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English. What ´s for breakfast ?. Excercise. Short conversation Ann: Toast mum? Susan: Yes, please. Ann: Here you are. Susan: Thank you. . Excercise. Long conversation Peter: Would you like cornflakes, Ann? Ann: Yes , please . Peter: Here you are. Ann: Thanks .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. English What´s forbreakfast?

  2. Excercise Short conversation • Ann: Toast mum? Susan: Yes, please. Ann: Here you are. Susan: Thank you.

  3. Excercise • Long conversation • Peter: Wouldyoulike cornflakes, Ann? Ann: Yes, please. Peter: Hereyou are. Ann: Thanks. Susan: Wouldyoulike toast, Peter? Peter: No thanks. Youknow I don’tlike toast. Susan: Sorry.

  4. Do you like? • Short question: • Cornflakes? • Toast? • Long question: • Would you like …? • To asksomething: • …,please. • To givesomething: • Hereyou are.

  5. Positive/negative • Positive • Yes, please. • Negative • No, thank you.

  6. Do or don’t you like? • Cheese • Croissant • Pancakes • Milk • Tea • Apple • Bread • Eggs • Hamburger • Coffee

  7. Song: In the morning • What is the song about? • What does the father/mother/brother do? • Why can’t these people stay in bed? • Are you always tired in the morning? • Why do you have to go out of bed?

  8. Excersise 4 • What doesn’t belong in the line? Find it out! • Eg. Milk – Tea – Coffee – Toast • Which one doesn’t belong in this line and why?

  9. Excersise Word Mixx • What’s the right word? • Rebad - Eat • Gegs - Stancoris • Lepap - Brahmuger • Stoat - Eeches • Nanaba - Focefe

  10. Eating habits • Listen to the tape. • What are these children eating for breakfast? • Which words don’t you understand? • What do you eat for breakfast?

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