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The passive. Merche Montero Calomarde Marta Santamaría González . The passive verb . Afirmative : the form is “ to be + past participle ”. - That film was directed by Woody Allen . Negative : Add not at to be . - That film wasn’t directed by Woody Allen .
Thepassive Merche Montero Calomarde Marta Santamaría González
Thepassiveverb. • Afirmative: theformis “tobe + pastparticiple”. -That film wasdirectedbyWoody Allen. • Negative: Addnot at tobe. -That film wasn’tdirectedbyWoody Allen. • Interrogative: Tobe + subject + participle. -Wereyouexaminedbythe doctor? -Shouldeverything in thenewsbebelieved? -WillthejobbefinishedbyMonday? -Haveany new bandsbeendiscoveredlately?
How do you move a sentence to passive? • First, put the verb to be in the same time which the verb had in the active voice. • Set as subject the first supplement that has been active behind the verb, whether direct or indirect. We will give a present to James at the party A present will be given to James at the party. If the indirect object is a pronoun, you must change the form of the subject. They showed me their last album I was shown their last album • Pass the subject of active sentence at the end of the passive preceded to by. And if it is a personal pronoun, change it as the appropriate object. Many rocks stars have help concerts here. Concerts have been help here by many rock stars. • As shown in the table, modals and Be going to remain unchanged, is the verb which is put into passive (be + participle).
Tense Active Passive
Use thevoicepassive • The aim is giving more importance to the action than to the subject. • When the subject who does the action is unknown or don’t want to be named. - In this hotel, the rooms are cleaned every day. • To avoid and active sentence whose subject is they,somebody,nobody… • Nobody has cleaned this room yet. • Thisroomhas notbeencleanedyet.
Specialforms Some verbs introduce an opinion, thought or belief. These verbs are say, think, believe, know or report. With these verbs is possible to use two passive forms: • One construction: It + be + participle + that + … Active: People say that Javier Barden is a great actor Passive: It is said that Javier Barden is a great actor. Active: I know that many pop singers come from England. Passive: It is known that many pop singers come from England. • The other form: Subject + be + participle + … Active: People say that Javier Barden is a great actor. Passive: Javier Barden is said to be a great actor. Active: People know that band have an awful singer. Passive: That band is known to have an awful singer. The verb consider is only possible in the second type of passive and has a literal translation. Javier Barden is considered to be a great actor.
1- Choose the correct answer. 4.They came to the meeting at 5.00 instead of 6.00. They might not have… of the change. a) been informed b) informed c) been informing 5.A diamond…the most valuable stone. a) Is said b) is said to be c) said to be 6. My TV wasn’t working, but I… a few days ago. a) was repaired b) have it repaired c) got it repaired 1.She didn`t know that the conversation… a) was being recorded b) has been recording c) was recording 2.The tickets… online a) can purchase b) can be purchased c) Purchased 3.The museum…guided tours for visitors a) is being arranged b) is arranging c) is arranged
2- Rewrite each sentences using the special structures. • People believe that the French are the best cooks. It is believed that the French are the best cooks. • Everyone knows that rock singers make a lot of money. Rock singers are known to make a lot of money. • People think that the exhibition is interesting. It is thought that the exhibition is interesting. • Picasso is considered to be a great painter. People consider Picasso a great painter. • People said that the hamburgers are unhealthy. The hamburgers are said to be unhealthy.
CAUSATIVE • Have/get + object + participle. She’ll get her hair cut like Eva Longoria. Ella se quiere cortar el pelo como Eva Longoria. Have / get use for actions that order a somebody. These structure have a passive sense, because the name in the middle, recives the action of the verb in participle form. I got my car repaired yesterday. Arreglé / me arreglaron el coche ayer. Although have and get are both used , get is more informal, and is more common in spoken english. We got our house painted last week. Pintamos / Nos pintaron la casa la semana pasada.
ACTIVITIES 3. Write sentences about each situation. Use the causative and the words in brackets. Make any necessary changes. • My trousers are too long.(mark shorter) I’m going to have my trousers marked shorter. • His car was dirty yesterday. (wash) He got his car washed. • I don’t want to go out to get the pizza. (Let’s / deliver) Let’s going to have the pizza delivered. • We didn’t pack the dishes ourselves. ( pack / professionals) We got the dishes packed by professionals. • This is a beautiful wedding dress. (Where / make) Where have been this wedding dress made for you?