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American LC Physics/Detector Studies. 2002 has been a very active year for LC physics and detector studies in North America Plans for invigorated R&D effort with hardware development, including LC accelerator R&D at the universities. Jim Brau Univ. of Oregon November 17, 2002.
American LC Physics/Detector Studies • 2002 has been a very active year for LC physics and detector studies in North America • Plans for invigorated R&D effort with hardware development, including LC accelerator R&D at the universities Jim Brau Univ. of Oregon November 17, 2002 Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
US LC Steering Group established • Establishment recommended by the HEPAP Subpanel on Long Range Planning. • membership: • Dorfan (chair), Tigner, Witherell … lab directors • Brau, Oreglia … ALCPG • D. Burke (SLAC), S. Holmes (FNAL), G. Dugan(Cornell) … machine • J. Bagger, S. Dawson … outreach • J. Friedman, Y-K. Kim, D. Marlow CHARTER(1st paragraph) • The U.S. Linear Collider Steering Group leads universities and national laboratories working toward U.S. participation in an international high-energy, high-luminosity, electron-positron linear collider wherever it is built and preparing elements of a bid to host the project in the U.S. Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
Reorganization of Physics and Detectors Working Groups • HEPAP report inspired new energy in North American Linear Collider effort • Charlie Baltay and Paul Grannis stepped down after several years of excellent leadership • Jim Brau, Mark Oreglia co-chairing ALCPG, Executive Ctte: • Ed Blucher (Chicago) Dave Gerdes (Michigan) • Lawrence Gibbons (Cornell) Dean Karlen (Victoria) • Young-Kee Kim (Berkeley) Jeff Richman (UCSB) • Rick Van Kooten (Indiana) Hitoshi Murayama (Berkeley) • The “old” NA WGs were reviewed • minor changes in leadership • establish LHC/LC study group (following ECFA/DESY) • liaison to accelerator R&D Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
Detector and Physics Simulations: N. Graf/M. Peskin Vertex Detector: J. Brau /N. Roe Tracking: B. Schumm/D. Karlen/K. Riles Particle I.D.: B. Wilson Calorimetry: R. Frey/A. Turcot/D. Chakraborty Muon Detector: G. Fisk DAcq, Magnet, and Infrastructure: (inactive) Interaction Regions, Backgrounds: T. Markiewicz/S. Hertzbach IP Beam Instrumentation: M. Woods /E. Torrence/D. Cinabro Higgs: R. Van Kooten/M. Carena/H. Haber SUSY: U. Nauenberg/J. Feng /F. Paige New Physics at the TeV Scale and Beyond: J. Hewett/D. Strom/S. Tkaczyk Radiative Corrections (Loopverein): U. Baur/S. Dawson/D. Wackeroth Top Physics, QCD, and Two Photon: Lynne Orr/Dave Gerdes Precision Electroweak: Graham Wilson/Bill Marciano gamma-gamma, e-gamma Options: Jeff Gronberg/Mayda Velasco e-e-: Clem Heusch Working Groups Co-chairs: Jim Brau and Mark Oreglia http:blueox.uoregon.edu/~lc/alcpg Merged Merged New Split UCLC and LCRD D. Amidei, G. Dugan, G. Gollin, J. Jaros, A. Kronfeld, U. Mallik, R. Patterson, J. Rogers New New Liaison to accel. R&D T. Himel, D. Finley, J. Rogers New New LHC/LC Study Group - chaired by H. Schellman/F. Paige Global Detector Network M. Hildreth/R. Van Kooten Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
First Coordinated Study ofALCPG Working Groups DETECTORS What are the impact of the accelerator parameters on detector performance? Investigating luminosity backgrounds beam bunch structure calibration (Z peak running) other relevant collider parameters Specify priorities for R&D. PHYSICS What are the value, priority, and importance to the physics program of the LC performance options. We are considering issues such as: initial and eventual energy reach integrated luminosity positron polarization how much is needed/useful gamma-gamma collisions electron-gamma collisions electron-electron collisions More detailed issues energy luminosity spectrum beam bunch structure other collider parameters Study requested by USLCSG Draft report in November Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
Recent Meetings and Workshops • Regional R&D Meetings Fermilab (Apr 5) Cornell (Apr 19) SLAC (May 31) • LoopVerein BNL May 9-10 • IP Beam Inst. SLAC June 26 • ALCPG Santa Cruz June 27-29 • LCDsoft NIU Nov 7-9 • g collider workshop SLAC Nov 21-22 • LHC/LC Fermilab Dec 12-13 • ALCPG U Tex-Arlington Jan 9-11 (Int’l R&D reports -vxd and intmd-trk -Jan 8) Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
Santa Cruz Goals • First meeting since reorganization • 132 registrants • 7 from Europe • 4 from Asia Physics and Detector Working Groups had very busy program of talks and discussions Fourth day was devoted to planning for R&D proposals (UCLC and LCRD) Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
IP Beam Instrumentation WG • New working group to concentrate on IP beam instrumentation • luminosity • energy • polarization • Workshop at SLAC, June 26th Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
LCDsoft Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
Workshop on Low Energy Photon Collider FacilitiesNovember 21 -22, 2002 at SLAC • A workshop to examine the possibility and readiness of photon collider testbed facilities and evaluate their timescale and utility for the International LC project baseline definition. http://www-conf.slac.stanford.edu/lepcf/ Photon Collider physics at a future LC The potential for a low energy photon collider demonstration Detailed discussions on the requirements for a photon collider demonstration at SLC The possibility of photon collider experiments at sub-LC energies. Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
Photon Collider Testbed Hardware Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
The LHC/LC Study Group • ECFA/DESY Study established study group • The aim of the LHC / LC Study Group is to investigate how analyses at the LHC could profit from results obtained at a LC and vice versa. It is furthermore studied how informations obtained at both machines can most effectively be put together in order to explore the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking, the underlying structure of SUSY theories, etc. • First meeting at the ECFA/DESY LC Workshop, St. Malo, 12 - 15 April, 2002 • American working group led by Heidi Schellman & Frank Paige • First meeting in N. American: December 12-13, Fermilab Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
The Growth in R&D Plans & Proposals • In January at the Chicago Workshop: • lots of new faces • New university interest in machine development!!! • In the following weeks: • New groups formed to tie-in with labs, educate themselves about opportunities and areas of need, join existing effort, and create proposals • NSF precipitated the notion of consortium proposals (modelled on the muon collider R&D) • Three regional meetings were held • Fermilab (Apr 5), Cornell (Apr 19), SLAC (May 31) Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
US R&D Proposals • Regional meetings initiated proposal preparation for an invigorated R&D effort (UCLC and LCRD) April 5 - Fermilab April 19 - Cornell May 31 - SLAC • A single, combined proposal was developed over the summer and sent to DOE and NSF (October 24) A University Program of Accelerator and Detector Research for the Linear Collider • about 2 M$ next year (increasing in out years) • very strong accelerator R&D component • (roughly 1/2 of total funding) • International Detector R&D Committee report provided guidance for detector projects • http://blueox.uoregon.edu/~lc/randd.html Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
Linear Collider Accelerator R&D • Many in the American university community are interested in linear collider accelerator R&D • In response to this, the LC accelerator physicists prepared a list of R&D projects and the community developed proposals to address some http://www-conf.slac.stanford.edu/lcprojectlist/projectlist/intro.htm • 31 accelerator project proposals were submitted October 24 • The US funding agencies are expected to support many of these projects Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
A University Program of Accelerator and Detector Research for the Linear Collider http://www.hep.uiuc.edu/LCRD/html_files/proposal.html In addition strong R&D effort continues in Canada Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
ALCPG plan for reports • Evaluate LC machine parameters and options (mentioned earlier) - high priority - draft soon • White paper on Physics and Detector R&D • Int’l Detector R&D report http://blueox.uoregon.edu/~lc/randd.html • working with Int’l comm. to complete web of links to WW efforts • White paper on the role of the LC during the LHC era (work of the LHC/LC study group) • Physics and Detector “design manual” - what we know about the options, tradeoffs, performance • about summer 2004? • will this be world-wide? done Plan for “design manual” still being developed Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
Future Meetings of the ALCPG • Plans are underway for the next two ALCPG meetings during 2003 • Next winter ( January 9-11) • U Texas-Arlington (http://alcworkshop.uta.edu/index.php) • Jan 8 - Int’l review of VXD and intmed track • first discussion on GDN (M. Hildreth/R. VanKooten) • Next summer • Cornell • More frequent meetings of working groups between bi-annual ALCPG meetings • Monthly continental televideo/teleconferences ten per year (begin December 12) Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
IEEE Nuclear Science SymposiumPortland, Oregon Oct 19-24, 2003 • Conference series with long tradition for reports on high energy physics instrumentation • papers published in IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Science • Abstract and summaries due May 16, 2003 http://www.nss-mic.org/2003/nsshome2003.html Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
Conclusions American LC Physics and Detector R&D • There has been a significant spurt of activity in the N. American community during 2002 • We expect increased support for R&D in the coming year, making possible much increased detector hardware efforts Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
Workshop on Low Energy Photon Collider FacilitiesNovember 21 -22, 2002 Topics to be discussed include: • Photon Collider physics at a future LC • The potential for a low energy photon collider demonstration to increase confidence in the technical feasability of a photon collider facility at a future LC. • Detailed discussions on the requirements for a photon collider demonstration at SLC including: • Laser and Optics hardware. • Current status of SLC and requirements for its revival. • Observation of gamma-gamma luminosity using SLD or other detectors. • A roundtable discussion of the timescales for decisions about the project scope of a future LC and whether a photon collider test facility can have an impact on those decisions. • The possibility of photon collider experiments at sub-LC energies. Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002
Radiative Corrections (Loopverein) • In recognition of the unprecedented level of precision at the Linear Collider, theoretical predictions will require the highest level of precision • The American group hosted a meeting at Brookhaven, May 9-10 • Work to ensure our measurements are not unnecessarily limited by theory is well under way Jim Brau, Prague, November 17, 2002