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B → φK*, h (‘) K decays and NP scalar operators

B → φK*, h (‘) K decays and NP scalar operators. Hisaki Hatanaka[ 幡中久樹 ] ( CYCU[ 中原大學 ]), Based on the work with Kwei-Chou Yang[ 楊桂周 ] ( CYCU) (Still in progress…). Outline B → VV polarization puzzle Scalar-Tensor operators from Higgs Penguin Numerical Analysis. Polarization in B → VV.

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B → φK*, h (‘) K decays and NP scalar operators

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  1. B→φK*, h(‘)Kdecays and NP scalar operators Hisaki Hatanaka[幡中久樹] (CYCU[中原大學]), Based on the work with Kwei-Chou Yang[楊桂周] (CYCU)(Still in progress…) • Outline • B→VV polarization puzzle • Scalar-Tensor operators from Higgs Penguin • Numerical Analysis SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  2. Polarization in B→VV L,0 :Longitudinal, ∥: Parallel ⊥: Perpendicular (fig. [Beneke, et.al, hep-ph/0612290]) SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  3. B→VV observables Branching fraction and Discrete ambiguity: SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  4. Helicity Basis and SM predictions SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  5. B→VV polarization puzzle Charged B HFAG06Winter Neutral B SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  6. Possible Solutions • NP contribution • Right-handed current operator [Kagan (2004)] • R-parity violating terms[Y.D.Yang et.al (2004)] • non-universal Z’ [C.H.Chen & HH (2006)] • Tensor operators • [P.K.Das & K.C.Yang(2004), Y.D.Yang(2006)] • combined model analysis [K.C.Yang & HH (this talk)] • SM • Large Charm Penguin[Bauer et.al, 2003] • Uncertainty of the form factor (A0) [H.N.Li, et.al, 2004] • Large Annihilation [Kagan(2004), Beneke et.al(2006)] • (Note : In pQCD, fL≳0.75 [H.N.Li, et.al]) SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  7. NP impacts on B→VV [Das-K.C.Yang] SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  8. NP impact on B→VV(cont.) fL can be explained, but Br is suppressed… Current Operators H00 H±± fL can be explained, Br is enhanced. (Scalar-) Tensor Operators H00 H±± SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  9.   b→sss NP operators [Das-Yang] Scalar operators Tensor operators Right-Handed operators SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  10. Fierz Transformations Scalar-Tensor Current-Scalar SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  11. Scalar Tensor-OPs from MSSM Higgs Penguin Operators NP operators@ μ=mW [J.F.Cheng, et.al, NPB701-54(2004)] c.f. gluino box diagrams [Borzumati, et.al, PRD62:075005(2000)] SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  12. NP contributions(preliminary) B→Kη(‘): B→φK* SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  13. NP contributions(2) (modified current OPs) SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  14. SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  15. Results-1(preliminary) Annihilation can resolve the puzzle NP can resolve, too Kη needs NP effects SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  16. Results-2(preliminary) Best-Fit parameters SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  17. Results-3(preliminary) Pre(post)dictions for B→Kη(‘) SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  18. Summary(preliminary) • Combined Numerical analysis of B→φK* and B→η(‘)K in MSSM by using Fierz transformations between b->sss operators • There are solutions of scalar-tensor NP parameters which explainB→η’K and B→φK* simultaneously. • Magnitude of NP OP is constrained by Br(B→Kη) • Small fL is mainly explained by annihilation effect. SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  19. Unused slides SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  20. Observables(alternative) (London-Sinha) i=0,∥ SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  21. QCDF corrections-A Hard spectator scattering Vertex correction (Charm loop and soft spec. scat.) Penguin correction SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  22. QCDF corrections -B Weak annihilation (Flavor singlet annihilation) SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  23. B→Kη SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

  24. impacts If tensor Ops explain 100% of polarization puzzle, Such Ops pushing up Br(B->Kη) SI2007, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan

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