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Stats 330: Lecture 23

Stats 330: Lecture 23. Multiple Logistic Regression (Cont). Plan of the day. In today’s lecture we continue our discussion of the multiple logistic regression model Topics covered Models and submodels Residuals for Multiple Logistic Regression Diagnostics in Multiple Logistic Regression

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Stats 330: Lecture 23

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  1. Stats 330: Lecture 23 Multiple Logistic Regression (Cont)

  2. Plan of the day In today’s lecture we continue our discussion of the multiple logistic regression model Topics covered • Models and submodels • Residuals for Multiple Logistic Regression • Diagnostics in Multiple Logistic Regression • No analogue of R2 Reference: Coursebook, sections 5.2.3, 5.2.3

  3. Comparison of models • Suppose model 1 and model 2 are two models, with model 2 a submodel of model1 • If Model 2 is in fact correct, then the difference in the deviances will have approximately a chi-squared distribution • df equals the difference in df of the separate models • Approximation OK for grouped and ungrouped data

  4. Example: kyphosis data • Is age alone an adequate model? > age.glm<-glm(Kyphosis~Age+I(Age^2),family=binomial, data=kyphosis.df) Null deviance: 83.234 on 80 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 72.739 on 78 degrees of freedom AIC: 78.739 Full model has deviance 54.428 on 76 df Chisq is 72.739 - 54.428 = 18.311 on 78-76=2 df > 1-pchisq(18.311,2) [1] 0.0001056372 Highly significant: need at least one of start and number

  5. Anova in R Two-model form: comparing > anova(age.glm,kyphosis.glm, test=“Chi”) Analysis of Deviance Table Model 1: Kyphosis ~ Age + I(Age^2) Model 2: Kyphosis ~ Age + I(Age^2) + Start + Number Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance P(>|Chi|) 1 78 72.739 2 76 54.428 2 18.311 0.0001056 ***

  6. Residuals • Two kinds of residuals • Pearson residuals • useful for grouped data only • similar to residuals in linear regression, actual minus fitted value • Deviance residuals • useful for grouped and ungrouped data • Measure contribution of each covariate pattern to the deviance

  7. Pearson residuals Pearson residual for pattern i is Probability predicted by model Standardized to have approximately unit variance, so big if more than 2 in absolute value

  8. Deviance residuals (i) • For grouped data, the deviance is

  9. Deviance residuals (i) • Thus, the deviance can be written as the sum of squares of M quantities d1, …, dM ,one for each covariate pattern • Each di is the contribution to the deviance from the ith covariate pattern • If deviance residual is big (more than about 2 in magnitude), then the covariate pattern has a big influence on the likelihood, and hence the estimates

  10. Calculating residuals > pearson.residuals<-residuals(budworm.glm, type="pearson") • > deviance.residuals<-residuals(budworm.glm, type="deviance") • > par(mfrow=c(1,2)) > plot(pearson.residuals, ylab="residuals", main="Pearson") • > abline(h=0,lty=2) > plot(deviance.residuals, ylab="residuals", main="Deviance") • > abline(h=0,lty=2)

  11. Diagnostics: outlier detection • Large residuals indicate covariate patterns poorly fitted by the model • Large Pearson residuals indicate a poor match between the “maximum model probabilities” and the logistic model probabilities, for grouped data • Large deviance residuals indicate influential points • Example: budworm data

  12. Diagnostics: detecting non-linear regression functions • For a single x, plot the logits of the maximal model probabilities against x • For multiple x’s, plot Pearson residuals against fitted probabilities, against individual x’s • If the data has most ni’s equal to 1, so can’t be grouped, try gam (cf kyphosis data)

  13. Example: budworms • Plot Pearson residuals versus dose, plot shows a curve

  14. Diagnostics: influential points Will look at 3 diagnostics • Hat matrix diagonals • Cook’s distance • Leave-one-out Deviance Change

  15. Example: vaso-constriction data Data from study of reflex vaso-constriction (narrowing of the blood vessels) of the skin of the fingers • Can be caused caused by sharp intake of breath

  16. Example: vaso-constriction data Variables measured: Response = 0/1 1=vaso-constriction occurs, 0 = doesn’t occur Volume: volume of air breathed in Rate: rate of intake of breath

  17. Data • Volume Rate Response • 1 3.70 0.825 1 • 2 3.50 1.090 1 • 3 1.25 2.500 1 • 4 0.75 1.500 1 • 5 0.80 3.200 1 • 6 0.70 3.500 1 • 7 0.60 0.750 0 • 8 1.10 1.700 0 • 9 0.90 0.750 0 • 10 0.90 0.450 0 • 11 0.80 0.570 0 • 12 0.55 2.750 0 • 0.60 3.000 0 • . . . 39 obs in all

  18. Plot of data > plot(Rate,Volume,type="n", cex=1.2) > text(Rate,Volume,1:39, col=ifelse(Response==1, “red",“blue"), cex=1.2) > text(2.3,3.5,“blue: no VS", col=“blue", adj=0, cex=1.2) > text(2.3,3.0,“red: VS", col=“red",adj=0, cex=1.2)

  19. Note points 4 and 18

  20. Enhanced residual plots > vaso.glm = glm(Response ~ log(Volume) + log(Rate), family=binomial, data=vaso.df) > pear.r<-residuals(vaso.glm, type="pearson") > dev.r<-residuals(vaso.glm, type="deviance") > par(mfrow=c(1,2)) > plot(pear.r, ylab="residuals", main="Pearson",type="n") > text(pear.r,cex=0.7) > abline(h=0,lty=2) > abline(h=2,lty=2,lwd=2) > abline(h=-2,lty=2,lwd=2) > plot(dev.r, ylab="residuals", main="Deviance",type="h") > text(dev.r, cex=0.7) > abline(h=0,lty=2) > abline(h=2,lty=2,lwd=2) > abline(h=-2,lty=2,lwd=2)

  21. Diagnostics: Hat matrix diagonals • Can define hat matrix diagonals (HMD’s) pretty much as in linear models • HMD big if HMD > 3p/M (M= no of covariate patterns) • Draw index plot of HMD’s

  22. Plotting HMD’s > HMD<-hatvalues(vaso.glm) > plot(HMD,ylab="HMD's",type="h") > text(HMD,cex=0.7) > abline(h=3*3/39, lty=2)

  23. Obs 31 high-leverage

  24. Hat matrix diagonals • In ordinary regression, the hat matrix diagonals measure how “outlying” the covariates for an observation are • In logistic regression, the HMD’s measure the same thing, but are down-weighted according to the estimated probability for the observation. The weights gets small if the probability is close to 0 or 1. • In the vaso-constriction data, points 1,2,17 had very small weights, since the probabilities are close to 1 for these points.

  25. Note points 1,2,17

  26. Diagnostics: Cooks distance • Can define an analogue of Cook’s distance for each point CD = (Pearson resid )2 x HMD/(p*(1-HMD)2) p = number of coeficients • CD big if more than about 10% quantile of the chi-squared distribution on k+1 df, divided by k+1 • Calculate with qchisq(0.1,k+1)/(k+1) • But not that reliable as a measure

  27. Cooks D: calculating and plotting p<-3 CD<-cooks.distance(vaso.glm) plot(CD,ylab="Cook's D",type="h", main="index plot of Cook's distances") text(CD, cex=0.7) bigcook<-qchisq(0.1,p)/p abline(h=bigcook, lty=2)

  28. Points 4 and 18 influential

  29. Diagnostics: leave-one-out deviance change • If the ith covariate pattern is left out, the change in the deviance is approximately (Dev. Res) 2 + (Pearson. Res)2HMD/(1-HMD) Big if more than about 4

  30. Deviance change: calculating and plotting > dev.r<-residuals(vaso.glm,type="deviance") > Dev.change<-dev.r^2 + pear.r^2*HMD/(1-HMD) > plot(Dev.change,ylab="Deviance change", type="h") > text(Dev.change, cex=0.7) > bigdev<-4 > abline(h=bigdev, lty=2)

  31. 4 and 18 influential

  32. All together influenceplots(vaso.glm)

  33. Should we delete points? • How influential are the 3 points? • Can delete each in turn and examine changes in coefficients, predicted probabilities • First, coefficients: Deleting: None 31 4 18 All 3 (Intercept) -2.875 -3.041 -5.206 -4.758 -24.348 log(Volume) 5.179 4.966 8.468 7.671 39.142 log(Rate) 4.562 4.765 7.455 6.880 31.642

  34. Should we delete points (2)? • Next, fitted probabilities: • Conclusion: points 4 and 18 have a big effect. delete points Fitted at None 31 4 18 4 and 18 All 3 point 31 0.722 0.627 0.743 0.707 0.996 0.996 point 4 0.075 0.073 0.010 0.015 0.000 0.000 point 18 0.106 0.100 0.018 0.026 0.000 0.000

  35. Should we delete points (3)? • Should we delete? • They could be genuine – no real evidence they are wrong • If we delete them, we increase the regression coefficients, make fitted probabilities more extreme • Overstate the predictive ability of the model

  36. Residuals for ungrouped data • If all cases have distinct covariate patterns, then the residuals lie along two curves (corresponding to success and failure) and have little or no diagnostic value. • Thus, there is a pattern even if everything is OK.

  37. Formulas • Pearson residuals: for ungrouped data, residual for i th case is

  38. Formulas (cont) • Deviance residuals: for ungrouped data, residual for i th case is

  39. Use of plot function plot(kyphosis.glm)

  40. Analogue of R2? • There is no satisfactory analogue of R2 for logistic regression. • For the “small m big n” situation we can use the residual deviance, since we can obtain an approximate p-value. • For other situations we can use the Hosmer –Lemeshow statistic (next slide)

  41. Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic • How can we judge goodness of fit for ungrouped data? • Can use the Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic, which groups the data into cases having similar fitted probabilities • Sort the cases in increasing order of fitted probabilities • Divide into 10 (almost) equal groups • Do a chi-square test to see if the number of successes in each group matches the estimated probability

  42. Kyphosis data Divide probs into 10 classes : lowest 10%, next 10%...... Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Observed 0’s 9 8 8 7 8 Observed 1’s 0 0 0 1 0 Total obs 9 8 8 8 8 Expected 1’s 0.022 0.082 0.199 0.443 0.776 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 Class 9 Class 10 Observed 0’s 8 5 5 3 3 Observed 1’s 0 3 3 5 5 Total obs 8 8 8 8 8 Expected 1’s 1.023 1.639 2.496 3.991 6.328 Note: Expected = Total.obs x average prob

  43. In R, using the kyphosis data Result of fitting model > HLstat(kyphosis.glm) Value of HL statistic = 6.498 P-value = 0.592 A p-value of less than 0.05 indicates problems. No problem indicated for the kyphosis data – logistic appears to fit OK. The function HLstat is in the “330 functions”

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