%{ #include "pps.h" #include <ctype.h> int nbrace; /* * Note that INITIAL is really a misnomer, it means, `in Macro Mode', * which is how we start macro files, but not SAVE files. The default * mode should be ISTART (which must begin with an `I' because that's * how pps does things). */ %} letter [A-Za-z_$] digit [0-9] white [ \t] %Start COMMENT ISTART STRING1 STRING2 KEYWORD %% ^Dump\, { begin(ISTART); ECHO; } (<ISTART>|<INITIAL>)^{white}*{letter}({letter}|{digit})*/{white}*\( { register char *cp = yytext; if (nbrace == 0) { while (isspace(*cp++)) ; funct(--cp); } REJECT; } <INITIAL>^({letter}|{digit})+ { begin(KEYWORD); ECHO; BEGIN(INITIAL); } <INITIAL>{letter}({letter}|{digit})* { char buff[41]; int i; int kw = iskw(yytext); if(!kw && /* try the lowercase version */ isupper(*yytext)) { for(i = 0;i < 40 && yytext[i] != '\0';i++) { buff[i] = isupper(yytext[i]) ? tolower(yytext[i]) : yytext[i]; } buff[i] = '\0'; kw = iskw(buff); } if (kw) begin(KEYWORD); ECHO; if (kw) begin(INITIAL); } <ISTART>\" { begin(STRING1); ECHO; } <ISTART>\' { begin(STRING2); ECHO; } <INITIAL>#.* { begin(COMMENT); ECHO; begin(INITIAL); } <STRING1>\\. { ECHO; } <STRING2>\\. { ECHO; } <STRING1>\" { ECHO; begin(ISTART); } <STRING2>\' { ECHO; begin(ISTART); } [\t\n\f]+ { space(yytext); } <ISTART>\{ { nbrace++; REJECT; } <ISTART>\} { nbrace--; REJECT; } <ISTART>^Macros\: { ECHO; BEGIN(INITIAL); } . { ECHO; } %% /* * This should really be sorted by frequency. */ char *keywords[] = { " ", "abs", "acos", "angle", "asin", "atan", "axis", "bo", "box", "con", "concat", "connect", "cos", "ctype", "cursor", "da", "data", "define", "delete", "device", "dimen", "do", "draw", "edit", "erase", "errorbar", "exp", "expand", "fft", "foreach", "format", "grid", "help", "histogram", "history", "identification", "if", "label", "lg", "lim", "limits", "lin", "lines", "list", "ln", "location", "ltype", "lweight", "macro", "notation", "pi", "poi", "points", "print", "prompt", "ptype", "putlabel", "quit", "range", "read", "relocate", "return", "set", "show", "sin", "sort", "spline", "sqrt", "standard", "sum", "sum", "tan", "termtype", "ti", "ticksize", "user", "verbose", "version", "window", "write", "xla", "xlabel", "yla", "ylabel", NULL };