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Neptuni Ludus Gladiatoris

The Philosophy of Ludus Gladiatoris. Here at Neptuni Ludus Gladiatoris, we adhere to a unique philosophy in terms of combat. We believe that the Bestiarius are of a higher standard, and that it takes true talent to master the beast. This is despite what you hear from most schools, who look down upon

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Neptuni Ludus Gladiatoris

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    2. The Philosophy of Ludus Gladiatoris Here at Neptuni Ludus Gladiatoris, we adhere to a unique philosophy in terms of combat. We believe that the Bestiarius are of a higher standard, and that it takes true talent to master the beast. This is despite what you hear from most schools, who look down upon the Bestarius. We are located on the wonderful coast of Naples. Hence the reference to Neptune, the Sea God. Our logo is a depiction of Triton, the trumpeter of Neptune. His half monster, half man body represents the beast, as well as the sea, both intregral parts of the culture of Neptuni Ludus Gladiatoris.

    3. The Celebration The day starts with a choir, whose singing is accompanied by the parading of gladiators that will fight on this day. We display our exotic animals after the choir, as we will show the discipline that even the mightiest of animals, such as the lion, can have. We will show the skill of our bestiarii after the show of lions. The lions that have performed for you now become the hunted. The lunch break will also have entertainment, obviously in the form of damnatio ad bestias. Criminals must pay.

    4. The Main Event The main event is the Tournamenti Mortis, a tournament of our 8 finest Gladiators. 8 different styles, 8 different fighters, and 8 different suspenseful endings! As the fighters move on, the stakes get higher, for the final prize is the rudius, a wooden sword that marks the freedom of a gladiator.

    5. Match 1 Darius Nickname: Vastator (The Ravager)? Style: Thracian Weapons: Uses a small dagger to puncture his enemies. Armor: Uses a small shield for protection, and also wears leg greaves. Also uses a helmet and arm protector Fronto Nickname: Exterminator (The Exterminator)? Style: Dimachaerius Weapons: Two swords for twice the extermination! Armor: Little to none. Being the man that he is, Fronto thinks armor is for the weak.

    6. Match 2 Asellio Nickname: Custos (The Sentry)? Style: Samnite Weapons: Classic. A sword. Armor: A fashionable helmet with a crest and visor. Beautifully engraved shield. Replicas sold after the fight. Bibaculus Nickname: Adversaries (The Adversary)? Style: Secutor Weapons: Uses a legionary style of sword called the gladius. Armor: An egg shaped helmet, to match his head of course. A shield called a sputum, an arm protector, and one leg greave. Also called the Chaser occasionally.

    7. Match 3 Blaesus Nickname: Bos (The Ox)? Style: Laquerius Weapons: Uses a lasso to ensnare his enemies. Then uses a trident to finish the job! Armor: Blaesus has to remain mobile to operate. Therefore, he only uses minimal armor, usually on his left arm and shoulder. Naso Nickname: Auceps (The Birdcatcher)? Style: Retarius Weapons: Much like the Laquerius, but uses a net instead of a lasso. Armor: Again, like the Laquerius, he must remain mobile. The armor is therefore similar.

    8. Match 4 Rullus Nickname: Perditor (Destroyer)? Style: Murmillo Weapons: A lance to send the enemy to whatever deity they pray to. Armor: A large helmet with a visor, often ordained with a fish on its crest. Also carries a small shield. Scaurus Nickname: Exstinctor (The Annihilator)? Style: Paegniarius Weapons: Scaurus is a walking arsenal, sporting both a whip and a club. Armor: Despite his firepower, Scaurus is able to protect himself by strapping a shield to his left arm with leather bands.

    9. Coena Libera The menu of a gladiator: Barley & anethum graveclens Orzo & beans Ferro soup and bread Dried fruits Fresh cheeses Eggs Onions, garlic, and wild lettuce Snack of Champions: Goat milk with honey and walnuts

    10. Medicus Vulnerarius We have 12 doctors from all 3 schools: hippocrati, dogmatici, and medici. They have knowledge in the use of medical herbs like anise, black hellborne, cassia, root of cucumber, and cumin. They have been highly influenced by the practice of medicine in Ancient Egypt. They follow the footsteps of some of the greatest doctors period: Hippocrates, Aristotle, Alcaemon, Ascelpius, Augustus, and Galen. They can perform the toughest procedures known, such as the "trephination" procedure (the cutting of holes into the skull to relieve pain and pressure), eye surgeries, and even the reading of the liver.

    11. The Cost Match One = 6740 Sestertii. Match Two = 6325 Sestertii. Match Three = 6650 Sestertii. Match Four = 7150 Sestertii. Total for all four matches = 26865 Sestertii. Food and Medicine = 200,000 Sesterii Medical Tools = 120,000 Sesterii Choir = 10,000 Sesterii Exotic Animals = 50,000 Sesterii

    12. Cost Cont’d Darius = 3200 Sesterii Asellio =3100 Sestertii Bibaculus = 3225 Sestertii Blaesus = 3300 Sestertii Naso = 6650 Sestertii Rullus = 3850 Sestertii Scaurus = 3300 Sestertii Fronto = 6740 Sestertii

    13. The Cast Galaan Dafa = Trainer/ Armorer Jacob Garber = Owner Kelsey Cavanagh-Strong = Doctor Josh Kiel = Accountant

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