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BPL. A POWER ENGINEER/HAM'S VIEW. BPL Sample. Progress Energy Site Cary, NC. From Sun Tzu on the Art of War. “To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.”. HAMS are experts at amateur radio operation

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  2. BPL Sample Progress Energy Site Cary, NC

  3. From Sun Tzu on the Art of War “To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.”

  4. HAMS are experts at amateur radio operation • UTILITIES are experts at power distribution • NO ONE is an expert at BPL

  5. SOURCES • ARRL • BPL vendors • Component vendors • Field test info • Reverse engineering


  7. FREQUENCY REUSE • 2 to 3mhz bands • Need geographical gap

  8. VARIATIONS • Ambient; BPL to user • Amperion; 802.11 to user • Corridor; 2ghz or higher/ g-line based (Not a concern)


  10. UNIQUE BPL COMPONENTS • Couplers; Function aswideband current transformers • Repeaters • Bridges; Jump from MV to LV lines

  11. MODULATION • Spread spectrum • DSSS • FHSS • OFDM




  15. OFDM in HAM RADIO • Digital voice • Data

  16. COMMERCIAL OFDM • Cellular phone • Wi-fi • DRM (Digital SW Broadcast)

  17. BPL ENVIORNMENT • Linear (transmission line) characteristics • Noise • Non linear characteristics • galvanic rectification • arcing • non-linear devices

  18. INGRESS • Carrier above AGC threshold • Carrier at AGC saturation • No drop in bit rate till this happens • High level carrier will clamp the receiver and may damage it • Only way around it is electrical filter on BPL input

  19. THE NPRM • Part 15 radiated limits remain intact • Interference provisions remain intact • Requires BPL database containing • Location • Frequency • Modulation • NPRM does not require database to be public and online • Database does not have to submitted to FCC

  20. The NPRM • Interference mitigation • Frequency avoidance • Shutdown

  21. The NPRM • ln situ measurement of RF field • Process described is time consuming • Not clear whether it applies to installation of all BPL devices • NPRM leaves little or no recourse for SW & other listeners

  22. BUSINESS PROBLEMS FOR BPL • BPL may be interim technology • BPL is 40 mb shared • Can’t do full video to several users • ROI unknown

  23. BUSINESS PROBLEMS FOR BPLCOMPETITION • CABLE • Cable internet available NOW to 82% of America (end 2002) • Capacity is 3Gbs+ shared • Retail speed now 3 to5 Mbs per user •  FTTH can deliver 40mb to each user

  24. BUSINESS PROBLEMS FOR BPLCOMPETITION • WiMax (802.16) • 2-11Ghz and 10-66 GHz • 70mb/s shared links • Hundreds of links in same geography • over 30 mile linear reach • Fixed point to multi-fixed point • Rollout Q4 ’04

  25. BPL MAY ONLY VALIDATE MARKET Projected costs (not including profit) From Carnegie Mellon study

  26. BUSINESS PROBLEMS FOR BPLTECHNICAL • Training • Aggregate RF noise • Long distance effects • Installation and maintenance • Scaling issues

  27. CONCLUSIONS • BPL will not be everywhere at once. • BPL will be deployed based on economics, not regulation • Actually part 15 always did allow for deploying • BPL will not destroy HAM radio. • All HF users will be in the role of monitor. This is not a new role. We may all have to get better at it.

  28. CONCLUSIONS • Confrontations will be local • In MN, Winona will test in July • In some areas BPL will be temporary • Replaced with WiMax, DSL, cable and fiber • The BPL provider in these cases may be the worse to deal as income dries up and they die

  29. CONCLUSIONS • HAM radio needs to maintain the high ground • HAMS are usually acknowledged for RF expertise, particularly locally • Utilities will have to cooperate with hams to avoid complaints • The only RFI incentive they have is regulatory

  30. Get involved • Share expertise with community at large • Make the community aware of the options • Lompoc example

  31. Point out things BPL vendors & utilities can do better • Design • Avoid ham bands • Installation • characterize environment first • Use BPL device as test instrument

  32. Point out things BPL vendors & utilities can do better • Operation • Use lowest power necessary • Avoid ham bands • Employ rapid interference elimination • Provide beacon to aid in id • 5wpm CW ID superimposed on entire bit stream • Don’t hide

  33. Get involved • Share expertise within HAM community • Know your local RF environment • Know the sound of BPL

  34. BPL OFDM AUDIO Raw data from Penn Yan, NY Recorded March 27, 2004 17 days ago This is the installation the Wall Street Journal said had “No interference”

  35. From Sun Tzu on the Art of War “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

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