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Focus on protecting crews in interplanetary missions through Geant4 simulation & shielding studies. Collaboration with ESA & Alenia Spazio.

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  1. REMSIM Radiation Exposure and Mission Strategies for Interplanetary Manned Missions Susanna Guatelli, 9th March 2004, Genova, Italy www.ge.infn.it/geant4/space/remsim

  2. Context European programme for the exploration of the SolarSystem AURORA The primary objective of Aurora is to create a European long-term plan for the robotic and human exploration of the solar system, with Mars, the Moon and the asteroids as the most likely targets

  3. Problem • The radiation hazard to crew is critical to the feasibility of interplanetary manned missions • To protect crew: • the shielding must be designed • the environment must be anticipated and monitored • a warning system must be put in place. • Because of the strong influence on the mission design and the vehicle/habitat designs, early study must be made.

  4. REMSIM Project • Development of a Geant4 simulation for a preliminary quantitative study of • existing vehicle concepts and habitat designs • radiation exposure of crews therein • Collaboration • Geant4 Group, INFN Genova:S. Guatelli, M.G. Pia • Alenia Spazio: • ESA G. Brambati, V. Guarnieri, C. Lobascio, P. Parodi

  5. REMSIM objectives • Construct a geometrical description of the vehicle, habitat and astronaut to the required detail • Evaluation of the physical effects of space radiation in the exposed human body • A critical analysis of the Geant4 tools currently available for this type of studies, highlighting necessary extensions and improvements to the existing tools • A first quantitative analysis of proposed shielding solutions

  6. Software Process • The application follows a rigorous software process • Iterative-incremental method • Software Process artifacts • User Requirements Document • Analysis & Design • Implementation • Test  • Project Management - Risk List - Iteration Plan - Project Tracking Summary • Configuration & Change Management

  7. Analysis of interplanetary space mission Anomalous cosmic rays Galactic and extra-galactic cosmic rays Significant radiation -GCR: p, alpha, C, O, Fe ions -SPE (p, alpha) Jovian electrons (Neutrinos) Solar X-rays Irrelevant radiation - Jovian electrons -Trapped particles Trapped particles Induced emission Under study -Solar X-rays -Galactic X-rays and gamma-rays Solar Event electrons Solar flare neutrons and g-rays Solar flare electrons, protons, and heavy ions

  8. Validation • Stopping Power for p and alpha • CSDA Range for p and alpha • Comparison with protocol reference data (Report ICRU 49)

  9. Experimental set-up Iterations • Implementation of the concept of vehicle • Optimisation of the application (accuracy/performance) • GCR analysis • Explore Geant4 hadronic models

  10. Future • Benchmarks about Geant4 hadronic physics models • Analysis of Solar Particle Events • Dosimetric analysis in vehicle concepts • Study of shieldings

  11. Conclusion • REMSIM is an exotic dosimetric study • REMSIM is a valid application for a critical analysis of the Geant4 tools for interplanetary space manned mission studies • REMSIM has got the same problematics of radiotherapic disciplines (i.e. hadrontherapy, dosimetry studies in general) • REMSIM brings a valid contribution to the Geant4 medical physics applications

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