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Importance of Livelihood Raising. Livelihood Raising - is something people engaged in to have income. Many have called it business. This can be comes from the different sectors such as industrial and agricultural sectors.
Importance of Livelihood Raising Livelihood Raising - is something people engaged in to have income. Many have called it business. This can be comes from the different sectors such as industrial and agricultural sectors. - Agricultural sectors focus on crop production, gardening , and livestock raising. It is a big help for many because it is considered as a practical choice in choosing a business.
Livestock Raising • Is raising animals for foods or to sell and for other industrial and personal uses. • Importance of Livestock Raising • Produce food directly – many engaged in livestock raising to have an adequate source of food. Raising animals such as chicken for example is a big help in the daily meal of the people especially when the budget of the family is shorten. • Provide key inputs to crop production – Livestock raising also help in crop production. Farmers who do not have enough money to rent the needed machineries used in farming like tractors, raised cattle’s and carabaos. They used the traditional methods in farming.
Provide a regular source of income from sales. Direct selling of meats, eggs, milk ant other products from animals can sustain the daily needs at home. Some can have a big income through selling the live animals in the market. • Help restore the fertility of the hand – animal’s waste can make the soil fertile which is important in raising crops. It serves as an organic fertilizer the plants need in order to grow healthy.
Reasons for Engaging in Livestock Raising • Many Filipinos engage in livestock raising for various reasons such as: • To have a secured supply of food • To support their daily needs • To have an additional income
Cattle Raising in the Philippines • Popular foods in the Philippines are made from beef such as kaldereta, nilagangbulalo, corned beef, mechado, and other delicious dishes. Yet the fact remains that cattle production in the Philippines is essentially small-scale. If adequate inputs and proper source of draft power, organic fertilizer, and milk are given, small-scale cattle raising can become a very profitable livelihood among farm households. • Through cattle-raising, agricultural by-products and wastes can be utilized by converting these into animals feeds. Likewise, marginal and idle lands can be made productive as forage production areas.
Proper Selection of Cattle Breeds • Choice of cattle depends on the intended purpose ( for meat, milk or draft). Several breeds were introduced to improve the quality of existing stock. The following are some of the breeds that are proven adaptable. • For meat • Ongole/Nellore – usually colored white but its hump and neck are dark gray. Mature male weighs 730-834 kg while the female 420-625 kg.
Santa Gerthadis – Color is red to cherry red. Has loose hide with skin folds on the neck and sheath or navel flap. Hair is short and straight in warm climates. Usually horned. Male weighs 750-1000 kg and female weighs 563-670 kg.
Bali or Banteng- Color is brown which changes to black for adult males. Body is neat, compact and deep with well-developed forequaters. The medium-sized horn curve up and slightly backward. Mature weight for males is 350-375 kg while females averages about 210 kg. The udder is small with no distinct dewlap.
2 For Dairy • Brahman – color varies form gray to white, brown, red and blakc with occasional spots. It has a prominent hump over the shoulders with loose, pendulous skin under the throat. It has long face with drooping ears, the mature male weighs 726- 998 kg whike the female weighs 454-635 kg. it is higly tolerant to heat and resistant to insects and disease.
Holstein friesian – its color combination of blakc and white may vary from a spotted white to almost all blakc. Quiet and docile. Mature male weighs 818 kg and female weighs 568 kg. average milk production is 22 kg/day.
Brown Swiss. Color ranges from fawn to almost blakc with light-colored muzzle and a stripe along the back. Quiet and docile. Matured males weighs 909 kg while female weighs 591 kg. average milk production is 17kg/day.
3. Duals Purpose (Meat/Milk) • Sahiwal – Reddish brown with or without white markings. The massive hump in males frequently fall to one side. The body is heavily symmetrical with a short and lean neck while the dewlap is large and heavy. Matured male weighs 540 kg and female weighs 370 kg. Average milk production is 8kg/day.
Tharparkar– Maybe white or gray with a light gray along the backbone. The color deepens when pregnant. Mature male usually weighs 540 kg while female weighs 385 kg. average milk production is 6kg/day.
Red Sindhi – may be red, dark-red, or light yellow with occasional white spots on the forehead. Matured male weighs 415 kg while female weighs 310 kg. Average milk production is 6 kg/day.
Breed Selection Guide • For cows and heifers • Milking ability and femininity • Has mild maternal face with bright and alert eyes, good dispositon, and quiet temperament. • Has an udder of good size and shape which is carried well forward and up behind. • Has an udder that is soft, flexible, and spongy to touch. • Has wild hind quarters wit prominent and well-developed vulva.
2. Age Cows and heifers are most productive from 4-8 years of age. Productivity, however, varies between breeds and type of management adapted. Generally, they remain productive for 13 years if they are allowed to start calving at the age of 3. use heifer for breeding an 18-20 months or when the animal weighs 220-250 kg.
3. Breeding ability Cows that calve regularly are desirable. Lactating cows lose flesh readily when nursing their calves but regains quickly after the lactation period. 4. Types and conformation An ideal cow is triangular in from while a beef cow should be rectangular.
For bulls • Physical Features – a wide barrel indicates a well-developed digestive system and healthy vital organs. Likewise, a full heart girth, well rounded muzzle, large nostrils and muscular cheeks and jaws, well rounded thighs, and full loin reflect good body constitution. • Sex Characteristics – look for the well-developed, uniform and fully descended testicles with penis parallel to the body. A deep, wide chest, and a broad head indicate virility and good reproductive ability. • Age – use bulls for breeding when they are 18 months of age or 250-280 kg in weight.
For Fatteners Age – using a 2-year old steer or older is advantageous because it fattens easily over a shorter period of time Disposition – An active yet quiet and easy-to-handle steer usually grows fast and fattens easily. Constitution and Vigor – a large heart girth, well-sprung ribs, and a wide, deep and full chest show constitution and vigor. Sex – young bulls gain weight faster than steer requiring 22% less feed to produce a kilogram weight. Bulls also produce leaner car cass which is nearly the same as that of steer. Steers gain approximately 10% more weight while requiring only 10-15% less feed than heifer. Health – healthy animal is active, with a moist muzzle, bright eyes, and a smooth hair coat. Animals with physical defects should not be used.
Housing of Cattle Proper housing is an important factor to be considered for a successful backyard cattle-raising activity. The shed protects the animal from adverse environment conditions and at the same time provides convenience in management operations. A cattle shed should be established in a well-drained area. It must be well-ventilated, free form sharp edges, and provided with feeding and drinking troughs and manure pit or box.