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Freight Performance Measures Talking Freight August, 2010 Bill Gardner, Director

Freight Performance Measures Talking Freight August, 2010 Bill Gardner, Director Office of Freight and Commercial Vehicle Operations Minnesota Department of Transportation. State DOT Freight Measures Activity. Performance management dashboards/report cards

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Freight Performance Measures Talking Freight August, 2010 Bill Gardner, Director

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  1. Freight Performance Measures Talking Freight August, 2010 Bill Gardner, Director Office of Freight and Commercial Vehicle Operations Minnesota Department of Transportation

  2. State DOT Freight Measures Activity Performance management dashboards/report cards State sponsored university/consultant research Multi-state and corridor-based initiatives TRB NCFRP AASHTO SCOPM Statewide Freight Plans and studies Freight Advisory Committees

  3. H.R. 3617 • Freight Improvement Program • Improve the operations of the existing freight transportation system • Add physical capacity to the freight transportation system in places where investment makes economic sense • Strengthen the ability of rural communities to access national and international trade markets • Support regional economic development

  4. H.R. 3617—Freight Performance Measures • “States shall measure and document the Speed, and Reliability of freight movement along facilities eligible for funding as well as Access for freight: • Secretary shall establish quantifiable performance measures no later than 6 months after enactment • Secretary shall establish a target level of performance for the state no later than one year after the enactment • A state receiving funding shall publish a report annually documenting the performance progress.”

  5. S.3629Focusing Resources, Economic Investment, and Guidance to Help Transportation Act of 2010 (FREIGHT Act) National Freight Transportation Policy Objectives—economic competitiveness, sustainability, safety, performance and reliability, partnerships, operational strategies Goals: -Reduce delays at international gateways -Increase travel time reliability on major freight corridors -Reduce freight-related fatalities by 10% by 2015 -Reduce freight related CO2 by 40% by 2030 -Reduce freight-related pollution and impacts

  6. S. 3629 FREIGHT Act • National Freight Transportation Strategic Plan • USDOT Office of Freight Planning & Development • National Freight Infrastructure Investment Grants • Emphasis on system performance/benefit-cost: “The Secretary shall develop baselines for the goals and determine appropriate methods of data collection to measure attainment with the goals…”

  7. SCOPM Task Forces • Safety • Preservation • System Operations • Congestion • Freight/Economic Development • Environment • Planning and Programming Process • Comparative Performance Measures

  8. State SurveyFreight Performance MeasureSpeed (Travel Time)/Reliability/Access • What is importance of each category? • How do we define access? • What is the appropriate geographic scale? • What is the potential application of each measure?

  9. # states

  10. AASHTO Freight/Economic Development Task Force Draft Recommendations • Reliability on Significant Freight Corridors • Speed/Travel Time on Significant Freight Corridors Work Ahead • Define Significant Freight Corridors • MPO/Private Sector input • Pursue roadway access measures • Future—pursue other modal measures

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