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Chemical Reactions

Learn about different types of chemical reactions, such as synthesis, decomposition, single-replacement, double-replacement, and combustion. Explore examples and practice your knowledge with questions.

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Chemical Reactions

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  1. Chemical Reactions http://bluebuddies.com/Smurfs_Black_and_White_Smurf_Pictures-52.htm

  2. Review

  3. Reactant a substance that enters into a chemical reaction Product a substance that is produced by a chemical reaction

  4. Energy Endothermic Reaction A chemical reaction in which energy is absorbed (is a reactant) Examples? Exothermic Reaction A chemical reaction in which energy is released (is a product) Examples?

  5. New Material

  6. The Dance Synthesis(combination) Decomposition Single-displacement (single-replacement) Double-displacement (double-replacement) Combustion

  7. Synthesis A + B  AB ___Mg + ___O2 ___MgO http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/CURR/Science/sciber00/8th/matter/sciber/chemtype.htm

  8. Decomposition AB  A + B ___ H2O  ___ H2 + ___ O2 http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/CURR/Science/sciber00/8th/matter/sciber/chemtype.htm

  9. Single Replacement A + BC ---> AC + B Mg + 2 H2O ---> Mg(OH)2+ H2 F2 + 2 KCl CI2 + 2 KF

  10. Note: In single replacement reactions, “Like replaces like!” What this means: metals replace metals or cations,nonmetals replace nonmetals, or anions!! http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/CURR/Science/sciber00/8th/matter/sciber/chemtype.htm

  11. Double Replacement AB + CD ---> AD + CB ___Pb(NO3)2 + ___KI ---> ___PbI2 + ___KNO3 Again, “Like replaces like.” http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/CURR/Science/sciber00/8th/matter/sciber/chemtype.htm

  12. Combustion a hydrocarbon combines with oxygen gas to produce carbon dioxide and water. CnHn + O2 H2O + CO2 It is also called “burning.”

  13. Recap Synthesis(combination) Decomposition Single-displacement Double-displacement Combustion AB + C  AC + B CnHn + O2  CO2 + H2O A + B  AB AB  A + B AB + CD  AD + CB

  14. Practice

  15. __NaOH+ __KNO3--> __NaNO3 + __KOH • Synthesis(combination) • Decomposition • Single-replacement • Double-replacement • Combustion

  16. __CH4 + __O2 __CO2 + __H2O • Synthesis(combination) • Decomposition • Single-replacement • Double-replacement • Combustion

  17. __Fe + __NaBr --> __FeBr3 + __Na • Synthesis(combination) • Decomposition • Single-replacement • Double-replacement • Combustion

  18. __CaSO4 + __Mg(OH)2 __Ca(OH)2 + __MgSO4 • Synthesis(combination) • Decomposition • Single-replacement • Double-replacement • Combustion

  19. __NH4OH + __HBr __H2O + __NH4Br • Synthesis(combination) • Decomposition • Single-replacement • Double-replacement • Combustion

  20. __Pb + __O2 __PbO2 • Synthesis(combination) • Decomposition • Single-replacement • Double-replacement • Combustion

  21. __Na2CO3 __Na2O + __CO2 • Synthesis(combination) • Decomposition • Single-replacement • Double-replacement • Combustion

  22. Questions?

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