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Eternal Plan of Happiness

Delve into the premortal life council's decisions, the Great Plan of Salvation, and the power to become as we were meant to be.

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Eternal Plan of Happiness

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Eternal Plan of Happiness Khinckley1@yahoo.com

  2. Nursery Leaders—after church…

  3. Look, it’s the Sunbeams!

  4. Deacon’s Quorum After Church

  5. Nursury Kids- during church

  6. 8 year old boy—after church

  7. Priests-at the Stake dance…

  8. Familiar Story In the premortal life, we wanted to have physical bodies like Heavenly Father. So, there was a large council to decide what to do. Jesus had one plan. He would be our Savior. Some would make it and some wouldn’t. Lucifer had another plan. Everyone would be saved but he would force us to be good and he would get the glory. We voted and Jesus’ plan won. Those who voted for Lucifer’s plan were mad and were cast out. Question: What’s wrong with this story?

  9. Revelation 12 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not… And the great dragon was cast out…which deceiveth the whole world… And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,

  10. Elder Neal A. Maxwell How can we truly understand who we are unless we know who we were and what we have the power to become? How can there be real identity without real history? How can one understand his tiny, individual plot without knowing, even a little, about Father's grand, galactic plans? (Ensign, May 1986, p. 35.)

  11. Question: If you could reduce the Great Plan of Salvation to just one or two words, what would it be?

  12. Self Questions Do we have a testimony of the Plan of Happiness? Do we ‘trust’ it? Do we trust it will bring us more happiness than any other plan of happiness we might try? If all this is true, why, then, do we ‘rebel’, or disobey, or attempt to find happiness in any other way?

  13. Elder Richard G. Scott …you may be disturbed because your life may not now fit [the] mold. I promise you that through your obedience and continuing faith in Jesus Christ— along with your understanding of the whole plan of happiness, even if important parts of the plan aren't fulfilled in your life now— a fulness of blessings will be yours in the Lord's due time. I also promise you that you can have significant growth and happiness now. As a daughter or son of God, live whatever portion of the plan is available to you the best you can.Finding Peace, Happiness, and Joy (Salt Lake City 2007)

  14. Elder Bruce Hafen I talked earlier about our daughter. I said I want to be “with her” always. For me, the words with you capture the Atonement’s meaning in its simplest terms. If we do our part, Christ makes us “at one” with God, overcoming whatever separates us from Him. He is with me, with you, not only at the end of our lives but every day of our lives. And without Christ we could not be “with” our family and our friends. Once our daughter Emily had to leave her three-year-old boy Clark with a babysitter. As she began leaving, little Clark ran to her and cried poignantly, “Go with you, Mom. With you.” No longing runs deeper in us than our desire to be with those we love. A Disciple’s, Journey Feb 2008

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