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Module 5A for Secondary Teachers

Module 5A for Secondary Teachers. Florida Standards for ELA & Literacy: Focus on Universal Design for Learning. Professional Development Session Alignment Set 1 – Completed 2013. Data Use. Governing Board. Data Use. ELA Math. School Leaders. Data Use. ELA. Math. Teachers.

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Module 5A for Secondary Teachers

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  1. Module 5A for Secondary Teachers Florida Standards for ELA & Literacy: Focus on Universal Design for Learning

  2. Professional Development Session Alignment Set 1 – Completed 2013 Data Use Governing Board Data Use ELA Math School Leaders Data Use ELA Math Teachers Leadership Teams Session 1 Session 2 Module 6 FL CCRS Math

  3. Professional Development Session Alignment Set 2 - Will be offered throughout 2013-2014 Florida Standards Governing Board School Leaders Assessment Data Analysis VAM Data Use ELA Math Data & ELA Data & Math Teachers Leadership Teams Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Module 6 FL CCRS Math Module 7 ELA & Data Use Module 8 Math & Data Use Module 5 FL CCRS ELA

  4. You Are Here Module 2 ELA Module 2 FL CCRS ELA Module 1 Data Use Module 4 Data Use Module 3 Math Module 5 ELA Module 5 FL CCRS ELA Module 8 Math & Data Use Module 7 ELA & Data Use Module 6 Math

  5. 8 Components of Full Florida Standards Implementation

  6. Travel Notes • Mileage to/from the trainings will be reimbursed to the school at $.445/mile (documentation with map and mileage required) • Parking and tolls will also be reimbursed with receipt • Reimbursement is limited to two cars per school • Forms and directions to request reimbursement are available under “Resources” on www.flcharterccrstandardsorg • There are specific instructions included with the form to help fill it out correctly • Reimbursements for substitutes are NOT an eligible expense

  7. Module 5B Outcomes • Assess understanding of the instructional shifts, aligned instructional practices, and Universal Design for Learning • Share experiences with developing and delivering Florida Standards aligned lessons • Examine lessons that teacher leaders have developed and delivered using the EQuIP Rubric and lesson planning process • Examine UDL supports to lessons aligned with the three instructional shifts • Collaborate on possible UDL supports to Florida Standards for ELA & Literacy aligned lessons • Identify relevant resources for implementation and strengthen the peer support network

  8. Today’s Agenda • Welcome and Introductions • Pre-Assessment • Review of Florida Standards for ELA & Literacy Shifts and Sharing of Florida Standards-Aligned Lessons • Universal Design for Learning and Florida Standards Instructional Practices • Lunch • Universal Design for Learning and Florida Standards Instructional Practices (continued) • Post-Assessment and Wrap Up

  9. Introductory Activity Pre-Assessment Guide Page 5

  10. Section 1 Florida Standards for ELA & Literacy Instructional Shifts

  11. Three Instructional Shifts for ELA & Literacy

  12. Instructional Shift #1: Building Knowledge Through Content-Rich Text

  13. Instructional Shift #2: Reading, Writing, and Speaking Grounded in Evidence

  14. Instructional Shift #3: Regular Practice with Complex Text and Its Academic Language Reading Standard 10: Read and comprehend complex literary and informational text independently Reading Standard 4: Interpret words and phrases Language Standards 4-6: Determine the meaning of vocabulary and acquire/useacademic and domain-specific vocabulary; attention to text structure and syntax

  15. How Do You See the 3 Shifts Changing What Teachers do For: , Goal: Improved student proficiency on grade level outcomes & readiness for college and careers. lesson design instructional practices student practices

  16. Activity 1: Sharing Florida Standards for ELA & Literacy Aligned Lessons Guide Pages 7-8

  17. Section 2 Universal Design for Learning

  18. Raise Your Hand If • You have heard of UDL • You have used UDL practices

  19. The BIG Question from Reading Standard 10: How do we help all students become independent and proficient readers (and writers) of complex text?

  20. Universal Design for LearningDiminishing Barriers to Learning “Barriers to learning are not, in fact, inherent in the capacities of learners, but instead arise in learners' interactions with inflexible educational goals, materials, methods, and assessments.” Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age, p. v CAST (Center for Applied Special Technology)

  21. What is Universal Design for Learning? • Discussion Prompts • What is the main purpose of UDL? • Why do you think multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement may help students be successful and thwart barriers to learning? • What do the terms “universal,” “design,” and “learning” refer to in the learning process? UDL Principles and Practices National Center on UDL

  22. Universal Design for Learning To be fair, we will all take the same assessment on ‘How to Climb a Tree’, now, please show me what you have learned… Retrieved from: http://scholasticadministrator.typepad.com/thisweekineducation/2012/08/cartoons-climb-that-tree.html#tp

  23. Let’s Take A Break… Be back in 15 minutes…

  24. Which Classrooms Incorporate UDL Supports? A B D C

  25. Universal Design for Learning Three Principles

  26. The Learning Brain and UDL Guidelines • the “what” of learning • Multiple means of representation • the “how” of learning • Multiple means of action and expression • the “why” of learning • Multiple means of engagement Retrieved from: http://www.cast.org/udl/index.html

  27. Students have: Options for how they learn Options for how they demonstrate their learning Options which will engage and increase interest Teachers provide multiple: Ways of representing and presenting lesson content Methods of expression and assessment Options for student engagement Universal Design for Learning: Three Principles

  28. Review the UDL Framework in Your Guide Guide Pages 10-12

  29. Multiple Means of Representation How can I make certain: • new concepts and key information are equally perceived and accessible by all students? (display, visual, auditory, manipulative, hands-on) • my students will understand and will be able to generalize and transfer thisinformation? (multiple illustrations, patterns, organizing information)

  30. Designing Lessons to Address Means of Representation • Assistive technology • Offer text-to-speech, video, or audio support • Provide vocabulary support • Highlight critical features & main ideas • Use colors, large font size, underlining • Word Sorts • Analytic Graphic Organizers

  31. View UDL Book Editions Text-to-speech, highlight , dictionary, encyclopedia links, and translations English to Spanish

  32. REPRESENTATIONKey vocabulary study guide in a table using images

  33. Multiple Means of Expression Have I provided: • materials and resources with which all students can interact, navigate, and express what they know? • alternative modalities for expression to allow all students the opportunity to express their knowledge, ideas, and concepts in various ways?

  34. Designing Lessons to Address Means of Expression • Students show what they know - voice recording, graphic displays, performance • Models, charts, graphs, posters • Supports such as story starters, guided outlines, etc. • Assistive technology • Coding the Text

  35. Microsoft Photo Story3, also consider www.Prezi.com Microsoft-photo-story.en.softonic.com

  36. Multiple Means of Engagement Have I provided: • alternative ways to increase student interest, ways that may help motivate them to want to learn more? • options for students who differ in motivation and self-regulation skills?

  37. Designing Lessons to AddressMeans of Engagement • Vary levels of challenge and support to prevent frustration or boredom • Tie work to real-world examples • Where possible, give choices • Teach self-assessment and reflection • Hands-on manipulative • Collaborative work • Multimedia

  38. View UDL Book Builder Enables students to develop their own digital books and takes them through the research process

  39. Online Sources for Multimedia Presentations Achievement.org ACADEMY of ACHIEVEMENT Click on the list of biographies, interviews, downloadable text and videos of over 100 influential people who changed the world. Check out the section “For Teachers” with lessons for grades 6 through 12. AmericanRhetoric.comDatabase of and index to 5000+ full text, audio and video versions of public speeches, sermons, legal proceedings, lectures, debates, interviews, other recorded media events, and a declaration or two.

  40. Study Guide and Study Strategies‎

  41. UDL Applies to the Entire Design of a Lesson

  42. UDL Also Applies to Lesson Delivery

  43. Activity 2: View and Discuss Florida Standards for ELA & Literacy Aligned Lessons with UDL Supports Guide Pages 13-16

  44. Guide Page 14

  45. Guide Page 15

  46. Guide Page 16

  47. Bon Appétit

  48. Section 3 Florida Standards for ELA & Literacy Aligned Instructional Practices with UDL Supports

  49. What is the Relationship Between: Three UDL Principles Multiple methods of representation Multiple methods of action and expression Multiple methods of engagement Three Florida Standards for ELA & Literacy Shifts Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational Regular practice with complex text and its academic language

  50. UDL and the Florida Standards • UDL allows teachers to draw on brain research to teach all students to reach the Florida Standards with: • appropriate learning goals • effective methods, materials • accurate and fair ways to assess students' progress

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