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Unidad 2 lección 1. Español 1 – Doctora Tartaglione. Conjugating Verbs. return to index. Conjugation:. a verb form that uses the stem of an infinitive and adds endings that reflect subject and tense. return to index. t o walk. remove the “ to” from the infinitive form:.
Unidad 2 lección 1 Español 1 – Doctora Tartaglione
Conjugating Verbs return to index
Conjugation: a verb form that uses the stem of an infinitive and adds endings that reflect subject and tense return to index
to walk remove the “to” from the infinitive form: To conjugate a verb in English in the present tense you first have to take the infinitive form: to walk return to index
I walk He walks They go She goes In English you have to include the subject pronoun and sometimes add an ending: walk return to index
I walk you walk he walks she walks we walk you all walk they walk they walk In English you have to include the subject pronoun and sometimes add an ending: return to index
ar To conjugate an “ar” verb in Spanish you must first remove the “ar” ending. habl return to index
Add amos for the “nosotros” form: Add an for the “ellos” form: Add o for the “yo” form: Add as for the “tú” form: Add áis for the “vosotros” form: Add a for the él form: yohablnosotroshabl túhablvosotroshabl élhablelloshabl o amos as áis You then need to add the appropriate endings. a an return to index arvb.ppt
yo hablo tú hablas Ud. habla él habla ella habla nosotros hablamos vosotros habláis Uds. hablan ellos hablan ellas hablan = I speak, I am speaking = you speak, you are speaking = you speak, you are speaking = he speaks, he is speaking = she speaks, she is speaking = we speak, we are speaking = you all speak, you all are speaking = you all speak, you all are speaking = they speak, they are speaking = they speak, they are speaking We would translate the following conjugated verb into English as such:
Conjugate the following verbs according to the subject pronoun, then give the English translation return to index arvb.ppt
hablar (yo) hablo I speak, I am speaking return to index arvb.ppt
hablar (tú) hablas you speak, you are speaking return to index arvb.ppt
dibujar(ella) dibuja she draws, she is drawing return to index arvb.ppt
bailar(nosotros) bailamos we dance, we are dancing return to index arvb.ppt
estudiar(ellos) estudian they study, they are studying return to index arvb.ppt
Andar (usted) *Remember*…this is the formal version of “you” for speaking to an adult. anda you ride, you are riding return to index arvb.ppt
pasear(yo) paseo I walk (stroll), I am walking (strolling) return to index arvb.ppt
escuchar (ellos) escuchan they listen, they are listening return to index
estudiar (yo) estudio I study, I am studying return to index
estudiar (ellos) estudian they study, they are studying return to index
usar (tú) usas you use, you are using return to index
trabajar (ellas) trabajan you work, you are working return to index
Tener – to have • The forms are similar to an –ar verb…but since tener ends with –er…the endings have –e in them. ***And don’t forget that this verb has some other spelling changes.
tener All forms need an “i” except yo, nosotros and vosotros. • Yotengo • Tútienes • Ustedtiene • Éltiene • Ella tiene • Nosotrostenemos • Vosotrostenéis • Ustedestienen • Ellostienen • Ellastienen Don’t forget to add in the “g”.
Tener + “que” + infinitive Don’t’ conjugate the second verb!!! • To have + “to” + activity • In this phrase “que” means “to” Don’t’ conjugate the second verb!!!
Tener + “que” + infinitive Don’t’ conjugate the second verb!!! • Yotengoqueestudiarpara el examen. • Marco tienequetrabajartemprano. Which word means “to”??? Don’t conjugate the second verb!!!
What kind OF class is it? The class OF science. de Yotengo la claseespañol con Doctora Tartaglione.
The class OF math MAL BIEN • la inglésclase • La historiaclase • la clasedeinglés • La clase de historia A mí me gusta la clase de arte, porque me gusta mucho dibujar.
Muchos/muchas • Tengomuchasclaseshoy. • Hay muchosestudiantes en la clase de español. • Me gusta mucho comer. Make sure the ending matches. “Many” is a quantity, not a description, so it stays in front of the noun. el estudiante= muchosestudiantes Laclase = muchasclases In this case there is no noun to match it to, so do not change the ending of “mucho”.
La hora… Right now At… • It is = • Your answer when someone asks you what time is isNOW. • Son las… • Es la (una)… • For saying when you have (to do) something. • I have math AT 2:00. • A las… • A la (una)…
Think about the pattern in English. Frequency… Always and never go before the verb. I alwaysstudy for a test. Yosiempreestudiopara un examen. Ella nuncallegatarde a la clase.
Think about the pattern in English. Frequency… A lot goes after the verb. I studya lot. Yoestudiomucho. A Doctora le gustahablarmucho.
Frequency… All other frequency phrases go at the very beginning or very end of the sentence. I eat French Fries once in a while. Yocomo papas fritasde vez en cuando. Sometimes I eat fruit in the morning . A veces(yo) comofruta en la mañana.