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Genni Vega 2 nd pd. May 16 2011. Abc book of U.S history. Abstain- to not take part in some activity; such as voting. Affluence- the state of having much wealth. Ambush-a surprise attack Archeology- the study of the earth. Back country- a region of hills & forest west of tidewater.
Genni Vega 2nd pd. May 16 2011 Abc book of U.S history
Abstain- to not take part in some activity; such as voting. Affluence- the state of having much wealth. Ambush-a surprise attack Archeology- the study of the earth.
Back country- a region of hills & forest west of tidewater. • Bicaremel- consisting of two houses or chambers or especially in a legislative. • Blockade runner- ship that sails out of blockaded area. • Burgesses- elected representatives to an assembly.
Californianos- Mexicans who lived in california . • Cabinet- a group of advisees to the president. • Canal- artificial waterway • Capital- money for investment
Depreciate- to fall in value. • Desert- to leave without permission. • Disarming- removal of weapons. • Diversity- variety or difference.
Effigy- rag figure representing an unpopular individual. • Emancipate- to free from slavery. • Entrenched- occupying a strong defense position. • Export- to sell goods aboard.
Famine- an extreme shortage of food. • Federalists- supports of the constitution • Fugitive- runaway or trying to runaway. • Frigate- warship.
Global warming- a steady increase in average world temperatures. • Genocide- the deliberate destruction of a racial political group. • Greenback- a piece of us paper money 1st issued by the north. • Guerrilla warfare- referring to a surprise attack.
Habeas- a legal order for an inquiry to determine whether a person has been lawfully imprisoned. • Holocaust- name given to the mass slaughter of Jews & other groups by the Nazis during ww2. • Hieroglyphics- an ancient form of writing using symbols & pictures to represent words sounds & concepts
Impeach-to formly charge a public official with misconduct in office. Imperils - the actions used by one nation to exercise political or economic control over smaller or weaker nations. Implied powers- powers not specially mentioned in the constitution. Import- to buy goods from foreign countries.
Joint occupation- the position & setting of an area shared by two or more countries . • Joint stock company- a company which investors buy stock in the companies in return for a share of its future profits. • Judicial branch- the branch of government including the federalist court system that intercepts the nations laws. • Judicial Review- the right of the supreme court to determine if a law violets the constitution.
Kansas- state in the united states fighting over slavery issues in 1850’s gave territory the name belling Kansas. • Kentucky- state in the south central united states borders that sided with the union during the civil war. • Bleeding Kansas- mini civil war.
Landslide- an overwhelming victory. Literacy- the ability to read and write. Lock -in a canal, an enclosure with gates at the end used to lower in raising or lowering boats to level. Lynching- putting to death a person by the illegal action of a mob
Maize- an early form of corn grown b y Native Americans. Majority- more than half. Manumission- the freeing of enslaved persons. Martyr- a person who sacrifices his or her life for a principle or cause.
National debt- the amount of money a national government owns to other governments or its people. • Nationalism- loyalty to a nation & promotion of its interests above all others. • Neutral- taking no side in a conflict. • Neutral rights- the right to sail the seas and not take sides in a war.
Offence- position of attacking or the attack itself. • Ozone- the layer of gas composed by a form of oxygen that protects the earth & its people from cancer causing sun rays. • Overseer- person who survives a large operation or its workers. • Ordinance- a law or regulation.
Purism- favoring one side of an issue. Perjury- lying when one has sworn an oath to tell the truth. Petition- a formal request Pilgrims- a journey to a holy place.
Ranchero- Mexican rancher. • Recruit- to enlist soldiers in the army • Ratify- to give approval to. • Revenue- incoming $.
Secede- to leave or withdraw. • Secessionists – withdraw from union. • Sectionalism- Loyalty to a region. • Suffrage-right to vote.
Tariffs- tax on imported goods. • Tolerance- the acceptance of different beliefs. • Total war- war on all aspects of enemies like. • Tribute- $ paid for protection.
Unalienable rights- a right that cant be surrendered. • Unconstitutional-not agreeing with the constitution. • Underground railroad-escape routes for African Americans. • Utopia- perfect society.
Veto- to reject a bill. • Vigilantes- people who take the law into their own hands. • Virginia house of burgesses- 1st group appointed to creating laws. • Vicksburg- city of a battle of the civil war- union victory.
Washington D.C- us capital • War of 1812- revolutionary war • Woman's rights – gave woman the right to vote. • Writs of assistance- legal document that enabled officers to search homes & war houses for smuggled homes.