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Environmental Discourse in EISTAU. Katie Earl Laura Fry. • “The high level of environmental awareness among German citizens is a legitimate source of national pride” Nature, Technology and Cultural Change in 20th Cent German Literature, p. vii. . Emotional Attachment.
Environmental Discourse in EISTAU Katie Earl Laura Fry
• “The high level of environmental awareness among German citizens is a legitimate source of national pride” Nature, Technology and Cultural Change in 20th Cent German Literature, p. vii.
Emotional Attachment • The narrator is inextricably linked to the Glacier throughout the narrative. • P.36 “Ich sehe den Gletscher durch die zwei Scheiben, ein Feldstecherblick in meine Zukunft" • P. 51 “WirwarenwieeinaltesLiebespaar, einer von unsbeiden war schwererkrankt, und der anderekonntenichtsdagegenunternehmen”
Zeno preaches about his views but it falls on deaf ears. • P. 22 “Es geht wieder los, die Verkleinerung der Natur vor laufenden Camcordern“ • P.87 „Was für ein schöner Spätsommertag“„Dieser Gletscher ist tot, und Sie schlendern fröhlich vorbei“.
SOS as Art • SOS action, presented as a “Kunstwerk” p.123. • Catalyst for Zeno’s suicide. P.138 “Der Augenblick in demKunstzuWahrheitwird”.
By alligning the character of Zeno with the fate of the glacier, Trojanow foreshadows the eventual destruction of Antarctica at the end of the novel.
Human Intervention • Novel is an observation and critique of human intervention in nature, various episodes demonstrate the destructive effects of human intervention. • P.83 “Alleswurdeverwertet” • „Alle haben dieselbe Verharmlosungssoftware heruntergeladen“ p. 83 • Mines on the beach, p.49“Soldaten sind die bestern Tierschützer, sage ich“
P.144 Mrs Morgenthau. • „Mrs Morgenthau fühlte sich dazu auserkoren, ein Unrecht ungeschehen zu machen, das Ei mit dem zukünftigen Leben unbeschadet dem brütenden Tier zurückzugeben, eine Absicht die ebenso nobel wie misverständlich war“
Soldier, p.114. • „Der erste Soldate, der dem Schlauchboot entspringt, zündet sich sogleich eine Zigarette an und geht einige Schritte laneinwarts […] mitten durch die Pinguinkolonie“ • This is futile because Paulina points out Soldiers are always going to smoke(p.120) • Zeno’s efforts to change mankind are therefore futile.
Anaesthetised by Consumption • Thus the novel discusses the idea that the majority of people can’t see Zeno’s points about their damage to the environment “anaesthetised by consumption we have ceased to see, hear and feel nature” p.96, (A.Goodbody)
Zeno’s Character • First person narrator allows us to identify with his beliefs and sympathise with the character. • However his increasingly extremist behaviour through the course of the novel encourages critique rather than sympathy, and ultimately undermines his arguments
Relating to the Enlightenment. • Zeno embodies an Enlightenment spirit. • However his suicide demonstrates that this approach has been rendered redundant in today’s society. • Something drastic needs to occur in order to reverse the tragic fate of Antarctica.
Summary • The underlying Environmental discourse is more important than ever before, education crucial. • However, consumerism and modern life has dulled our senses so we are less receptive to these ideas. • Zeno’s suicide foreshadows the demise of the glaciers and, as an extension, humankind itself. • The novel critiques Zeno’s fierce enlightenment stance on protecting nature.
Bibliography Primary Sources • Trojanow, Ilija. Eistau. München : Hanser, c2011.Secondary Sources • Goodbody, Axel (2007), Nature, Technology and Cultural Change in 20th century German Literature. The Challenge of Eco-Criticism. Basingstoke: Palgrave/ Macmillan. • Goodbody, A. H.Melting ice and the paradoxes of Zeno: Didactic impulses and aesthetic distanciation in German climate change fiction. Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, 2013, pp. 92-102.