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40 th ANNIVERSARY OF LMX PROGRAM. LOOK WHO’S FORTY L M X. LORDY. LORDY. LMX HONOR ROLE. John Antonakis Rich Arvey Min Basadur Gayle Baugh Kristin Behfar Carl P. Borchgrevink Pamela Brandes Jacob W. Breland Zinta S. Byrne M. Ronald Buckle Jim Cashman
LMX HONOR ROLE John Antonakis Rich Arvey Min Basadur Gayle Baugh Kristin Behfar Carl P. Borchgrevink Pamela Brandes Jacob W. Breland Zinta S. Byrne M. Ronald Buckle Jim Cashman Stephanie Castro Chao Chen Yi Feng Chen Ziguang Chen Claudia C. Cogliser Fred Dansereau Diya Das Ted Dass David V. Day Gurpreet Dhillon Ceasar Douglas Ravi Dharwadkar Tanguy Dulac John T. Eggers Gail T. Fairhurst Jiing-Lih Farh Jennifer M. Ferreter Gerald Ferris Yitzhak Fried Stacie Furst Lewis Gale Dan Gallagher Yoav Ganzach Charlotte Gerstner Deborah Gibbons Steve Ginsburg Devi R. Gnyawali Hock-Chye Goh Harold W. Goldstein Miriam Grace George B. Graen Joan Graen Marty Graen Mike Graen Steve Green Steven L. Grover Michael J. Gundlach Qing Liang Gu Rick D. Hackett Michael Hadani Bill Haga Sean T. Hannah Jim Hazy Bill Hoel Chun Hui Ajay Mehra
LMX HONOR ROLE Rosemary Hays-Thomas Stephanie Rhea Hamlett David J. Henderson Nathan J. Hiller Wayne Hochwarter Chun Hui Peter L. Jennings Tom Johnson Ronit Kark Christine S-K. Koh Avi Kluger Michael W. Kramer Brigitte Kroon Wing Lam Laurent M. Lapierre Dora Lau Gregory Laurence Kenneth S. Law Chunyan Peng Ronald F. Piccolo Mike Rumsey Rudolph J. Sanchez Karin Sanders Katsu Sano Terri A. Scandura Charles A. Scherbaum Birgit Schyns Bill Schiemann Anson Seers Tim Serey Guo Shaojun Melvin Smith Pat Sommerkamp Lynda J. Song Diane M. Sullivan Alex M. Susskind Elizabeth T. Taylor Jaesub Lee Ariel S. Levi Robert C. Liden Xuefeng Liu Alex Lopes Ravindranath (Ravi) Madhavan Luis Martin Josh Marineau John Maslyn David M. Mayer Takao Minami Marie S. Mitchell Loren J. Naidoo Kok-Yee Ng Mike Novak Evan Offstein Dean Orris James Douglas Orton Tina Paul
LMX HONOR ROLE Paul E. Tesluk Henry Thibodeaux Pam Tierney Dean Tjosvold Darren C. Treadway Mary Uhl-Bien Dina Van-Dijk Mitsuru Wakabayashi Matthew Waller Hui Wang Lei Wang Zong Wang John Weitzel Laura A. Williams Wang Yaoqiu Satoris S. Youngcourt Mary Zalesny Jun Yang Zhen Zhang
Brief History of Leadership-Motivated Excellence Theory Graen, G. B. (1976). Role making processes within complex organizations. In M. D. Dunnette (Ed.), Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology (pp. 1201-1245). Chicago: Rand-McNally. (FIRST PROPOSED). Graen, G. B., Cashman, J. F., Ginsburg, S., & Schiemann, W. (1977). Effects of linking-pin on the quality of working life of lower participants. Administrative Science Quarterly, 22, 491-504. (ADDED LINKING-PIN). • Schiemann, W. A. (1977). Structural and interpersonal effects on patterns of managerial communications: A longitudinal investigation. S. Rains Wallace Award Doctoral Dissertation, University of Illinois. (FIRST NETWORK). • Graen, G., Novak, M. A., & Sommerkamp, P. (1982). The effects of leader-member exchange and job design on productivity and satisfaction: Testing a dual attachment model. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 30, 109-131. (FIRST TRAINING EXPERIENCED). • Graen, G. B., Liden, R. C., & Hoel, M. (1982). Role of leadership in the employee withdrawal process. Journal of Applied Psychology, 67, 868-872. (FIRST MULTILEVEL). • Ferris, G. R. (1985). Role of leadership in the employee withdrawal process: A constructive replication. Journal of Applied Psychology, 70, 777-781. (REPLICATION OF MULTILEVEL).
Graen, G.B., Scandura, T., & Graen, M. R. (1986). A field experimental test of the moderating effects of growth need strength on productivity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 71, 484-491. (TRAINING EXPERIENCED). Graen, G. B. & Wakabayashi, M. (1994). Cross-cultural leadership making: Bridging American and Japanese diversity for team advantage. In H. C. Triandis, M. D. Dunnette, & L. M. Hough (Eds.), Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology (pp. 414-446). Chicago: Rand-McNally. (MANAGEMENT CAREERS). Graen, G. B. & Uhl-Bien, M. (1995). Development of leader-member exchange (LMX) theory of leadership over 25 years: Applying a multi-level multi-domain perspective. Leadership Quarterly, 6, 219-247. (FIRST REVISION). Gerstner, C. R., & Day, D. V. (1997). Meta analytic review of leader-member exchange theory: Correlates and construct ideas. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82, 827-844. (FIRST META-ANALYSIS) Uhl-Bien, M., Graen, G. B., & Scandura, T. A. (2000). Implications of leader-member exchange (LMX) for strategic human resource management systems: Relationships as social capital for competitive advantage. In G. Ferris, (Ed.), Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management (Vol. 18, pp. 137-185). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. (SOCIAL CAPITAL) Harter, J. K., Schmidt, F. L., & Hayes, T. L. (2002). Business-unit-level relationship between employee satisfaction employee engagement, and business outcome: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(2), 268-379. (META-ANALYSIS OF OUTCOMES).
Hackett, R. D., Farh, J-L, Song, L. J. & Lapierre, L. M. (2003). LMX and organizational citizenship behavior: Examining the links within and across Western and Chinese samples. In G. Graen (Ed.), LMX leadership: The series. Vol. 1. Dealing with diversity (pp. 219-263). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. (META-ANALYSIS OF LMX AND OCB). • Uhl-Bien, M. & Maslyn, J. (2003). Reciprocity in manager-subordinate relationships: Components, configurations, and outcomes. Journal of Management, 29(4) 511-532. (ALLIANCE BUILDING). • Graen, G. B. (2003). Interpersonal workplace theory at the crossroads: LMX and transformational theory as special cases of role making in work organizations. In G. Graen (Ed.), LMX leadership: The series. Vol. 1. Dealing with diversity (pp. 145-182). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. (SECOND REVISION). • Sparrowe, R. T., & Liden, R. C. (2005). Two routes to influence: Integrating leader-member exchange and network perspectives. Administrative Science Quarterly, 50, 505-535. (ALLIANCE PATTERN)
Graen, G. B., Hui, C., & Taylor, E. (2006). Experience-based learning about LMX leadership and fairness in project teams: A dyadic directional approach. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 5(4) 448-460. (FIRST TEAM) Graen, G. B. Dharwadkar, R. Grewal, R., & Wakabayashi, M. (2006), Japanese career progress over the long haul: An empirical examination, Journal of International Business Studies, 37, 148-161. (CAREER OUTCOMES). Scherbaum, C. A., Naidoo, L. J., & Ferreter, J. M. (2007). Examining component measures of team leader-member exchange: Using item response theory. In G. B. Graen & J. A. Graen (Eds.), LMX leadership: The series. Vol. 5. New multinational network sharing (pp. 129-156). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (ITEM RESPONSE ANALYSIS). Lam, W., Huang, X., & Snape, E. (2006, August). Why doesn't my feedback seeking improve my relationship with my boss? Paper presented at the meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta. (AUTHENTICS ONLY). Naidoo, L. J., Scherbaum, C. A., & Goldstein, H. W. (2008). Examining the relative importance of leader-member exchange on group performance over time, Knowledge driven corporation: A discontinuous model. In G. B. Graen & J. A. Graen (Eds.), LMX leadership: The series. Vol. 6. Knowledge driven corporation: Complex creative destruction (pp. 211-230). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (LONGITUDINAL IMPORTANCE ANALYSIS).
Mehra, A., Marineau, J., Lopes, A. B. & Dass, T. K. (2009). The co-evolution of friendship and leadership networks in small groups. In G. B. Graen & J. A. Graen (Eds.), LMX leadership: The series. Vol. 7. Predator’s game changing designs: Research-based tools (pp. 145-162). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (NETWORK CHANGE). Furst, S. A. (2009). Middle managers as game changers: Strategies for reducing resistance and the role of LMX. In G. B. Graen and J. A. Graen (Eds.) LMX leadership: The series. Vol. 7. Predator’s game-changing designs: Research-based tools (pp. 99-122). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (RESISTANCE TO CHANGE). Graen, G. B., Rowold, J. & Heinitz, K. (2010). Issues in operationalizing and comparing leadership contracts. Leadership Quarterly, 21(3), 563-575. (PERFORMANCE FOCUS) Graen, G. B. (2010). Enhanced employee engagement through high engagement teams: A top management challenge. In S. Albrecht (Ed.), Handbook of employee engagement. Cheltenham, UK: Edwin Elgar Publishing. (PROBLEM SOLVING TEAMS). Naidoo, L. J., Scherbaum, C. A., Goldstein, H. W. & Graen, G. B. (in press). A longitudinal examination of the effects of LMX, ability, and differentiation on team performance. Journal of Business and Psychology. (TEAM PERFORMANCE)
Dulebohn, J. H., Bommer, W. H., Liden, R. C., Brouer, R. L., Ferris, G. R. (in press). A meta-analysis of antecedents and consequences of leader-member exchange: Integrating the past with an eye toward the future. Journal of Management. . (LATEST META-ANALYSIS) Graen, G. B. (2012). The missing link in network dynamics. In M. Rumsey (Ed.), The many sides of leadership: A handbook. London, UK: Oxford University Press (LEADER MOTIVATED XCELLENCE THEORY).
The Discovery Process Over 40 Years Q1. During creation of new organization of 300 employees, what outcropping of leadership is related to subsequent engagement and job performance? A1. Not ALS, but interpersonal strategic connection (some given greater decision latitude than others (2 items). Q2. What are the operating characteristics of this connection over the organizations life cycle? A2. Predictable growth from strangers to acquaintances to mature linkages.
Q3. Are these outcroppings visible to business unit? A3. Yes, ranking of effectiveness of working relationship and LMX-4 correlated .50. Q4. Can we get better handles on LMX? A4. Yes, LMX-7, Team LMX. Q5. Can it be learned by managers? A5. Yes, with 50% productivity gains. Q6. Can it improve performance of project teams? A6. Yes, when tested. Q7. Is it finished? A7. Not until all managers do the human side of their jobs as well as the administrative side.
QUICK LMX My job #1 is to watch your back and make you the best you want to be. AND Your job #1 is to do the same for me Is it a deal?