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Quality of Telecommunication Services - Brazilian Regulatory Framework

Quality of Telecommunication Services - Brazilian Regulatory Framework. ITU Workshop on “Quality of Service of Regulatory and Operational Issues” (Dubai, UAE 2-3 November 2014). Tiago Sousa Prado - Anatel/Brazil tiago.prado@anatel.gov.br. Why to regulate quality ?.

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Quality of Telecommunication Services - Brazilian Regulatory Framework

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  1. Quality of Telecommunication Services-Brazilian Regulatory Framework ITU Workshop on “Quality of Service of Regulatory and Operational Issues” (Dubai, UAE 2-3 November 2014) Tiago Sousa Prado - Anatel/Brazil tiago.prado@anatel.gov.br

  2. Whytoregulatequality? Continental territory and 200 million inhabitants High population concentration at the coastal region Strong socioeconomic differences between regions Defficitary telecommunications infrastructure at small and medium cities (pop. < 100.000) Lack of competition in service provision at small cities.

  3. Customerreaction Network Assessthekeyaspectsandrequirements for deliveringanadequateservice. Consumercomplaintsabouttheprovision. Measureaimstoprovidetrend. Quality Management Broadband Customer Services QualityofCustomer Services, includingtheirperceptionabouttheserviceprovision. SpecificindicatorsrelatedwiththeprovisionofFixedand Mobile Broadband. CustomerPerceptionSurvey Focus oftheQualityRegulation Regulation No. 574/2011 (fixed) and 575/2011 (mobile) lesgislacao.anatel.gov.br

  4. Qualityof Service Indicators Focus Mobile (voiceand data) Indicators FixedBroadbandIndicators Focus • SMP1 (ComplaintsonOperator) • SMP2 (Complaints in Anatel) • SMP3 (VoiceCallCompletionstoOperatorsCall Centers) • SCM1 (ComplaintsonOperator) • SCM2 (Complaints in Anatel) • SCM3 (ReopenedComplaintsonOperator) Customerreaction CustomerReaction Customer Services • SMP12 e SMP12>60s (Waiting time tospeakwithattendantofthecall center) • SMP13 e SMP13>10d (Response time torequestsfromcustomers in thecall center) • SMP14 (Waiting time in thepersonalcustomerservice centers) • SCM10 (Waiting time tospeakwithattendantofthecall center). • SCM11 (Waiting time for installationoftheservice). • SCM12 (Network Repairrequests). • SCM13 (Resolution time for network repairrequests) • SCM14 (Resolution time for allrequestsmade in personalcustomerservice centers) Customer Services Comparative Indexes • IDA (Customer Service Performance Index) • IDQ (QualityIndicators Performance Index)

  5. Qualityof Service Indicators Focus Mobile (voiceand data) Indicators FixedBroadbandIndicators Focus Voice Network • SMP4 (VoiceCallCompletion) • SMP5 (TrafficChannelAlocation) • SMP6 (TextMessage Delivery) • SMP7 (Dropped-call rate) • SCM4 (Compliance with Contracted Speed – Instantaneous measurement) • SCM5 (Compliance with Contracted Speed – Average measurement) • SCM6 (Bidirectional Latency) • SCM7 (Jitter) • SCM8 (Packet Loss Rate) • SCM9 (Availability) Data Network Data Network • SMP8 (Successful data Connections) • SMP9 (Dropping in Data Connections) • SMP10 (Compliance with Contracted Speed – Instantaneous measurement) • SMP11 (Compliance with Contracted Speed – Average measurement)

  6. Data Network Indicators

  7. Data Network Indicators

  8. Qualityof Service Indicators Focus Mobile (voiceand data) Indicators FixedBroadbandIndicators Focus User’s Perception Survey • SMP15 (RequestsResolutionCapacity) • SMP16 (AttendantCompetence) • SMP17 (OperatorsCompetenceandOrganization) • SMP18 (UserGuidanceCapacity) • SMP19 (Billing Procedures) • SMP20 (CallQuality) • SCM15 (RequestsResolutionCapacity) • SCM16 (AttendantCompetence) • SCM17 (OperatorsCompetenceandOrganization) • SCM18 (UserGuidanceCapacity) • SCM19 (Billing Procedures) • SCM20 (TechnicalSupportCompetence) User’s Perception Survey

  9. Ranking OperatorsbyQuality Quality reports are made by Anatel each month Operators are ranked in each Brazilian State (27) Reports comparing operators are periodically published on the Anatel website and other media

  10. Thankyou! Tiago Sousa Prado - Anatel/Brazil tiago.prado@anatel.gov.br Dubai, November 2014

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