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How A Bill Becomes a Law

How A Bill Becomes a Law. Social Studies Core-9 November 8, 2012 Learning Target: Students will know and will be able to explain the law-making process. Step 1. Anyone can suggest an idea for legislation Legislators The President Citizens. Bills introduced in the Senate are marked S.#

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How A Bill Becomes a Law

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  1. How A Bill Becomes a Law

    Social Studies Core-9 November 8, 2012 Learning Target: Students will know and will be able to explain the law-making process
  2. Step 1 Anyone can suggest an idea for legislation Legislators The President Citizens
  3. Bills introduced in the Senate are marked S.# Bills introduced in the House are marked H.R.# Step 2 The bill is written, sponsored, and introduced Senate Bill is read aloud formally on the floor and given to the clerk House Bill is dropped in the hopper
  4. Step 3 Bill is referred for committee action Senate Public hearings in subcommittees Expert testimony on bill’s topic Changes or additions Reported favorably, unfavorably, or tabled House Public hearings in subcommittees Expert testimony on bill’s topic Changes or additions Reported favorably, unfavorably, or tabled
  5. Step 4 Floor Debate Senate Unlimited debate unless a cloture vote to end a filibuster Voting takes place (Roll call, standing, or voice) House Debate usually limited to 1 hour Voting takes place (standing, voice, or recorded) Filibuster: to speak for an indefinite period of time to prevent a vote on a bill Vote of Cloture: three-fifth, or 60, senators choose to end the filibuster (This is the only way to end a filibuster)
  6. Longest filibusters? Senator Strom Thurmond: 24 hours 18 minutes Against the Civil Rights Act of 1957 Senator Alfonse D’Amato: 23 hours 30 minutes Against a bill that would cut funding for military jets manufactured in his home state (1986) Senator Bob La Follete: 18 hours 23 minutes Against a bill allowing the U.S. Treasury to lend money to struggling banks (1908)
  7. Step 5 Approved version of bill crosses over to other chamber where it must go through the same process Members from each chamber meet to reconcile different versions of the same bill (Conference Committee)
  8. Step 7 Majority of both houses must approve revised bill from conference committee
  9. Step 8 Passed bill is sent to the President Sign bill into law Veto bill Pocket veto
  10. I’m Just a Bill. School House Rock Think about the following as you watch the clip: Who suggested the legislation? How accurate is School House Rock’s description of the law-making process? Give examples.
  11. You Should be able to… Give the 8 steps of a bill becoming law Evaluate differences between the law-making process in the House of Representatives and the Senate
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