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Satellite Vehicle Tracking

Enhance vehicle tracking with satellite technology for real-time road monitoring, carbon emissions reduction, and traffic alerts. Access data through a portal, predict traffic problems, and offer personalized services. Scaleable architecture and cost-effective solutions.

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Satellite Vehicle Tracking

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  1. Satellite Vehicle Tracking The Vision Live vehicle central monitoring Electronic central boundary setting Every vehicle transmits electronic ID Regulation by real-time road usage charging Alerts and alarms set centrally for traffic events Able to reduce vehicle carbon emissions & prove it Customer has value in carbon trading global market Safer streets, cleaner air, improved lifestyle

  2. Satellite Vehicle Tracking What is proposed Improve on current fixed point systems Vehicle device tracking by satellite positioning Charging on road usage basis Ability to change boundaries at will Ability to predict traffic problems and send alerts Migration from existing technology Ability to monitor/calculate carbon emissions Ability to transmit real-time traffic information Safe and secure centrally monitored roads

  3. Satellite Vehicle Tracking What is the technology? Satellites send co-ordinates Corporate customers and drivers access data through portal Antenna receives signal. Receiver obtains NMEA strings Device transposes data & transmits message over available wireless networks Data services Journey replays Billing services

  4. Satellite Vehicle Tracking Trac-car characteristics Learnt from other players early mistakes Start with prototype End-to-end technology solution with SLAs Architecture specifications to drive build Not bound by single vendor Expertise in high volume data integration Expertise in telco, wimax and wifi network solutions Customer-centric journey replays/ web self-care Provide rating and pre-paid and postpaid billing

  5. Satellite Vehicle Tracking Why are we different? Architecture flexible and scaleable Ability to discount for low carbon emitters High volume capability Web self-service – personalised engagement Monitored technology – performance guarantees. Small professional team with extensive practical vehicle tracking, network, data centre and web content experience Ready to engage in partner technology deals with telcos, location and data service providers, device providers, etc

  6. Satellite Vehicle Tracking What can we offer? Leverage deep market knowledge of service providers Strategic planning and deployment Promote and enable deals with selected partners eg Telco, wireless, satellite network providers Device providers Navigation service providers Data centre providers Portal and data service providers Low cost technology services prototype Pilot with manageable vehicle sample Phased live implementation from 100,000 to 1,000,000+

  7. Satellite Vehicle Tracking Where does road pricing operate? Auto-routes, and cities for a start. Other zones to follow. Configured and managed from central services –boundaries can be changed dynamically Anywhere there is a road - wireless network coverage Once operational, technology can be applied in any bounded area in any city or country Technology services developed where cost-effective Able to use distributed technology, data centres, telco, wireless networks for efficiency

  8. Satellite Vehicle Tracking Why is this a good idea? Provide incentive to reduce emissions based on real data Manufacturers get buyers for low carbon cars & fuel Existing technology cannot track carbon Individuals can carbon trade by reducing mileage & therefore vehicle emissions Provide traffic flow analysis and statistics Improved inner city real-time traffic monitoring Able to provide real-time information to drivers

  9. Satellite Vehicle Tracking Where are we headed? Phased implementation of vehicle tracking from 2009 -2015 Flexible carbon credit options including pre-paid and post-paid options Journey replays and on-line accounting on demand Ability to discount charges for vehicles with reduced or (eventually) no carbon emissions Real time statistics, including road usage, traffic patterns, personal and aggregated carbon emission calculations on a daily basis

  10. Satellite Vehicle Tracking What are we offering? Monitor/rate per vehicle per distance driven in charging zone Pre-paid and post-paid credits – B2B customer accounts Web journey replays for drivers Real-time traffic monitoring and mapping Better road security – able to view trouble spots in real time Good value for drivers – only pay for what you drive

  11. Satellite Vehicle Tracking Marketing Strategy Target corporate customers ready for PAYD traffic charging Provide cities with carbon emission trading position Engage with authorities to educate vehicle owner/drivers Partner engagement for location, device service providers

  12. Satellite Vehicle Tracking What are we looking for? Customer to participate in pilot project Full engagement with corporate customers

  13. Satellite Vehicle Tracking Quotes "Current trends indicate that consumers in the commercial vehicle segment prefer portable telematics systems rather than fixed in-cab systems:" Frost & Sullivan, Europe. “There has been a big reduction in the cost of vehicle tracking technology, making it more attractive to local councils, says Gartner analyst Mike Williams. April 2007” “Taiwanese ODMs target Automobile makers in China – GPS navigation and telematics capability.” Gartner

  14. Satellite Vehicle Tracking Timeframe Technology Services Pìlot Phase 1 Deployment Proof-of-concept SLAs and KPIs Corporate customer and vehicle services Supplier selection Configure test deploy infrastructure Architecture & design Plan schedule manage Configure test deploy functionality Customer/Partner deals Time Quarter1 Quarter2 Quarter3 Quarter4 Quarter5 Quarter6

  15. Total # vehicles Phase 5 Business Outlook 2 million Phase 4 Phase 1 – First City Phase 2 – 2-4 Cities Phase 3 1 million Phase 3 – expand into insurance Phase 2 Phase 4 – further expansion Phase 1 Phase 5 – further expansion Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

  16. Vehicle Owner/Drivers Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Corporate Customers Customer Customer Customer . Service Providers Telco network Data services Web tracking LBS services Device function Technology Services Client Application Services Provision Technology Configuration Device Provisioning and Delivery Transaction Processing Application Test Maintenance Performance Monitoring Hosting, & Network Infrastructure Auxiliary Service Providers LB Services Device Providers Content Providers Mapping, Points of interest Database Mobile phone, PDA, Trackers Diverse content subscriptions Satellite Vehicle Tracking Architecture

  17. Satellite Vehicle Tracking Business Model Bearerservices GPS/Galileo satellites DataCentre End-Users Trac-Car CorporateCustomers BusinessPartners

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