • Shape, space and measures.

  3. Numbers for labels and counting • Counting in order aim is from 0-20. • Being able to write numbers. • Place numbers in order when mixed up. • To use numbers and number labels in everyday play. • To be able to say which is one more and one less than a given number.

  4. Calculating • Respond to addition and subtraction language when singing number rhymes. • To complete simple addition problems using supporting apparatus. E.G. cubes, number lines, compare bears, etc… • To complete simple subtraction problems using supporting apparatus. • To use the appropriate language for addition and subtraction problems. • To begin to record their findings.

  5. Shape, Space and Measures • Name and talk about the features of 2D and 3D shapes. • Use a variety of shapes for a specific purpose and spot them in their everyday environment. • Use positional language. • Experiment with measures – comparing lengths, masses and capacity. • Using appropriate language associated with measures. E.G – longer/shorter, heavier/lighter, full/empty, etc…

  6. Personal, Social and Emotional Development. • Disposition and Attitudes – personal hygiene, attitude to learning, confidence and self-esteem. • Social Development – building of relationships, sharing and turn-taking, understanding and being respectful of others and cultures. • Emotional Development – handling their own feelings appropriately, being sensitive to the needs and feelings of others, considers consequences of their actions and understands what is right and wrong and the reasons why?

  7. Knowledge and Understanding of the World Essentially covers five key areas of the National Curriculum. • Geography • History • Religious Education • ICT • Design Technology (DT)

  8. Creative Development • Role-play. • Music – playing and experimenting with musical instruments, singing and dancing. • Painting, drawing and modelling. • Exploring all of their senses through the creative curriculum.

  9. Physical Development • Fine motor skills – used for writing, and handling small tools (e.g. scissors). • Use of large equipment – balancing, co-ordination, control and spatial awareness. • Recognising the importance of keeping healthy and the effect physical activity has on their body. • Repeat and adapt their own work, sequencing moves together and developing their own skills.

  10. Questions?

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