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AFRICA UNITE. AFRICA CIVIL SOCIETY PLATFORM IN THE POST2015 – Emmanuel Etim, Coordinator emmanuel@cdainter.org Tel/ WhatsAPP : +251912623935.
AFRICA UNITE AFRICA CIVIL SOCIETY PLATFORM IN THE POST2015 – Emmanuel Etim, Coordinator emmanuel@cdainter.org Tel/WhatsAPP: +251912623935
THE PLATFORM: Is a continental partnership for High-level Advocacy and lobby to influence Policy, Build Alliances and Mobilize Partnerships with focus on domestic financing for health in Africa • In 2009: 90 CSO Networks and Network organizations- still counting- including AIDS Serving Organizations, networks of People Living with HIV, networks of key populations (continent wide – language, regional, sectoral representation) • Key approach includes: facilitating visibility, participation and common outlook and positions • Sectoral foci: The Global Fund replenishments processes (GFAN); The African Union- Abuja 15% M & E, AIDS Watch; Domestic financing road map; post2015 CSWG (new- EU FTT); Paris Declaration on Aid effectiveness and “Here I am” campaign • Strategic partnerships with ICSS (GFAN), WACI(secretariat), UNAIDS • Steering Committee (OPPYS, WACI, AFRICASO, EANNASO, GYCA, AMsHER, JAAIDS, SafAIDS, CITAM, NAPSAR, KENAAM, AAI/SARPAM) WHO WE ARE
We therefore commit ourselves to speak with one voice and to act in unity to ensure that Africa’s voice is heard and is fully integrated into the global development agenda. • remarkable advances have been made in some areas, such as …….reversing the trend of the spread of HIV/AIDS • the post-2015 development agenda should be member State-driven, and in this regard, Africa will stand together in solidarity in negotiating an outcome that will result in our collective ownership of the new agenda. we come as 54 countries in unison, determined to represent a broad spectrum of stakeholders AU CAP
Africa’s development priorities are grouped into six pillars: (i) structural economic transformation and inclusive growth; (ii) science, technology and innovation; (iii) people-centred development; (iv) environmental sustainability natural resources management, and disaster risk management; (v) peace and security; and (vi) finance and partnerships Contd….
c) Universal and equitable access to quality healthcare • 42. we must improve the health status of people living in vulnerable situation …….by….. ending the epidemics of HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. • this can be achieved by: ensuring universal and equitable access to quality healthcare, including universal access to comprehensive sexual reproductive health and reproductive rights (e.g. family planning); improving health systems and health financing, and medical infrastructure, the local manufacturing of health equipment, (e.g. commitment to the abuja declaration); and setting up monitoring and evaluation, and quality assurance systems. Contd….Pillar three: People-Centred Development
In opposition of SRH and rights:Which is inextricably linked to Ending AIDS by 2030. • Nigeria & Cameroon opposed and made a big deal about how "so many countries" opposed the inclusion of these controversial issues. Benin did not speak and many of the African countries were silent. • As of 19 July SOUTH AFRICA spoke on behalf of 58 countries (no other AU M/S involved) and a target on SRH with no rights &RR was proposed and passed on for presentation to the GA POST 2015 AND AFRICA
These were Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kiribati, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Samoa, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, SOUTH AFRICA, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Vanuatu. The 58 Countries
Proposed goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages • TARGET: • by 2030 end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases, and other communicable diseases • achieve universal health coverage (UHC), including ……., access to quality essential health care services, and access to safe, effective, quality, and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all AS OF TODAY
Djibouti specifically mentioned the ‘mistakes’ in the proposed text including para 17 in the Chapeau, 17.18 in MOI, 5.6 ( ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the ICPD and the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences )in reference to ICPD and appealed for their changes. Contd…..
3.7: by 2030 ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes • 5.6: ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the ICPD and the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences Linkages with SRH with Rights
Partnership with African Union on its Domestic financing road map: review of all HIV/AIDS, SRH, TB and MALARIA Policies and Commitment ( from July 30) • Preparation of a CS Supplementary Report ahead of the July 2015 Summit on the review (Steering Committee) • Institutionalize relationship with AUC-ECOSOC, SADC, EAC, ECOWAS (for technical consultation and intelligence) • Convening Meeting of 200 CS with UNAIDS and UNFPA in August • To review and adopt the proposed Africa Strategy as was agreed at the May 2014 CSWG • Advocacy visit of Youth Task Force to Africa PM’s in NY, OSSA, AU PM to UN in September • Support and Mappactivities and outcome of National and regional consultations on the post2015 including produce an Africa Report (showcasing country processes and consensus) • Applying Big Data in a virtual infrastructure to report domestic financing in Africa, work on Innovative financing and expand engagement of membership base for social media (youth), popularization (user driven, interactive comparative database/website) • Initiate Social Media channels for dissemination, e-updates synchronization, Webinars and Google hangouts amongst others • Facilitate visible voices of African CSO’s in global processes on the post2015 through the (CSWG, GA, major rallying opportunities – first African Symposium on Adolescent Health and Development Rights Lusaka Zambia Dec 2014 et cetera) NEXT STEPS