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Aen . IV. 659-705. Dixit, et, os impressa toro , “ Moriemur inultae , She spoke, and having pressed her face in the couch, “we will die unavenged , 660 sed moriamur ” ait .“ Sic, sic iuvat ire sub umbras : but let us die,” she said. “Thus, thus it pleases (me) to go under the shades:
Dixit, et, osimpressatoro, “Moriemurinultae, She spoke, and having pressed her face in the couch, “we will die unavenged, 660sedmoriamur”ait.“Sic, sic iuvat ire sub umbras: but let us die,” she said. “Thus, thus it pleases (me) to go under the shades: Hauriathuncoculisignemcrudelisabalto Let the cruel Trojan soak up this fire with his eyes from the deep Dardanus, et nostraesecumferatomina mortis.” and let him bring omens of our death with him.”
Dixerat; atqueillam media inter taliaferro She had spoken; and so her comrades see that woman conlapsamaspiciuntcomites, ensemquecruore Fallen in a heap in the middle of such things by the sword, and the sword 665spumantem, sparsasquemanus. It clamor ad alta Foaming with gore, and her hands sprinkled (with gore). Uproar goes to the high atria; concussambacchaturFama per urbem. Atriums/halls; Rumor runs wild through the shaken city.
Lamentisgemituque et femineoululatu With lamentations and with a groan and with a womanly howl tectafremunt; resonatmagnisplangoribusaether, The roofs/houses roar; the upper air resounds with great wailings, non aliter, quam siimmissisruathostibusomnis Not otherwise than if all of Carthage should fall, the enemy having been brought in, 670Karthago autantiqua Tyros, flammaequefurentes Or ancient Tyre, or the flames raging culminaperquehominumvolvanturperquedeorum. Should turn/roll through the summits/roofs of men and of the gods.
Audiitexanimis, trepidoqueexterritacursu Her sister heard out of her mind and terrified with a trembling run unguibusorasororfoedans et pectorapugnis Fouling her features with her claws and her breasts/chest with her fists/punches per mediosruit, ac morientem nomine clamat: She rushes through the midst (of people in the palace), and calls the dying one by name: 675“Hoc illud, germana, fuit? Me fraudepetebas? “Sister, was this that (thing you were planning)? Were you seeking me in deceit? Hoc rogusistemihi, hoc ignesaraequeparabant? (Was it) this (that) this pyre of yours, this (that) the fires and altars were preparing for me?
Quid primumdesertaquerar? Comitemnesororem What am I, deserted, to complain of first? Did you, dying, spurn your sister sprevistimoriens? Eadem me ad fatavocasses: as companion? Would that you had called me to the same fates: idem ambasferro dolor, atqueeademhoratulisset. That the same grief and the same hour had brought us both (to death) by the sword. 680His etiamstruximanibus, patriosquevocavi Indeed, did I build with these hands (your pyre), and did I call the ancestral gods voce deos, sic teutpositacrudelisabessem? with my voice, so that, with you placed thus I might be away (from you), cruel one?
Exstinxtitemeque, soror, populumquepatresque You have destroyed yourself and me, sister, and the people and Sidonian fathers Sidoniosurbemquetuam. Date vulneralymphis and your city. Give (her to me so that) I may wash (her) wounds with waters, abluam, et, extremussiquis super halituserrat, and, if any last breath wanders above (her mouth), 685ore legam.” Sic fata, gradusevaserat altos, That I may collect (it) with (my) mouth.” Having spoken thus, she had passed beyond the high steps, semianimemquesinugermanamamplexafovebat And cradled her half-dead sister in her lap/bosom, having embraced (her)
cum gemitu, atqueatrossiccabatvestecruores. with a groan, and dried the black blood(s) with her robe/clothes. Illa, graves oculosconataattollere, rursus That one, having tried to lift her heavy eyes, backward deficit; infixumstridit sub pectorevulnus. falls; the wound pierced beneath her breast hissed.
690Ter seseattollenscubitoqueadnixalevavit; Three times lifting herself and having leaned on her forearm she raised (herself); terrevolutatoroest, oculisqueerrantibus alto Three times she was rolled over on the bed, and with eyes wandering quaesivitcaelolucem, ingemuitquereperta. She sought the light from high heaven, and groaned (light) having been found.
TumIunoomnipotens, longummiseratadolorem Then all-powerful Juno, pitied the long suffering difficilisqueobitus, IrimdemisitOlympo, and difficult passing(s), sent Iris down from Olympus 695 quaeluctantemanimamnexosqueresolveretartus. to release the struggling soul and the bound limbs.
Nam quianecfato, meritanecmorteperibat, For since neither by fate nor by a deserved death was she dying, sedmisera ante diem, subitoqueaccensafurore, But pitiful(ly) before her day/time, and suddenly enflamed by madness, nondumilliflavum Proserpina verticecrinem Proserpina had not yet taken a blond (lock of) hair from that one’s head abstulerat, Stygioque caput damnaveratOrco. and had (not yet) doomed her head to Stygion Orcus.
700 Ergo Iris croceis per caelumroscidapennis, Therefore Iris dewy with saffron yellow feathers trough the skymille trahensvariosadverso sole colores, dragging a thousand different colors, the sun facing (her),devolat, et supra caput adstitit: “Hunc ego Diti Flew down, and stood above (Dido’s) head: “Having been ordered, I take for Dis (Pluto) sacrum iussafero, tequeistocorporesolvo.” this sacred (lock of hair) and I release you from that body of yours.”
Sic ait, et dextracrinemsecat: omnis et una Thus she speaks, and cuts a lock of hair with her right hand: and at the same time 705 dilapsuscalor, atque in ventos vita recessit. all the heat departed and (her) life withdrew into the winds.