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PRESENTATION OUTLINE Vision and Strategic Goals of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Overview Achievements Non-achievements Performance by Programmes Financial Statements Actual Spending per Programme Actual Spending per Economic Classification 2013/14 Financial Year-end results 2 2
VISION AND STRATEGIC GOALS OF DAFF VISION A leading, dynamic, united, prosperous and people-centered sector. STRATEGIC GOALS Increased profitable production of food, fibre and timber products by all categories of producers (subsistence, smallholder and commercial). Sustained management of natural resources. Effective national regulatory services and risk management systems. A transformed and united sector. Increased contribution of the sector to economic growth and development. Effective and efficient governance. 3
OVERVIEW The Department presents its Quarter 3 & 4 Organisation Performance Report for the 2013/14 financial year. This presentation focuses attention on the departmental achievements for the last 2 quarters of 2013/14, and highlights the performance status of planned deliverables and challenges encountered. DAFF contributes directly to three of the 12 Outcomes to achieve related outputs: Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth. Outcome 7: Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all. Outcome 10: Protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources. The deliverables were guided by government's key policies, namely the National Development Plan (NDP), New Growth Path (NGP), the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP), the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP) and the draft Integrated Growth and Development Plan (IGDP) for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. 4
OVERVIEW CONTINUED The Portfolio Committee has been provided with detailed narrative reports for each quarter. This presentation contains a selection of achievements and non-achievements as well as an overall summary for each quarter. • Quarterly targets are milestones towards the achievement of the annual target • in some instances it can be made-up in subsequent quarters (e.g. planning of rain-fed crops) and in other instances it cannot (e.g., artificial insemination of indigenous genetic resources as the gestation period cannot be fast-tracked) • The audit of the 2013/14 financial and non-financial information has been concluded: 5
ACHIEVEMENTS Successive unqualified audit opinions on the annual financial statements indicating commitment to good governance. Positive trade balance of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (AFF) sector increased from R3,1 billion in 2012 to R15,1 billion in 2013, with exports increasing by 26% and imports by 10%. Trade agreements concluded with other emerging economies and trade into Africa has been accelerated, especially SADC region. After losing its Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) free status (with vaccination) in 2011, RSA regained an World Animal Health Organisation (OIE) recognised FMD free status without vaccination on 14 February 2014. 23 panel mobile animal clinics were delivered to EC, LP, MP, NW and GP in 2013, while 30 additional mobile clinics will be delivered in 2014. Regulatory measures applied to identify Citrus Black Spot (CBS) orchards in order to ensure continued exports of citrus to the EU – market worth R3,7 billion and 80 000 jobs involved. 6
ACHIEVEMENTS cont… Although export of fresh ostrich meat to the European Union (EU) was banned in 2013 due to Avian Influenza, a protocol with additional biosafety measures was approved in February 2014. Assisted emerging farmers adopt and apply new technology to increase productivity and profitability of their herds through Kaonafatso ya Dikgomo. The Food and Nutrition Security Policy was approved by Cabinet in September 2013, followed by the launch of the Fetsa Tlala (eradicate hunger) initiative by the President in October 2013. In terms of the integrated food production programme, about 148 888 ha of fallow agricultural land was placed under production of maize and beans. A total of 268 tons of white maize was supplied by 60 smallholder producers to the World Food Programme during 2013, destined for Lesotho. DAFF continued to provide targeted support programmes such as CASP and Ilima/Letsema in order to realise enhanced food production at national and household level. 7
ACHIEVEMENTS cont… Tsolo College in Eastern Cape is now fully accredited by Council for Higher Education (CHE), except for final approval of the para-veterinary programme. Through its Female Entrepreneur of the Year Awards event, DAFF continued recognising and empowering women as contributors to food security and development. Since the inception of the DAFF experiential training and internship programme in 2003, 1 988 qualified unemployed graduates have participated in the programme and 599 were able to secure permanent employment, of whom DAFF employed 192. The Marine Living Resources Amendment Bill was approved by Parliament, to enable the Small-scale Fisheries Policy to be implemented to assist and support the small-scale fisheries sector. The four vessels at sea at end of financial year (3 patrol and 1 research vessel). Fisheries Management Branch was able to make Total Allowable Catch (TAC) and Total Allowable Effort (TAE) recommendations in all 22 commercial sectors. Long term fishing rights were allocated in eight sectors. The appeal process is underway, while the allocation process is also being audited. 8
NON-ACHIEVEMENTS Only 92% of SMS Performance Agreements were finalised and submitted to the DPSA. Only 50% of SMS members submitted their mid-term assessments and 73% of level 1- 12 employees finalised and submitted their bi-annual assessments. Integrated Human Resources Management Plan not submitted timeously. Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) Strategy was not implemented but, fast tracking of change management plan is underway. The Programme/Project Decision Support Management System was not implemented (this is a tool which can support APAP and is necessary to Monitoring and &Evaluation) Legislation Review project not completed. Suspended on the advice of the Executive Authority until after the 2014 Elections. Conservation of a number of indigenous Agricultural Genetic Resources were not achieved (Zulu sheep and Africana cattle) Total of 36 678 subsistence producers were supported. Shortfall of 93 322 subsidence producers. Rely on Provinces for performance evidence which was inconsistent. National Department also failed in verifying the evidence against the information provided. 9
NON-ACHIEVEMENTS continued Agro-processing Strategy not implemented due to poor leadership in the Branch. Not all the activities relating to the International Relations Strategy were implemented. Only provided evidence of support to 36 Small growers instead of 125 in KZN. Only 25, 1 ha out of 40 were rehabilitated in Mpumalanga and Limpopo, while zero were rehabilitated in North West. 9 500 ha of Agricultural land, Woodlands and indigenous forests were to be rehabilitated in terms of DORA - actual ha not available. Only 62 ha were revitalised at Vaalharts irrigation scheme, while zero ha was revitalised at Makhathini. However, the annual target for the All planned sea-based inspections of vessels in priority Fisheries Sectors , except one (169 and not 170) conducted despite vessels being docked. Commissioned services of vessels management provided Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Plan (CAADP): The Department only commenced the implementation in 2012. However, the consultation process was robust and the draft Compact was concluded by the end of the financial year
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Purpose Provide strategic leadership, management and support services to the Department. The aim of the programme is to lead, support and promote agricultural, forestry and fisheries resources management through policies, strategies and programmes to enhance the sustainable use, and to achieve economic growth, job creation, food security, rural development and transformation. • Corporate Services: To render sound human resources management and development, security and information management. • Chief Financial Office: To provide the Department with sound financial services. • Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation: To direct the provision of policy analysis, formulation, planning and monitoring and evaluation in order to facilitate the improvement of the Department’s performance. • Stakeholder Relations, Communication and Legal Services: To provide the Department with legal and communication services and promote intergovernmental and stakeholder relations. 13
PROGRAMME 2: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY Purpose Manage the risks associated with animal diseases, plant pests, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and registration of products used in agriculture; promote food safety and create an enabling environment for increased and sustainable agricultural production. The programme comprises three sub-programmes, namely Plant Production and Health; Animal Production and Health; and Inspection and Laboratory Services. • Plant Production and Health: Focuses on increasing agricultural productivity with the emphasis on a sustainable plant production system, efficient use of genetic resources and manages risks associated with plant pests, diseases and GMOs. • Animal Production and Health: Aims to improve livestock production through the implementation of animal production and health strategies, projects and programmes founded on sound animal disease risk management principles, an informed extension service and sustainable natural resources management. • Inspection and Quarantine Services: Focuses on the provision of leadership, guidance and support in ensuring compliance with agricultural legislation and regulatory frameworks and overseeing the effective implementation of risk management strategies and plans for regulated agricultural products. 19
PROGRAMME 3: FOOD SECURITY AND AGRARIAN REFORM Purpose The programme facilitates and promotes food security and agrarian reform programmes and initiatives. It comprises three sub-programmes, namely Food Security; Sector Capacity Development; and National Extension Support Services. • Food Security: The sub-programme provides national frameworks to promote sustainable household food security programmes through improving the production systems of subsistence and smallholder producers in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector to achieve food security livelihoods and facilitate the provision of inputs, implements and infrastructure support. • Sector Capacity: Facilitates the provision of agriculture, forestry and fisheries education and training in support of sustainable growth and equitable participation in the sector. This will be achieved by facilitating and supporting education and training skills, promoting the development of centres of excellence on skills training and development, manage and coordinate the sector transformation policy and strategy in line with the government objectives for the Department. • National Extension Support Services: Provides national extension policies, norms and standards on research and technology development. The sub-programme provides strategic leadership and guidance for the planning, coordination and implementation of extension and advisory services in the sector. It also provides leadership and strategic support in the implementation of norms and standards for extension. 25
PROGRAMME 4: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TRADE AND MARKETING Purpose Ensure value chain integration; facilitation of market access for agriculture, forestry and fisheries products in support of economic growth, job creation and development. The programme comprises the following three sub-programmes, namely International Relations and Trade; Agro-processing and Marketing; and Cooperatives and Rural Enterprise Development. • International Relations and Trade: Facilitates, coordinates and supports international relations and international trade for the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector through the development and implementation of appropriate policies and programmes. • Cooperatives and Rural Enterprise Development: Facilitates and supports the implementation of programmes and initiatives to ensure the promotion and participation of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector in the economic development of businesses. • Agro-processing and Marketing: Ensures the conversion/transformation of primary agriculture, forestry and fisheries products into value-added commodities and ensures domestic and international market access. 30
PROGRAMME 5: FORESTRY AND NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Purpose Develop and facilitate the implementation of policies and targeted programmes to ensure management of forests, sustainable use and protection of land and water as well as managing agricultural risks and disasters. There are three sub-programmes in the Forestry Programme, namely Forestry Operations; Forestry Development and Regulations; and Natural Resources Management. • Forestry Operations: Ensures sustainable management of forestry operations through managing state forests and woodlands, other state assets in the region and to render coordination and operational support. • Forestry Development and Regulations: Ensures effective development of policies for forestry regulation and oversight by promoting the optimum development of arboriculture, commercial and urban forestry and the development of small-scale forestry. • Natural Resources Management: Facilitates the development of infrastructure and the sustainable use of natural resources through an enabling framework for the sustainable management of woodlands and indigenous forests, the efficient development and revitalisation of irrigation schemes and water use. The sub-programme facilitates climate change mitigation and adaptation, risk and disaster management as well as promotes, regulates and coordinates the sustainable use of natural resources (land and soil). 38
PROGRAMME 6: FISHERIES MANAGEMENT Purpose Promote the development, management, monitoring and sustainable uses of marine living resources and the development of South Africa’s fisheries sectors. Sustainable livelihoods will be achieved through aquaculture growth and fisheries economic development. The programme comprises four sub-programmes, namely Aquaculture and Economic Development; Fisheries Research and Development; Marine Resource Management; and Monitoring, Control and Surveillance. • Aquaculture and Economic Development: Ensures aquaculture growth and fisheries economic development for sustainable livelihoods by providing public support and an integrated platform for the management of aquaculture. • Fisheries Research and Development: Ensures the promotion of the sustainable development of fisheries resources and ecosystems by conducting and supporting appropriate research. • Marine Resource Management: Ensures the sustainable utilization and equitable and orderly access to the marine living resources through improved management and regulation. • Monitoring, Control and Surveillance: Ensures the protection and promotion of the sustainable use of marine living resources by intensifying enforcement and compliance. 46