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Distance Learning Answering Students'Needs ; The example of the Interactive e-Learning Environment (IELE). Andrei IVĂNESCU *) Ioana BARDA**) Florin POPENTIU VLĂDICESCU***) andrei.ivanescu@gmail.com , University Politehnica of Bucharest
Distance Learning Answering Students'Needs ; The example of the Interactive e-Learning Environment (IELE) Andrei IVĂNESCU *) Ioana BARDA**) Florin POPENTIU VLĂDICESCU***) andrei.ivanescu@gmail.com, University Politehnica of Bucharest **) barda.ioana@gmail.com , University Politehnica of Bucharest ***) popentiu@imm.dtu.dk, University of Oradea, UNESCO Chair in Information Technologies else 2008
Introduction Authoring Customized learning environment Tests Implementation why java? design class diagram screenshots Conclusions Bibliography Contents else 2008
What is eLearning? Introduction else 2008
Authoring Target student Courses User profiles Customized examples Feedback on performance Hints for tests Tests Customized learning environment Grading according to answers else 2008
Customized learning environment Adaptable: -user profiles -courses are built with a core and examples for each profile -settings in each profile are saved in user profiles -access is restricted to user profiles -the material is presented all at once; the students is free to navigate in any direction -notes on the learning material can be made Adaptive: -the system learns behaviors about the user -according to user behavior certain aspects of the course are presented -the system adapts to user environment: computer settings, network bandwidth -the learning material is presented gradually, as the users advanced through tests else 2008
Tests “everyone is afraid of them…” How can we help the student during the tests? • 1. Multiple choice answers • -we can offer hints • -we can remove one/more answer(s) • For each question, the score is recomputed due to the offered assistance. • The student can finish successfully the test, but he will not get the maximum grade. • For complex tasks (problem solving) • -multiple tasks • -requirements are depending on each other • -the values computed at step k are used at step k+1 • -errors in initial stages cancel any notable result • Solution: at the end of each step, the results are validated and the correct answers are provided else 2008
Implementation else 2008
Why Java? -Platform independent -Portable solutions -Learned in school -Integration with web technologies else 2008
Software Use Case Diagram else 2008
Design Class Diagram else 2008
Screenshots else 2008
Create a new user else 2008
Reading material else 2008
Tests else 2008
Authoring tests else 2008
Authoring courses else 2008
Conclusions -The solution is perfectible -This is an implementation for an adaptable system -Improvements are on their way -Major modules implemented else 2008
Bibliography: • Stefan Tanasa, Cristian Olaru, Stefan Andrei- “Java, de la 0 la expert”, • editura Polirom,2003 • Mark C. Chan, Steven W. Griffith, Anthony F. Iasi- • “JAVA 1001 secrete pentru programatori” ,editura Teora, 2001 • -Course on adaptive Hypermedia and Semantic web held by Dr. Alexandra Cristea • - www.java.sun.com • - www.jCreator.com • - www.tek-tips.com • - www.programmersheaven.com else 2008
questions? else 2008
Thank you! else 2008