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This article discusses the evolution of Homo sapiens, different hypotheses about their origin, and the role of nature and nurture in shaping human traits. It also examines twin studies and correlations between genetics and traits such as weight and intelligence.
Exam #1 T 6/17 in class(don’t forget cheat sheet) • Bonus #1 was due 6/13 • Bonus #2 is due 7/10
Evolution: A species’ genetic component changes as the individuals reproduce
CB 25.3 Environmental changes drive evolution.
Two hypotheses about the origin of H. sapiens Multiregional hypothesis “Out of Africa” hypothesis
Relationships of different populations using mtDNA ~150,000ya 7 Daughters of Eve, fig. 1
Relationships of different people using mtDNA. 7 Daughters of Eve, fig. 2
Two hypotheses about the origin of H. sapiens X Multiregional hypothesis “Out of Africa” hypothesis
Proposed model of human evolution/ migration(based on mt and nuclear DNA) Additional migrations Expansion from Asia to Africa Out of Africa of Homo sapiens Out of Africa Fig 9 Out of Africa of Homo erectus
What makes us who we are? Nature and Nurture Based on “Nature via Nurture” by Matt Ridley (2003)
Genes Traits Genes code for proteins. These proteins give rise to traits…
Genes Traits Genes code for proteins. These proteins give rise to traits… It is rarely this simple.
Imprinting: exposure to movement (environment) sets “mother”
This article, shows how even today people see nature and nurture as opposing each other: The Pathogenesis of the Glaucomas:Nature versus NurtureMackey, et al., Clinical & Experimental Opthamology vol 36, pg 297, April 2008
Twin studies have been used to determine the heritability of various traits.
Types of twins: http://pennhealth.com/health_info/pregnancy/000199.htm
Twin studies have been used to determine the heritability of various traits, but there are some caveats:How many twins have been studied? How different are the environments?
Correlation of weight (BMI) % Identical twins reared together 80 Identical twins reared apart 72 Fraternal twins reared together 43 Biological siblings 34 Parents and children living together 26 Adopted children and parents 4 Unrelated children living together 1 *But food preference shows little genetic correlation Correlation of weight and relatedness The nature of environmental influences on weight and obesity: A behavior genetic analysis. Grilo, Carlos M.; Pogue-Geile, Michael F.; Psychological Bulletin, Vol 110(3), Nov 1991. pp. 520-537. And two books by Matt Ridley: Nature via Nurture (2003) and Genome: the Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters (1999)
Intelligence Correlation of IQ Inheritance : % The same person tested twice 87 Identical twins reared together 86 Identical twins reared apart 76 Fraternal twins reared together 55 Biological siblings 47 Parents and children living together 40 Parents and children living apart 31 Adopted children living together 0 Unrelated people living apart 0 From two books by Matt Ridley: Nature via Nurture (2003) and Genome: the Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters (1999)
When the environment is equal (everyone has access to resources), genetic differences are magnified. When environments are different (only a few have access to resources), environmental differences are magnified.
Proof or disproof? Correlation of IQ Inheritance : % The same person tested twice 87 Identical twins reared together 86 Identical twins reared apart 76 Fraternal twins reared together 55 Biological siblings 47 Parents and children living together 40 Parents and children living apart 31 Adopted children living together 0 Unrelated people living apart 0 From two books by Matt Ridley: Nature via Nurture (2003) and Genome: the Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters (1999)
The nervous system allows us to perceive the environment while the brain integrates the incoming signals to determine an appropriate response.
Input to brain is filtered. What are you paying attention to?
Active seeking of infoversusSubconscious scanning for threats Are we evolutionarily adapted to detect certain threats?
Emotion Drives Attention: Detecting the Snake in the Grass Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 2001, Vol. 130, No. 3, 466-478 Arne Ohman, Anders Flykt, and Francisco Esteves
Ability to detect snake or spider versus flower or mushroomby grid position Fig 1. Emotion Drives Attention: Detecting the Snake in the Grass (2001) J. of Ex. Psy., Vol. 130, No. 3, 466-478
Ability to detect snake or spider versus flower or mushroomby grid position Fig 1. Emotion Drives Attention: Detecting the Snake in the Grass (2001) J. of Ex. Psy., Vol. 130, No. 3, 466-478
Ability to detect snake or spider versus flower or mushroom is relatively quicker in a larger grid Fig 2. Emotion Drives Attention: Detecting the Snake in the Grass (2001) J. of Ex. Psy., Vol. 130, No. 3, 466-478
The Role of Social Groups in the Persistence of Learned Fear (2005) SCIENCE 309 pg 785 Andreas Olsson, Jeffrey P. Ebert, Mahzarin R. Banaji, Elizabeth A. Phelpshttp://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/309/5735/785 This perspective accompanies the article and has some useful background and further discussion:http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/309/5735/711
Conditioned fear: snakes/spiders Fig 1. The Role of Social Groups in the Persistence of Learned Fear (2005) SCIENCE 309 pg 785
Conditioned fear: race Fig 1. The Role of Social Groups in the Persistence of Learned Fear (2005) SCIENCE 309 pg 785
Conditioned fear: snakes/spiders race Fig 1. The Role of Social Groups in the Persistence of Learned Fear (2005) SCIENCE 309 pg 785
Is Race Necessarily a Defining Characteristic? Can race be erased? Coalitional computation and social categorization (December 18, 2001) PNAS vol. 98 no. 26 pg 15387–15392 Robert Kurzban, John Tooby, and Leda Cosmideshttp://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/98/26/15387
Random Statements My birthday is in April. My birthday is in June. My birthday is in August. My birthday is in January. My birthdayis in February. My birthday is in July. My birthday is in October. My birthday is in May. Can race be erased? Coalitional computation and social categorization (December 18, 2001) PNAS vol. 98 no. 26 pg 15387–15392
Coalition Membership I like orange. Hook em’. I like to wear overalls. Gig em’. Go Aggies. I like to wear chaps. I like Maroon. Go Horns. Can race be erased? Coalitional computation and social categorization (December 18, 2001) PNAS vol. 98 no. 26 pg 15387–15392
When alternate coalition membership information is introduced, race is ignored. I like orange. Hook em’. I like to wear overalls. Gig em’. Go Aggies. I like to wear chaps. I like Maroon. Go Horns.
Despite a lifetime's experience of race as a predictor of social alliance, less than 4 min of exposure to an alternate social world was enough to deflate the tendency to categorize by race. These results suggest that racism may be a volatile and eradicable construct that persists only so long as it is actively maintained through being linked to parallel systems of social alliance. Can race be erased? Coalitional computation and social categorization (December 18, 2001) PNAS vol. 98 no. 26 pg 15387–15392
Exam #1 T 6/17 in class(don’t forget cheat sheet) • Bonus #1 was due 6/13 • Bonus #2 is due 7/10