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Analysis of Gene Ontology terms for various modules using Fisher's exact test with multiple testing correction. Includes BP, CC, and MF ontologies.
Suppl. Tab. 1 Enrichment of Gene ontology (GO) terms for the Turquoise module. GO Biological processes (BP), Cellular component (CC), and Molecular function (MF) ontologies were considered, tested for enrichment using the Fisher’s exact test, and the enrichment p-values were corrected for multiple testing (P). Supplementary Table 1
Suppl. Tab. 2 Enrichment of Gene ontology (GO) terms for the Greenyellow module. GO Biological processes (BP), Cellular component (CC), and Molecular function (MF) ontologies were considered, tested for enrichment using the Fisher’s exact test, and the enrichment p-values were corrected for multiple testing (P). Supplementary Table 2
Suppl. Tab. 3 Enrichment of Gene ontology (GO) terms for the Yellow module. GO Biological processes (BP), Cellular component (CC), and Molecular function (MF) ontologies were considered, tested for enrichment using the Fisher’s exact test, and the enrichment p-values were corrected for multiple testing (P). Supplementary Table 3
Suppl. Tab. 4 Enrichment of Gene ontology (GO) terms for the Tan module. GO Biological processes (BP), Cellular component (CC), and Molecular function (MF) ontologies were considered, tested for enrichment using the Fisher’s exact test, and the enrichment p-values were corrected for multiple testing (P). Supplementary Table 4
Suppl. Tab. 5 Enrichment of Gene ontology (GO) terms for the Pink module. GO Biological processes (BP), Cellular component (CC), and Molecular function (MF) ontologies were considered, tested for enrichment using the Fisher’s exact test, and the enrichment p-values were corrected for multiple testing (P). Supplementary Table 5
Suppl. Tab. 6 Enrichment of Gene ontology (GO) terms for the Purple module. GO Biological processes (BP), Cellular component (CC), and Molecular function (MF) ontologies were considered, tested for enrichment using the Fisher’s exact test, and the enrichment p-values were corrected for multiple testing (P). Supplementary Table 6
Suppl. Tab. 7 Gene-specific primers for quantitative RT-PCR. Supplementary Table 7
Suppl. Tab. 8 Results of Gene-wide analysis of EFHD2 with lifetime drinking frequency. Totally 105 common SNPs with minor allele frequency >0.01 were included in the analysis. The corrected P-value was calculated based on 100.000 permutations. Supplementary Table 8