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SciFinder Demonstration Search Pt 2 Chemistry 137 – Spring 2013

SciFinder Demonstration Search Pt 2 Chemistry 137 – Spring 2013. Grace Baysinger Head Librarian & Bibliographer, Swain Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Library graceb@stanford.edu. SciFinder – Doing Second Analysis by Index Term. SciFinder – Doing Second Analysis by Index Term.

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SciFinder Demonstration Search Pt 2 Chemistry 137 – Spring 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SciFinderDemonstration Search Pt 2Chemistry 137 – Spring 2013 Grace Baysinger Head Librarian & Bibliographer, Swain Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Library graceb@stanford.edu

  2. SciFinder – Doing Second Analysis by Index Term

  3. SciFinder – Doing Second Analysis by Index Term

  4. SciFinder – Keep Analysis Again If You Want to Further Refine Results 626 references with the Index Terms Antibiotic resistance, Drug resistance are displayed. Keep Analysis if you want to further refine results.

  5. SciFinder – Analyze Last Results by Publication Year

  6. SciFinder - Analyze by Publication Year to See When Research Has Been Done Sort by Natural Order to see chronological (or alphabetical for text terms) view

  7. SciFinder - Limiting Results to Last 5 Years Click on Show More to get selectable list.

  8. SciFinder - Keep Analysis if want to Refine More (e.g. Research Topic)

  9. SciFinder – Refining Last Search Results by Research Topic

  10. SciFinder – Exporting Search Results Select All or check the boxes of individual records and then press Export link.

  11. SciFinder - Export Choices Can use Tagged or Citation Export Format (RIS) for RefWorks.

  12. SciFinder - Exported References in Tagged Format After this slide, I am including a few more search options in SciFinder (that I wanted to illustrate before signing off). After signing off, remaining steps for importing references into RefWorks are covered.

  13. SciFinder – More Search Options - Get Citing References Find new articles that referenced articles you found in your search. First, select All References and then press Get Citing link.

  14. SciFinder – More Search Options - Get Substances from Citing Articles that Show Biological Activity

  15. SciFinder – More Search Options - Get Substances from Citing Articles that Show Biological Activity Results include newly added substances that have Structure Diagrams but have not been named yet.

  16. SciFinder – Viewing History of Search Session

  17. SciFinder – Be Sure to Sign Out Be sure to sign out when finished searching as only a limited number of people can use SciFinder at a time.

  18. RefWorks Login – Remote Access and On-Campus Login Remote login page. Must enter Group Access code for Stanford if you use RefWorks from off-campus. Code is sent during registration process. On-campus login. Go to http://www.refworks.com/refworks/ Register and then login. Must register while on-campus.

  19. RefWorks - Importing SciFinder References From Menu bar, choose References and then Import.

  20. Importing SciFinder References For Import Filter, choose CAS SciFinder, for Database choose Multiple Databases, and specify folder for importing references (optional). Browse hard disk to locate saved file and then press Import button.

  21. RefWorks - Importing SciFinder References

  22. RefWorks - Viewing Imported References Click on Find it at Stanford link to view full-text.

  23. Find it at Stanford - Viewing Full-Text of 1st Article in RefWorks List

  24. Find it at Stanford - Viewing Full-Text in PDF on Publisher’s Site

  25. SciFinder Traininghttp://www.cas.org/training/scifinder

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