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Dare to Share: The License Law Project

Dare to Share: The License Law Project. REEA Conference June 2011 Las Vegas, NV Presenters: Bev McCormick Morehead State University & Sandye Hackney Bluegrass Community and Technical College. The Idea. The idea has been floating around for more than 10 years!.

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Dare to Share: The License Law Project

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  1. Dare to Share: The License Law Project REEA Conference June 2011 Las Vegas, NV Presenters: Bev McCormick Morehead State University & Sandye Hackney Bluegrass Community and Technical College

  2. The Idea The idea has been floating around for more than 10 years!

  3. Venue: The KREC Educators Conference Kentucky Real Estate Commission Educators

  4. What is the Kentucky License Law Project? The creation of a PowerPoint Presentation by and for Kentucky Real Estate Educators to use in their classes to teach Kentucky License Law.

  5. Why the License Law Project? • We all teach KY License Law in our Real Estate Courses. • Most of us do not have the time to create a PowerPoint presentation of this magnitude • We have discussed doing this for YEARS! • Many hands make light work! • We will be making a huge contribution to Real Estate education in Kentucky

  6. The Plan Two lead Real Estate Educators (Bev & Sandye) & KREC Education Director (Deedee) Created the plan

  7. The Preparation • Took months • The Educators Conference is only 1 ½ days • This project would be a major part but not the only part of Conference • It had to be planned to be completed while at the Conference • Organization was the Key!!!!

  8. The Preparation • The process was developed. • Volunteer project leaders were identified. • An overview presentation was prepared. • The License law had to be divided by topic. • A sample License Law segment was created. • The Project Leaders were briefed.

  9. Volunteer Project Leaders • Selected from Kentucky educators • Needed to be well versed in PowerPoint • Needed to be able to lead a small group • Needed to own a laptop computer • Notified in advance of the Project • Met in the morning prior to the Conference • Reviewed the process

  10. The License Law Divisions • Divided the License Law into 21 Topics • Considered the places in Real Estate classes that each section could be used • Associated all license laws and other Kentucky laws with the appropriate topic • Created a sheet for each topic

  11. Briefing the Leaders Prior to Conference Beginning: • Review of Process • Review of PowerPoint requirements • 3-4 instructors per group • Role of the group leader • Selection of a person to input the information onto the slide • Product transfer to central computer

  12. The Process • Overview Presentation • Divide the educators into teams • Give each team a topic • Read the statutes and regulations • Create the topic PowerPoint

  13. Overview Presentation • What and Why of the Project • Who was going to do it • When? Half day on Thursday and half day on Friday • Where? In small groups • How? The process to be used • Example of the PowerPoint product expected

  14. The Process at the Conference Overview Presentation • Establish why the Project was needed • Overview the Project • Take one of the 21 topics through the process step by step

  15. Why You? • You are the experts! • You teach this. • You have experience with creating course segments. • You and your students will benefit.

  16. Dividing into Teams Each team will: • Be given a License Law topic with accompanying KRS and KAR citations. • Read the statutes and regulations. • Create the topic PowerPoint.

  17. The Product • Slide Format Rules • Content Selection • Visuals • Organization by topic • Review of content and visuals

  18. Slide Formatting • Headings: Use 44 pt. Calibri • Font: Calibri • Use bullets/numbers where appropriate • No more than 6-8 bullets (one line) • 1st bullet: KRS and/or KAR • Be concise using minimal verbiage • Include all pertinent information • Use simple art Less is MORE!!

  19. Topic PowerPoint Step 1: Create subtopic order. Step 2: Do the topic title page. Step 3: Create content slides. Step 4: Type into computer. Step 5: Add visuals. Step 6: Review PowerPoint

  20. Topic Example Step-by-Step

  21. Step 1 Kentucky License Law Project Step 1 Topic: Real Estate Commission KRS 324: 010(2), 281, 2811, 282, 283, 284, 285, 287 KAR: Organization: 1. Definition 2. Membership Composition 3. Appointment process 4. Term & Compensation 5. Automatic removal of Member 6. Office & Employees 7. Duties and Powers 8. Records 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

  22. Step 2 KRS 324: 010(2), 281, 282, 283, 284, 285 KRS ___: 201 KAR 11: Real Estate Commission

  23. Step 3 Definition Slide Content & Art KRS 010(2) “Commission” means the Kentucky Real Estate Commission. http://www.krec.us/krec.gov

  24. Sample Section The following is the topic section PowerPoint for the topic: Real Estate Commission.

  25. KentuckyReal Estate Commission KRS 324: 010(2), 281, 282, 283, 284, 285

  26. Definition KRS 010(2) “Commission” means the Kentucky Real Estate Commission. http://www.krec.us/krec.gov

  27. Membership Composition • KRS 324.281(1),(4),282 • Five Members • Four must be active licensees for the last 10 years and residents of Kentucky for 10 years. • One member is a citizen at large not associated with real estate. • No more than 3 members from any one political party. • Chair selected by members

  28. Appointment Process • KRS 324.(3) • Kentucky Association of Realtors shall supply a list of three names (broker or sales associate) to the Governor. • The Governor selects from the list. • Vacancies arising mid-year may be filled by the Governor from those remaining on the list or a new list.

  29. Term and Compensation • KRS 324.281(3), 283 • Four Year Term • No more than 2 consecutive terms • $15,000 per year plus expenses

  30. Automatic Removal of Member • KRS 324.2811 • When: • Licensee ceases to be a licensee • Consumer member acquires a license/interest in real estate • Pleads or is found guilty of a felony in which fraud is an essential element or any crime involving moral turpitude (If time for appeal is over or judgment affirmed on appeal) • Member ceases to be a bona fide resident of Kentucky

  31. Office & Employees • KRS 324.284 The Commission may: • Employ those necessary to carry out the duties of the Commission • Obtain office space, supplies and equipment necessary Location and contact information: • 10200 Linn Station Road, Suite 201 - Louisville, KY 40223. • Phone: (502) 429-7250 Toll Free: (888) 373-3300 • Fax: (502) 429-7246

  32. Duties and Powers • KRS 324.281, 282, 287 May: • Promulgate regulations • Hold disciplinary hearings • Conduct licensing examinations • Conduct continuing education classes • Develop a process to approve CE courses • Investigate violations of license law • Require continuing education of licensees • Set, charge and collect fees May NOT: • Violate antitrust law by setting commission rates, fees, prices of licensee compensation

  33. Commission Records • KRS 324.285 All shall be open to public inspection

  34. Synthesis and Editing After, all the groups finished: • Put the parts in the proper order in one PowerPoint presentation • Went through each segment to avoid duplication of information • Checked and modified text, font, set-up • Added, modified, or removed visuals • Took about 9 hours

  35. The Distribution • CD Format • Commission duplicated presentation • Mailed to al Kentucky Real Estate Educators • How the PowerPoint is used

  36. How can this be used? • In Real Estate Principles Classes • In part in every class we teach • In Continuing Education • To emphasize different parts of the License Law • In training sessions • As a review for the exam

  37. Questions?

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