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Energy Feedstuffs An Sci 320. Table 1. Estimates of origin and early cultivation of cereals 1 1 Source-McGee, 1984. Highlighted account for 70% of all feedstuffs fed to livestock. Energy Feeds Characteristics. Less than 20% protein Less than 18% crude fiber Less than 35% cell wall
Energy Feedstuffs An Sci320
Table 1. Estimates of origin and early cultivation of cereals1 1 Source-McGee, 1984 Highlighted account for 70% of all feedstuffs fed to livestock
Energy Feeds Characteristics • Less than 20% protein • Less than 18% crude fiber • Less than 35% cell wall • Often deficient in lysine and tryptophan • High in energy (TDN or NE) • >70% TDN • Energy from • Readily available carbohydrates (sugars, starches) • Fats, oils • Low in calcium • Moderate in phosphorus • Composition less variable than roughages
High-Energy Feedstuffs • Purpose of high energy feedstuffs in rations • To provide dietary energy • To increase energy density • Provide substantial concentrations of additional nutrients: amino acids, minerals, vitamins • Increase palatability • What species are consuming them • Poultry (33%) • Hogs (27%) • Beef cattle (24%) • Dairy cows (11%)
High Energy Feedstuffs • Typically added to rations in high concentrations for animals that are being rapidly grown or finished • Can provide additional energy for higher energy requirements: show, reproduction, lactation, exercise • Long term management of animals (horses, exotic hoofstock, etc…) should have lower concentrations of high energy feedstuffs • Health concerns such as obesity, laminitis, acidosis if too much • May be useful for animals not adapted for cold climates
Examples of High Energy Feedstuffs • Cereal Grains • Corn, oats, barley, rye and wheat • Sorghums • Kafir, milo, hybrids • Byproduct feeds • Brans, midlings, shorts, mill run, cobs, molasses, citrus pulp by-products, beet pulp, bakery waste • Others • Fruits, vegetables, roots, tubers, potatoes, fats and oils
CEREAL GRAINS • Cereal grains are produced by plants of the grass family (Gramineae) grown primarily for their seeds. • They provide tremendous tonnages of harvested grains for animal feed and human food. • World coarse cereal grain production increased by 35% from 1992 to 2011. • 3-fold increase in price per bushel during that time • Corn: $2.07 - $6.15 • Sorghum: $1.89 - $6.05 • Barley: $2.04 - $5.35 • Oats: $1.32 - $3.49
CEREAL GRAINS • Corn used for human consumption; however, the majority used for feed (45%) ethanol (30%). • Wheat and rice are grown primarily for human consumption. • Moderate amounts of wheat used as animal feed. • Barley & oats are becoming less important, as they do not usually yield as well as other grains.
OTHER CEREAL GRAINS • Millet and Rye = find only limited use in North America, although they are more widely used in Europe and Asia. • Sorghum is primarily used as an animal feedin the United States. • A wheat-rye cross, triticale, is grown in limited amounts for feed.
Nutrient Content of Cereal Grains • Differences in nutrient contents among different varieties of a cereal grain are relatively small, and identifying them on the basis of their chemical composition would be difficult. • Factors such as soil fertility, fertilization, variety, planting density, weather, pests, and disease all affect crop production.
Nutrient Content of Cereal Grains • Most cereal grains are low in protein (Less than 15%) • Most are deficient in lysine, tryptophan (monogastrics) & threonine and methioninefor poultry. • The fat content in cereal grains may vary greatly, ranging from less than 1% up to nearly 10%. • Most of the fat is found in the seed embryo. • Increases with grain maturity or variety (high oil corn) • Fatty acids in high concentrations: • Palmitic acid • Linoleic acid • Oleic acid
Dent Kernal CornCross Section • Outer hull • High fiber (structural carbohydrates) • Bran • High fiber, protein • Endosperm • High in starch, sugars • (non structural carbohydrates) • 85% of the seed/kernal • Germ • Protein, fat, vitamins • Courtesy of USDA.
Nutrient Content of Cereal Grains • Starch = long polymers made of glucose subunits connected by alpha linkage. • Amylose • Amylopectin • Other carbohydrates in grains include sugars & oligosaccharides. • Cellulose is the principal constituent of the cell wall of the kernel and the hulls.
Nutrient Content of Cereal Grains • Hulls of seeds have a substantial effect on feeding value. • Because of their heavy hulls, barley and oatsare sometimes known as rough grains. • Rice hulls are almost totally indigestible becauseof their very high silica content. • Hulls can be valuable fiber additions to exotic and pet diets. • Cereal grains are generally highly digestible, although the extent varies with species & grain quality.
Corn • 92% of all US feed grains produced. • 65% of all US feedstuffs consumed. • Corn is usually referred to as maize in countries outside North America. • Corn will produce more digestible energy per unit of land than any other grain crop. • It is a very digestible, highly palatable feed. • Corn is commonly classified into seven groups based on kernel characteristics and starch content: • Dent; Flint; Flour; Sweet; Pop; Waxy; Pod. • Many different hybrids and varieties
Corn • The chemical composition of corn has been studied in great detail. • About 73% of total protein is in endosperm, and most of the remainder, 24%, is in the embryo. • The protein in the embryo is made up of a mixtureof glutelin, globulins, albumins, and others. • This protein is low in several essential amino acids. • Yellow corn has notable content of cryptoxanthin. • Carotenoid: precursor of vitamin A. • Yellow corn also contains xanthophylls, • Contributes to desirable color in poultry skin & egg yolks.
Corn • Yellow corn is generally preferred for feeding; consequently. • White corn is often used for preparation of cornmeal for human consumption. • Several genetic mutants of corn with unique nutritional characteristics have been isolated. • Opaque-2: high lysine corn • High oil • High amylose • Brown midrib • Waxy Corn
Grain Sorghum • Several different sorghum varieties (all Sorghum vulgare) are used for seed production. • Milo; Various kafirs; Sorgo; Sumac. • Hegari; Darso; Feterita; Cane. • Non-grain types include forage sorghums, Sudan grass, and broomcorn. • The various sorghum varieties are able to stand heat and drought better very well, and are also resistant to pests (root worm and corn borer) • Chemical content similar to corn • Feeding value is almost as good as corn
Barley • Barley is widely grown in Europe and the cool, dry climates of North America and Asia. • Most barley is used for animal feeding. Also for human consumption: brewing as malt. • Pearled barley (hull and bran removed) has high feed value but is primarily used in human foods and petfoods • More total protein and higher levels of amino acid levels than corn. • Feeding value for ruminants is lower than corn • Lower starch • Higher fiber (typically too high for inclusion in poultry diets) • Lower digestible energy (will not support maximum gains or efficiency for swing as the sole grain source)
Oats • Oats do not yield as much as the other grains. • ~85% of the feeding value of corn – primarily due to high fiber hull and lower starch. • Good for starter diets • Oat grouts (without hulls) have comparable or better feeding value than corn – not cost effective. • Most of the world production is concentrated in northern Europe and North America. • Only about 10% of production goes into human food. • Three varieties of oats dominate the US market (white, red, gray). • Oats are relatively deficient in methionine, histidine, tryptophan, and lysine.
Wheat • Mostly grown for human consumption. • Developed for flour milling properties not feed value. • World tonnage similar to rice. • Divided into Types (Hard/Soft) and Classes (Winter/Spring) • Soft = Protein ranges from 8 – 11% • Hard = Protein ranges from 13 – 16% • More favorable amino acid profile than corn. • Very palatable. • Animals should be adapted to wheat to prevent acidosis • Research indicates slower gains but often more efficient gains compared with corn.
Triticale • Triticale is a cereal grain derived from crosses between wheat and rye. • Nutrient content similar to that of hard wheat or rye. • But not particularly good distribution of amino acids. • The feeding value is similar for non-ruminant species to that of wheat. • With supplemental lysine, some cultivars can be equal to a corn-soy diet for pigs. • Feeding value and efficiency for finishing cattle appears to be lower than that of wheat. • At present, triticale is not grown widely as a feed grain.
Rye • Rye is an important bread grain in northern Europe. • Composition is similar to that of hard wheat. • Rye is generally less palatable than other cereal grains • More susceptible to ergot (most common host). • Studies with poultry indicate rye contains at least two anti-quality factors. • Decrease appetite and growth. • Rye is considered unpalatable and difficultfor ruminants to masticate in large amounts.
Rice • Rice is grown in many areas of the world. • Most varieties of rice are flooded afterplanting. • Dryland varieties of rice are grown. • Rice is always used as a human food grain, and more than 40,000 types of rice are grown. • Rice is normally too expensive to use as a feed grain. • Used widely in petfoods. • The hulls make up about 25% of the kernel weight and greatly reduce the energy value. • Rice hulls are almost totally indigestible.
Millet • Several types of millet are grown, primarily in Asia and west Africa, for human food. • They include a variety of small-grain cereal plants. • In the U.S. proso (Panicummilliaceum), a plant resembling sorghum, is sometimes grown for a feed, with feeding value between oats & corn. • Others varieties are grown for forage or suchproducts as birdseed or beer. • Millet is not an important source of animal feed (except for seed-eating birds).
Summary of Cereal Grains: RELATIVE FEEDING VALUES OF CEREAL GRAINS • Corn is generally used as a standard against which the others are compared. • If the relative value of corn is set at 100, the valueof the other grains is usually lower, as a result of lower digestibility of those grains having higher fiber levels. • Fat content will impact energy values. • Differences in utilization of the amylose and amylopectin in the different grains will affect energy values.
ROOTS AND TUBERS • Root crops for feed are used in northern Europe (turnips, mangolds, swedes, fodder beets, carrots, and parsnips.) • Frequently dug up and left in the field to be consumed as desired by animals. • The bulky nature of these feeds limits use to cattle or sheep. • Beets and mangolds have high sucrose content • Ruminants not adapted to beets or mangolds (both Beta vulgaris) are subject to G.I. distress. • Turnips can be effectively grazed by ruminants with supplemental feed. • Animals quickly learn to pull out the underground root portion.
ROOTS AND TUBERS Potatoes • White potatoes (cull or surplus) are often used for feeding cattle or sheep in areas of commercial potato production. • High in digestible energy (dry basis)= primarily starch. • Potatoes and, particularly, potato sprouts contain a toxic compound, solanin, which is problematic if fed raw or ensiled. • Potato by-products are often more available for feeding livestock in areas of potato production. • Used to hold kibble together (starch) during processing of grain-free petfoods (also use tapioca).
HIGH-CARBOHYDRATE LIQUID FEEDSMolasses and Similar Liquids • Molasses is a major by-product of sugar production. • The major source is sugarcane, but other sources include sugar beets, citrus fruits, starch, and wood. • Various molasses types are standardized in termsof degrees Brix (corresponds to percentage of dry matter). • Sweet taste of molasses makes it palatable for most species. • Cost is often attractive as compared with grains. • Molasses may be dried for mixing into dry diets, although at appreciably higher costs. • Cane or blackstrap molasses is utilized widely as a feedstuff, particularly for ruminants.
HIGH-CARBOHYDRATE LIQUID FEEDS Liquid Milk By-Products • Several liquid by-products are associated with the production of cheese and/or derived from whey. • fresh whey, acid whey, condensed whey, and dehydrated (dried) whey. • Whey is the liquid fraction of milk remaining after the curd has been formed in the cheese-making process. • Most of the lactose, minerals, and water-soluble protein present in milk remain in whey.
DRY BY-PRODUCT FEEDS Beet Pulp • Beet pulp = residue remaining after sugar is extracted from sugar beets. • Most is dried, frequently with beet molasses added before drying. • It may be sold in shredded or pelleted form. • Feeders near processing plants may feed wet pulp. • Physical texture resembles a roughage, but it is more digestible (fermentable) than roughages & very palatable. • Crude fiber content is high for a concentrate(highly fermentable) • Partly because the lignin content is low.
DRY BY-PRODUCT FEEDS Citrus Pulp and Meal • Citrus by-products are derived from the residue resulting from citrus juice processing. • Residue is shredded or ground, pressed to remove juices, and dried. • Dried citrus meal is composed of the finer particles obtained by screening dried citrus pulp. • Data on ruminant animals indicate citrus pulp is relatively palatable, the fiber quite digestible, and energy value approaches that of some cereals. • May alter flavor of milk fat products.
DRY BY-PRODUCT FEEDS Dried Bakery Product • Dried bakery product is produced from bakery items past their "consume by" date, and removed from grocery store shelves. • Dried bakery waste often variable because of variation in products. • Excellent feed because of its highly digestible energy content(primarily starch), sucrose, and high-quality fats. • Well utilized by pigs, a preferred ingredient in starter rations, and highly favored for lactating dairy cows.
FATS AND OILS • Most essential fatty acids for animals are supplied in sufficient amounts from natural feedstuffs. • Supplementation often not required except when low-fat energy feedstuffs are used. • Fats included in commercial feed formulations, for several reasons: • As an unequaled, highly digestible energy source. • Reduce dustiness. • Improve palatability. • Increase digestibility of diet (carnivores including dogs/cats) • Increase absorption of fat-soluble nutrients.
FATS AND OILS • Sources: • Slaughterhouses and rendering facilities – animal fats. • Restaurant fats. • Seed and high grade oils are typically too expensive for feed use. • Considerations: • They are unstable and rapidly oxidize, producing rancidity. • Depends on fatty acid composition. • Need to add antioxidants. • Must make sure they are free from toxic substances. • Moisture is a dilutent, and detrimental because it contributes to instability of the fat.