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Carbon Sequestration in Sedimentary Basins Module VII: Weyburn, Sask.

Carbon Sequestration in Sedimentary Basins Module VII: Weyburn, Sask. Maurice Dusseault Department of Earth Sciences University of Waterloo. Weyburn: CO 2 as EOR Agent.

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Carbon Sequestration in Sedimentary Basins Module VII: Weyburn, Sask.

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  1. Carbon Sequestrationin Sedimentary BasinsModule VII: Weyburn, Sask. Maurice Dusseault Department of Earth Sciences University of Waterloo

  2. Weyburn: CO2 as EOR Agent • The Weyburn project started in 2000 and is located in an oil reservoir discovered in 1954 in Weyburn, Southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada. The CO2 for this project is captured at the Great Plains Coal Gasification plant in Beulah, North Dakota which has produced methane from coal for more than 30 years. At Weyburn, the CO2 will also be used for enhanced oil recovery with an injection rate of about 2 million tonnes per year. (Quote) http://www.engineerlive.com/european-process-engineer/17576/carbon-dioxide-capture.thtml#

  3. Regina Weyburn Manitoba Estevan Saskatchewan Canada USA Montana North Dakota Bismarck Beulah Weyburn, CO2 Source, Pipeline • 250 MCF/d CO2: - coal gasification • 95 MCF/d contrac-ted for Weyburn CO2 EOR project • 7000 t/d in 2006 • 320 km pipeline • CO2 purity 95% • CO2 @ 15 MPa • CO2 RF ~ 0.16 • Total RF ~42-43% 30-36 cm pipeline >50 BCF injected to date

  4. Weyburn Geological Disposition k ~ 10-15 mD Φ ~ 15-30% Dan Olsen, GEUS, 2007

  5. Weyburn Field History Dan Olsen, GEUS, 2007

  6. Injection Strategy at Weyburn Dan Olsen, Geus, 2007

  7. Time-Lapse Seismic Monitoring

  8. Time-Lapse Seismic • Take a survey at time t1 • Take another survey at time t2 • The difference in seismic velocities, reflection coefficients, and attenuation can be attributed to changes in CO2 distribution, thickness, SCO2… • This is a “snapshot” method used also in Sleipner, Permian Basin, etc. • Also, Δ(gravity, EM, resistivity, …)

  9. Permian Basin, USA • Largest CO2-EOR region in the World • ~150,000 b/d oil is produced from Permian Bsn using CO2 • This requires about 30×106 tonnes/yr CO2

  10. Permian Basin CO2 History • Permian Basin fields are largely carbonate reefs • Seals generally excellent, the level of tectonic activity minor • O&G E&P Infra-structure exists • Anthropogenic CO2 sources SACROC David Coleman: Westminister Energy Forum

  11. Permian Basin Stratigraphy

  12. SACROC Location

  13. Reservoir Model ofNorthern Platform, Sacroc Field F. Jerry Lucia, Charles Kerans, Fred Wang, Hongliu Zeng Bureau of Economic Geology Jackson School of Geoscience The University of Texas at Austin

  14. Salt Creek 356 MMBO Cogdell 264 MMBO Sacroc 1,264 MMBO From oil atlas Make small production table

  15. Structure Top of Sacroc North Platform

  16. Problem • Only porosity and gamma-ray logs available. • Highly variable rock fabrics typical of icehouse conditions. Approach • Calculate average apparent rock-fabric number from core data for each stratigraphic layer. • Calculate permeability profile for each well using apparent rock-fabric number from stratigraphy and total porosity from logs as input into global permeability transform. • Interpolate permeability between wells constrained by seismic stratigraphy.

  17. Apparent Rock Fabric Number Total Porosity (fraction)

  18. Apparent Rock Fabric Number Assuming total porosity = interparticle porosity ARFN =10^((9.7982+8.6711*LOG10(cpor)-LOG(Cperm))/(12.0838+8.2965*LOG(cpor))) ARFN = 2.8 Cycle 2 ARFN = 1.6 Cycle 1

  19. CN 3 CN 2

  20. SACROC Unit CO2-EOR David Coleman: Westminister Energy Forum • Chevron & Shell 1970-1973 pro-ject collaboration • SACROC unit placed on large-scale CO2 flood • First SC-CO2 pipeline – 280 km • Generous tax breaks negotiated

  21. Extensions – 1979-1990 David Coleman: Westminister Energy Forum • Natural CO2 discovered • Infrastructure extended to include many more fields • Tax credits (15%) provided + other tax breaks • Majors come in

  22. Maturity - 1990 to 2005 David Coleman: Westminister Energy Forum • Extension to other fields in the basin • More pipelines, compression, etc. • Tax incentives remain in place

  23. Permian Basin Statistics (2004) • > 109 bbl produced using CO2-EOR • 380×106 tonnes CO2 sequestered • However, only 30×106 t anthropogenic CO2 • 2500 km of CO2 pipelines, since 1973 • 70 fields under CO2 injection in 2005 • Shell, Mobil, Amoco, Arco, Chevron plus, more recently, Apache, Kinder-Morgan, etc., as the majors have largely left • Tax incentives exist David Coleman: Westminister Energy Forum

  24. Comments… • Without tax breaks + incentives, this development would have been improbable • One billion barrels of CO2-EOR oil • Natural CO2 is cheap • Pure CO2 gas reservoirs • CO2 separated from CH4 to meet pipelining specifications • Recycled, re-sequestered at the end of EOR • Anthropogenic amine-separated CO2 from power plants is far more expensive

  25. DOE-NETL Research?

  26. CO2 Compression and Transport • Compression requires energy… • Also, generated heat must be dissipated • Is there an optimum p, T for CO2 transport by pipeline? • Are there other options?

  27. Issues in CO2 Compression and Transport (Pipelines) • Compression requires energy • Heat of compression must be dissipated • Avoiding corrosion is necessary • Special grade of steel is required • Avoiding hydrate formation is necessary • H2O + CO2 form solids at certain p & T

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