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First-day activity. (Young) Adults Level 1. First-day Activity Social Media Interlink 2-3. First-day Activity Social Media Interlink 2-3. You/use/internet?. Do you use the internet?. How often /you/use it?. How often do you use it?. What/you do/internet?.
First-day activity (Young) Adults Level 1
First-dayActivity Social Media Interlink 2-3 First-dayActivity Social Media Interlink 2-3
You/use/internet? Do you use the internet? How often /you/use it? How often do you use it? What/you do/internet? What do you do on the internet? What/your/favourite websites? What are your favourite websites? Now, in pairs, answer the questions. Form questions:
(un)follow newsfeed timeline favorite poke wall tweet FacebookorTwitter? timeline wall (un)follow timeline tweet poke favorite newsfeed
to push a finger or other pointed object quickly into someone or something. to push a finger or other pointed object quickly into someone or something. follow In pairs, match the words and the definitions. Use a dictionary to help you. one of the sides of a room connecting floor and ceiling or foundation and roof. one of the sides of a room connecting floor and ceiling or foundation and roof. comment the short sound made by a young bird. the short sound made by a young bird. like to move behind someone or something and go where they go. to move behind someone or something and go where they go. poke to enjoy or approve of something or someone. to enjoy or approve of something or someone. tweet something that you say or write that expresses your opinion. something that you say or write that expresses your opinion. wall
follow comment What’sthedifferencebetweenusingthosewords in real lifeandonthe internet? Giveexamples. like poke tweet Watchthevideo. Do youthinkit’sfunny? Why (not)? wall
Howmanyfriends do youhaveonFacebook? “Can I beyour friend?” Are allyouonline friendsREAL friends? Explain.
What’s the meaning of this sentence in the video and in Facebook? “Can I write on your wall?” What do you consider inappropriate to write online? What do you usually write on your friends’ walls?
“I’m following you!” Do you have a twitter account? Why (not)? Is twitter important for you? Explain. Do you follow any celebrities? Why (not)?
“You are my little monsters. Your love is my inspiration”. Lady Gaga’s Whosetweetisthis? Lady Gaga has about 16 million followers and is number 1 on Twitter. Why do you think her tweets are so popular? Check out her page.
married Divorced/ separated single in love widowed
married Divorced/ separated single What’s your relationship status? Ask your friend. in love widowed
Curious for more? VisitWikipedia for more infoonTwitterandFacebook. Don’thave a pageyet? Whynot start now?
Instructions Slide 3 Form questions Click to show question structures. Sts form questions in pairs. Allow them some time to think. Classcheck; Allow sts two-three minutes to work in pairs and discuss questions. At the end, elicit a few contributions from WG; Slide 4 Facebook or Twitter? Tell sts they’ll see words connected to Facebook and Twitter; Ask them to decide, in pairs, which social network each word refers to [Note: ‘timeline’ refers to both]; Classcheck by asking for contributions;
Slide 5 In pairs, match the words and the definitions… Click to show words and definitions; Ask students to match each word to the correct definition. Monitor closely but don’t check yet; Allow students enough time to perform task (but not too long so as not to make the activity dull). An online dictionary might be the best resource (a good suggestion is http://dictionary.cambridge.org/); Click to check; Note that, although those words are commonly associated with social networking, the meanings on the slide are strictly literal; Slide 6 What’s the difference between… Click to show question box (‘What’s the difference between using those words in real life and on the internet?Give examples.’); Click to show link. Ask the focus question ‘Do you think it’s funny? Why (not)?’. Click to show video; Have sts discuss their impressions and elicit why the video is (not) funny; Have sts explain why the man’s behaviour is unacceptable in real life but perfectly ok on the internet; (The lines on the video will serve as guidelines for the next slides)
Slide 7 Can I be your friend? Click for questions; Have sts answer them in pairs or small groups. Monitor closely; Slide 8 Can I write on your wall Work on the concept of ‘writing on one’s wall’ in real life vs. its meaning on facebook. Click for questions. Have sts answer them in pairs/trios. Monitor. Have pairs/trios briefly exchange their opinions. Slide 9 I’m following you! Click for questions; Have sts answer them in pairs or small groups. Monitor closely;
Slide 10 “You are my little monsters. Your love is my inspiration”. Ask question ‘Whose tweet is this?’ to whole group. Sts are very likely to answer ‘Lady Gaga’ immediately [That’s the way Lady Gaga calls her fans]. Click to check. Click to show box (Lady Gaga has about 16 million followers and is number 1 on Twitter.) then click again for question (‘Why do you think her tweets are so popular?’). Have sts discuss it in pairs/trios. Monitor. Elicit a few contributions from whole group. Click for link. (The idea here is just to have sts take a quick look at the page, so just browse through it so that they see Lady Gaga’s latest tweets.) Slides 11-12-13 What’s your relationship status? Click through slides 11 and 12 to get to the photographs on slide 13. Have students say which relationship status each photo represents. Elicit each one from whole group. Click to check.
Slide 14 What’s your relationship status? Click to show question. Have students discuss it in pairs. Monitor. Slide 15 Curious for more? If students are still not familiar with Facebook and Twitter, click the links to show the Wikipedia pages for both.