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Research in France and the Role of CNRS. www.cnrs.fr. Research in France. A public system based on : Research organisms (from basic research to applied research) : EPST (CNRS, INSERM, INRA, ……) EPIC (CEA, IFREMER, CNES….) Universities (80) and « Grandes Ecoles »
Research in France and the Role of CNRS www.cnrs.fr Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
Research in France A public system based on : • Research organisms(from basic research to applied research) : • EPST (CNRS, INSERM, INRA, ……) • EPIC (CEA, IFREMER, CNES….) • Universities(80) and « Grandes Ecoles » • Supervision by the Ministry of Research • State-funded research: 46% of the total R & D funding through the « civil budget for research and development »(BCRD) Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
Civil R&D Budget 2002 : 9 036 M€ (including tax) Other Ministries(including Industrial Researchand Civil Aeronautics Programs) : 17,47% CNRS : 24,54% Incentive Programs (FNS, FRT…) : 4,27% Training in an through Research : 2,82% General Research Administration and University Research : 5,43% Other Agencies/Councils(except CNES - CEA) 20,56% CEA : 10,24%Agency for Atomic Energy CNES (French Space Agency) 14,67% Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
State-funded Research staff in France Source : OST - March 2002 Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
National priorities for Science • Life Sciences (with a special emphasis on the post-genome research, neurosciences and developmental biology) • Global environment, energy and transport • Information and communication technologies and nanotechnologies • Social sciences and Humanities Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
CNRS • Established in 1939 • 26 000 permanent staff : • 11, 000 research scientists • 15, 000 engineers, technicians and administrative staff • 1,200 laboratories, 85% of which are associated with Universities • 2002 Budget: 2. 532 billion euros Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
Scientific staff in the CNRS laboratories (in 2001) Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
CNRS budget : 2 532 M€ Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
CNRS labs - sources of funds (without salaries) (1998 CNRS figures) Research contracts CNRS 35% 37% 28% Other publics institutions Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
CNRS responsibilities • CNRS has responsibility for structuring basic research at the national level (laboratories, infrastructures) • CNRS funds scientific programs(covering all scientific fields from Mathematics to Social Sciences) • CNRS hires scientists and engineers Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
CNRS management and evaluation bodies • 8 scientific departments • 12 regional offices • 5 horizontal directions (Universities, International Affairs, Entreprises, Studies and Projects, Information and Communication) • « National committee » for scientific evaluation • 1 000 French and international experts • periodic evaluation of CNRS scientists and laboratories • selection committes for filling research positions • scientific forward look at national level Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
What are the challenges ? • Interdisciplinarity versus disciplinary organization • Human resources : 52% of the staff to retire before 2012 • Decentralization of research administration and decision making • Emphasize strategic evaluation • Development of the European Research Area • Trends towards regionalization versus national structuration • Establish the continuum from basic research to applied research • Public versus private funding of research Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
Interdisciplinarity Interdisciplinarity required to address complex issues and problem oriented research • Scientific departments asked to emphasize their collaborations in interdisciplinary new structures: e.g. Institute for environmental studies • Targeted positions (20%) • Interdisciplinary institutes (based on scientific projects) • Interdisciplinary programs (21 M€ in 2003) Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
Decentralization of research administration and strategic evaluation • Increase the responsibilities of the Heads of laboratories : 4 years contracts based on scientific programme and strategic planning - includes financial and human resources • Increase the role of regional delegates towards more continuity in the relation with the regional entities • Creation of a new body in charge of strategic planning and evaluation (external groups in charge of strategic planning, increase the practice of external reviews, creation of an external review Committee) Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
Diversification of Staff Full-time scientists in the civil service status close to an academic positionbut diversification through: • temporary positions for University professors • post doctoral contracts for young scientists • temporary associate research positions for scientists from abroad • part-time, temporary positions for industrial collaborators 2001: 583 new positions for researchers and 1000 for engineers, technical and administrative staff, 450 positions for University faculty members Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
Partnerships • Universities : • Strategic view • Four year contracts • Joint research units • Industry : • Framework agreements • Joint and common research units • Industrial property rights on patents and licensing • New law on Innovation and Research (July 12, 1999) in support of creation of spin-offs by scientists Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
Relations with Industry • 1,200 contracts between the CNRS and businesses • Revenues of 126.53 million euros, including 57.93 million euros for contracts with industry • 29.35 million euros in license fees for the year 2000 • 192 priory patent applications filed • 1,000 active priority patents • 500 active licenses • 103 start-up companies created since 1999 (Biotechnologies, Communication and Information S & T, Materials, Environment…) Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
CNRS and European Research Area • Participation on the Framework programs (NoE, IP) • Bilateral and multilateral agreements (laboratories, networks, mobility) • Opening of the national programs (disciplinary, interdisciplinary) and large scale infrastructures for Eurpean cooperation • Foster the role of the European Science Foundation (forward look, Eurocores, young scientists…) : towards an ERC ? • Pusch for integration of “Research“ in the European Treaty Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
Public and Private Funding of Research Only mean to reach the “3% of GNP“ objective (national and European) • From bilateral agreements to “Fondations“ (trust funds and charities) : priority set at the governemental level • Key is with the tax deduction scheme Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002
A new strategic plan for CNRS adopted in 2002 www.cnrs.fr Gérard MÉGIE - Rome - November 28, 2002