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Texas Application for State Financial Aid: Senate Bill 1528 Students

Texas Application for State Financial Aid: Senate Bill 1528 Students. Maria Luna-Torres, Director, Education Finance Initiatives, TG Jane Caldwell, Director, Grants and Special Programs, THECB Janie Alcala, Associate Director, Outreach, TAMU. Background.

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Texas Application for State Financial Aid: Senate Bill 1528 Students

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  1. Texas Application for State Financial Aid: Senate Bill 1528 Students Maria Luna-Torres, Director, Education Finance Initiatives, TG Jane Caldwell, Director, Grants and Special Programs, THECB Janie Alcala, Associate Director, Outreach, TAMU

  2. Background • 2001 - House Bill (HB)1403 passed - allowing undocumented and domiciled visa holders access to Texas resident tuition and state financial aid • 2005 - Consortium formed to design state-wide financial aid application (TASFA) • 2005 - Senate Bill (SB)1528 passed - affirming, revising HB1403

  3. Initial Challenges • Students’ and parents’ lack of knowledge of financial aid availability • Fear of filing FAFSA due to undocumented status • Student, parent, and guidance counselor confusion on application process • Lack of consistency among schools in financial aid application process

  4. Solution • Task force formed to develop a statewide application

  5. Task Force Goals • Simplify the financial aid process • Develop a common application • Encourage use of the form

  6. Task Force Actions • First statewide application finalized in December 2005 for the 2006-2007 academic year • Annual survey conducted • Point of contact established

  7. Continued Challenges • Students unaware of aid opportunities • Schools still unaware of form and process • Some schools not willing to use form • Guidance counselors unsure which schools use the form

  8. Application Evolution • Application available in Spanish • Checklist attached • School contact list available • Application available online at • www.collegeforalltexans.com • www.aie.org • Approximately 100 colleges and universities use form

  9. Residency Eligibility RequirementsSB 1528 Jane Caldwell, Director, Grants and Special Programs THECB

  10. Residency RequirementsSenate Bill 1528 • Graduation from public or private Texas high school, or receipt of GED • Texas residency for at least three years • Affidavit of intent to become U.S. permanent resident

  11. Program Eligibility • State grants • Texas Public Education Grant (TPEG) • Texas Equalization Grant (TEG) • TEXAS Grant • Texas Educational Opportunity Grant

  12. Program Eligibility • Self-help aid • College Access Loan • Texas College Work Study (if eligible to work) • State exemption programs • Institutional aid

  13. Financial Aid Process:Needs Analysis Janie Alcala, Associate Director, Outreach TAMU

  14. FAFSA or TASFA

  15. Documentation • Tax returns and W-2s or documentation of income • Item 31 – if no tax return filed, report wages here • Threshold $6500 2010-2011 • Provide explanation • < $6500 indicated on tax return • >$6500 and no tax return filed • Selective Service registration for males between 18 and 25

  16. Needs Analysis • Manual calculation process • EFC calculators • www.AIE.org • Simulation on FAMS • COA – EFC = financial need

  17. Income & Assets

  18. Non Tax Filers

  19. Professional Judgment • May be used in same capacity as with federal aid • Be mindful that these students face unique circumstances • Situations include but are not limited to: • Dependency overrides • No tax return • Parent signature

  20. Audit Documentation • Keep all documents supporting decisions • Completed TASFA application • EFC calculation • Tax returns and W-2s • Income documents, e.g. signed statements of receipt of cash

  21. Comments or questions?maria.luna-torres@tgslc.org

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