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Explore the Scientific Revolution and how it challenged the accepted beliefs about the universe. Learn about influential figures such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler and their discoveries that changed the way we understand the natural world.
World History Chapter 22: Enlightenment and Revolution
Section 1: The Scientific Revolution Chapter 22: Enlightenment and Revolution
What is the Scientific Revolution? • A new way of thinking about the natural world • A willingness to question accepted beliefs • How do we know what we know?? • Mid 1500’s- 1600’s
Ancient vs. Modern Views of the Universe • Questions asked: • What is the earth’s place in the universe? • Where does heaven fit in?
The Accepted Model of the Universe Before the Sci Rev • “Ptolemaic System” • Ptolemy wrote The Almagest (150 c.e.) • Geocentric Theory- the earth is at center of the universe • “Concentric Spheres” above earth
The “Celestial / Concentric Sphere”- /Geocentric Theory • A “Sphere” surrounded the earth • Stars attached to this sphere • Sphere rotated around stationary earth every 24 hours • Sphere “moved” in westward motion (stars rise in east, set in west)
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) • Polish Priest/Astronomer • Did not believe the Earth was at the center of the universe
Copernicus’ Model of the Universe • Heliocentrism– Sun is at the center of the universe • Challenged Ptolemaic model • Argued that the farther the planet from the sun, the longer it took to revolve around it
Copernicus’ Model of the Universe • Believed in the daily rotation of the earth on its axis • and the journey of the earth around the sun each year
Copernicus • Wrote:On Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres • Published after his death 1543 • Theories allowed for others to re-think views of the universe
Nicolaus Copernicus & Heliocentrism • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNGlHzS1s70 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8lMW0MODFs
Tycho Brahe • Danish Astronomer • 1546-1601 • Suggested: • Mercury & Venus revolved around sun, • But other planets revolved around earth
Tycho Brahe • Constructed scientific instruments for observation of planets • Observed and recorded movement of planets for many years • Compiled large amounts of data
The Scandalous Life of Tycho Brahe- TED TALKS • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QDvKzY4aqA
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) • German astronomer • Was Tyco Brahe’s assistant • InheritedBrahe’s data/writings
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) • Used Copernicus idea of heliocentric universe + Brahe’s data = • A new interpretation of the Universe
Kepler’s Book • Published book: The New Astronomy, 1609 • 1. 1st astronomical model to portray motion • 2. Path of planets as elliptical, not circular • 3. Sun centered universe
Giordano Bruno • Dominican Monk/Astronomer • Italian • Born 5 years after Copernicus died • Controversial!
Giordano Bruno,1584 • Published two books: • 1. “Cena de la Cenari” –defended heliocentric theory of Copernicus • 2. De L’infinito , Universo e Mondi (“On the Infinite Universe and Worlds”) …
Giordano Bruno Argued That: • 1. Universe is infinite • 2. Universe contains an infinite number of worlds AND…..
Giordano Bruno Argued That: • 3. These worlds are inhabited by intelligent beings!!!!
Giordano Bruno Was… • Investigated & Arrested • Sent to trial 1592 • Kept imprisoned for 8 years, interrogated periodically • Refused to recant (take back) heretical statements regarding the universe
Death of Bruno • Declared a heretic • Burned at the stake ! • His file is missing from records
Galileo Galilei (1564- 1642) • Mathematician, “instrument maker”, & astronomer • 1588-1592 Professor of Mathematics University of Pisa • 1592 – Dept. Chair, Mathematics. University of Padua
Galileo’s Achievements • 1. Perfected Dutch Telescope • First used it 1609
Galileo’s Achievements • 2. Discovered Sunspots • 3. Discovered moons around Jupiter -named them after Medicis“MediceaSidera” (Medician Stars) - Name later changed to: Io, Europa, Ganymede,Callisto
Galileo’s Achievements • 4. Wrote : Starry Messenger (1610) • Argued: • Copernican view of the Universe • Universe subject to mathematical laws
“The Universe; Galileo Galilei” • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QUegBP3qwg
Galileo’s Troubles • In 1616, the Catholic Church warned Galileo not to defend the ideas of Copernicus • Sun centered (heliocentric theory)
IN1623 Galileo’s Acquaintance • Became Pope Urban VIII • Gave Galileo permission to resume discussion regarding Copernican system • As long as he treated topic as theory/hypothesis • And not TRUTH
Galileo’s “Mistake” • 1632 published : • “Dialogue on the 2 Chief World Systems” • Featured 2 characters: • A “dumb” character (favored geocentric model) & • A “ smart” character (favored heliocentric model)
The Problem? • Pope Urban VIII thought • Galileo was mocking him, and took personal offense! • 1632 Pope referred Galileo case to the Inquisition
Galileo was Imprisoned in 1633 by The Inquisition • He Refused to recant his theories • Found guilty • Punishment: • House Arrest • Books were banned • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J0-ZbbrD6U
Francis Bacon (1561-1626) • Father of Scientific Method or Empiricism • Believed that: Investigation + evidence lead to truth • empiricism became popular after Isaac Newton used method
About the Scientific Method • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVfI1wat2y8 • 1. Discuss your past science projects and your experience using the scientific method. • 2. Did the video give you a better understanding of how scientists use the scientific method in their research?
Isaac Newton • English Mathematician 1642-1727 • Believed in Empiricism: one must observe phenomena before attempting to explain them
Newton Combined… • 1. Kepler’s laws of motion for the heavenly bodies and… • 2. Galileo’s laws of motion for things on earth. • Proved that Motion could be timed and measured
Newton’s Accomplishments • 1.He explained how the universe works through mathematics. • 2. Planets & Physical objects in the universe move through “mutual attraction: or “gravity”
Newton’s Accomplishments • 3. Laid the foundations for differential and integral calculus. • 4. Established universal laws of motion & gravity • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncttbyZ5U8M
How Far Would You Have to Go to Escape Gravity? • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlxKh4oCKhwhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlxKh4oCKhw • 1. Did this video give you a better understanding of gravity?
Rene Descartes (1596-1650) • Relied on “ Rational deduction” instead of empiricism/inductive method • Originally a mathematician • invented analytical geometry
Rene Descartes (1596-1650) • Descartes doubted everything except the following- • Two Categories of Existing Things : • 1. thinking things • 2. Things that occupy space • But…He could not doubt his own act of thinking
TED –ED How do you know you really exist (2014)? • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmxlcJFTaYU • “I think, therefore I am!” - Descartes
Galen • Ancient Greek Physician (2nd century) • European Doctors still using his method of teaching medicine in the 1500’s!
Galen’s Views of Anatomy • Anatomy: relied on animal, rather than human dissection • This fostered an inaccurate view of the human body
Paracelsus (“Greater than Celsus”) • Phillip Aureolus Von Hohenheim (1493-1541) • German-Swiss Physician • Rejected Galen’s theories
Paracelsus (“Greater than Celsus”) • Observation & Experiment key to developing a better understanding of the human body/diseases • Not afraid to consider traditional folk remedies
Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) • Wrote On The Structures of the Human Body (1543) • Book included accurate illustrations of human anatomy • Dissected cadavers in order to create illustrations to accompany written text