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Chapter 22: The Resurrection. UNDERSTANDING THE SCRIPTURES. 1. First Appearances (pp. 406–410) . ANTICIPATORY SET Incorporate the Resurrection appearance (cf. Jn 20:11–18; pp. 408–409) into the class ’ s Opening Prayer . . 1. First Appearances (pp. 406–410) . BASIC QUESTIONS
1. First Appearances (pp. 406–410) ANTICIPATORY SET Incorporate the Resurrection appearance (cf. Jn 20:11–18; pp. 408–409) into the class’s Opening Prayer.
1. First Appearances (pp. 406–410) BASIC QUESTIONS To whom was Christ’s Resurrection first announced, and to whom did he first appear? What did Christ reveal when he appeared on the road to Emmaus? KEY IDEAS An angel announced Christ’s Resurrection to the three women who went to anoint his Body; Christ then appeared to St. Mary Magdalene. Christ appeared to two of his disciples—who did not recognize him—on the road to Emmaus; he explained how the Scriptures foretold all that would happen and finally revealed himself to them “in the breaking of the bread” (Lk 24:35).
1. First Appearances (pp. 406–410) FOCUS QUESTIONS Who were the two courageous and prominent men who asked permission to bury Christ’s Body after his Death on the Cross? St. Joseph of Arimathea, a wealthy member of the Sanhedrin, and St. Nicodemus, the Pharisee who had visited Christ at night to listen to his teachings, asked to bury Christ’s Body. What would Christ’s tomb have been like? Being St. Joseph of Arimathea’s own tomb, it was most likely large and well made, cut out of stone, with a huge, rolling stone door. Why did the chief priests want a guard at Christ’s tomb? They claimed the followers of Christ might come by night, steal his Body, and then claim he had risen from the dead as he foretold.
1. First Appearances (pp. 406–410) FOCUS QUESTIONS Why did the women go to the tomb early Sunday morning? They went to anoint the Body of Christ properly since he had been buried in haste due to the approaching Sabbath. Extension: The Sabbath is timed from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. They went as soon as there was enough light Sunday morning. To whom was the Resurrection first announced? An angel announced the Resurrection to Sts. Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome. Why was St. Mary Magdalene weeping at the tomb? She thought somebody had removed or stolen the Body of Christ.
1. First Appearances (pp. 406–410) GUIDED EXERCISE Conduct a think / pair / share using the following question: Why did St. Mary Magdalene not recognize Christ, thinking him to be a gardener? GUIDED EXERCISE Read 1 Corinthians 15:3–11 and make a list of all the messengers of the Resurrection identified by St. Paul.
1. First Appearances (pp. 406–410) FOCUS QUESTIONS How did St. Mary Magdalene recognize Christ? He said her name, “Mary.” What did the disciples think of St. Mary Magdalene’s message from the risen Lord? They believed it to be an “idle tale,” that is, untrue gossip. What does it mean to be a messenger of Christ’s Resurrection? It means to tell others Christ has indeed risen from the dead.
1. First Appearances (pp. 406–410) FOCUS QUESTIONS Why did the two disciples on the road to Emmaus not recognize Christ? “Their eyes were kept from recognizing him” (Lk 24:16). What did Christ teach his disciples on the road to Emmaus? Beginning with Moses and continuing through the prophets, Christ explained the Scriptures foretelling he would suffer, die, and then rise again. What does the breaking of the bread signify? It signifies the Eucharist. As the two disciples recognized Christ in the breaking of the bread, so everyone can encounter him in the Eucharist.
1. First Appearances (pp. 406–410) CLOSURE Complete the following table citing three Old Testament texts and how Christ may have presented them on the road to Emmaus.
1. First Appearances (pp. 406–410) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Study Questions 1–5 (p. 415) Practical Exercises 1–2 (p. 416) Workbook Questions 1–7 Read “The Power to Forgive and Retain Sins” through “The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus” (pp. 411–413)
1. First Appearances (pp. 406–410) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT A think / pair / share using the following question: St. Ignatius of Loyola believed Christ appeared first to his Mother, but it is not mentioned in Scripture. Why would this have been appropriate?
2. Resurrection Appearances to the Disciples (pp. 411–413) ANTICIPATORY SET Opening Prayer on Christ’s final appearance to St. Peter in Galilee (cf. John 21).
2. Resurrection Appearances to the Disciples (pp. 411–413) BASIC QUESTIONS What did Christ do when he appeared to his disciples in the locked room? How did Christ allay the doubts of St. Thomas? What is the significance of the 153 fishes caught by the disciples? Why did Christ ask St. Peter three times, in front of a charcoal fire, if he loved him? KEY IDEAS Christ appeared to his disciples in the locked room and showed them he was alive; he gave them the power to forgive sins. St. Thomas, who was not present, doubted Christ had truly risen; a week later Christ appeared and put an end to St. Thomas’s lack of faith. Christ sent the disciples back to Galilee, where he showed the Apostles, with a miraculous catch of 153 fishes, their ministry was to be to every nation. Christ reaffirmed St. Peter’s role in the Church through his threefold affirmation, thus redeeming his threefold denial.
2. Resurrection Appearances to the Disciples (pp. 411–413) GUIDED EXERCISE A think / pair / share using the Catechism, no. 644 (p. 416), using the following question: Why is it wrong to argue the only reason the Apostles believed in the Resurrection was because they were backward, gullible, unscientific people?
2. Resurrection Appearances to the Disciples (pp. 411–413) FOCUS QUESTIONS Why were the Eleven Apostles in a locked room? They were afraid of the Jewish authorities, who had just killed their leader. How did Christ get into the room? He appeared despite the locked door. Why did Christ show them his hands and his feet? He wanted to convince them he was not a ghost but physically present.
2. Resurrection Appearances to the Disciples (pp. 411–413) FOCUS QUESTIONS When and how did Christ institute the Sacrament of Reconciliation? Before his Ascension, Christ breathed on the Apostles and said, “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven. If you retain the sins of any, they are retained” (Jn 20: 23). How did St. Thomas overcome his doubts? Christ appeared again to urge him to put his hands into his wounds, including his side. To whom was Christ referring when he said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe” (Jn 20: 29)? He referred to all Christians after his time, including those in the present day, i.e., all those who have never seen the risen Christ yet believe in him.
2. Resurrection Appearances to the Disciples (pp. 411–413) FOCUS QUESTIONS Why did Christ want his disciples to return to Galilee? Their own ministry was to begin in accordance with Isaiah’s prophecy: Galilee would be the place where Israel’s restoration would begin. Extension: Perhaps Galilee was safer until things quieted down in Jerusalem. What miracle did Christ perform for his Apostles after his Resurrection? Christ gave his Apostles a miraculous draught of fish. What was the significance of the 153 fish in the net? Greek philosophers had identified 153 kinds of fishes in the world. St. Peter was to be a fisher of men; this meant the Church was to catch every kind of person on earth.
2. Resurrection Appearances to the Disciples (pp. 411–413) FOCUS QUESTIONS What was the significance of the charcoal fire? A charcoal fire is mentioned one other time in the New Testament. Christ wanted to remind St. Peter of his betrayal in front of the charcoal fire, where he had denied him three times. Why did Christ ask St. Peter three times if he loved him? Christ wanted to give St. Peter a chance to undo his threefold denial. Extension: St. Peter’s denial had to have been heavy on his mind. Christ did not say one word about what had happened; instead, he prepared a fire and some fish and some bread. Without saying a word, Christ had reminded St. Peter about his denial. By his command, “Feed my sheep,” Christ was reaffirming St. Peter as Head of the Church. What did Christ command St. Peter to do? He commanded St. Peter to feed Christ’s lambs, meaning to take care of all Christian believers everywhere.
2. Resurrection Appearances to the Disciples (pp. 411–413) GUIDED EXERCISE ReadAthenagoras’ argument (p. 414). Then have a class discussion based on this question: How did Athenagoras show the Resurrection is reasonable?
2. Resurrection Appearances to the Disciples (pp. 411–413) GUIDED EXERCISE Some people do not like the idea of confessing their sins to a priest. Read Christ’s institution of the Sacrament of Penance (Jn 20:20–23). Then discuss this question: How is the practice of confessing sins to a priest or bishop and then receiving absolution inherent in the way Christ instituted and established the Sacrament of Penance?
2. Resurrection Appearances to the Disciples (pp. 411–413) CLOSURE Catholics claim Christ instituted the Sacraments of Holy Orders and the Eucharist at the Last Supper and the Sacrament of Penance after his Resurrection. Write a paragraph supporting this contention.
2. Resurrection Appearances to the Disciples (pp. 411–413) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Study Questions 6–14 (p. 415) Practical Exercise 3 (p. 416) Workbook Questions 8–15
2. Resurrection Appearances to the Disciples (pp. 411–413) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT In assigned groups of three or four, prepare answers for a class discussion using the following question: Based on Christ’s Resurrection appearances, what is known about his resurrected Body?