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Culture Builds Florida (Happy 498 th !) Tampa, Florida October 25, 2011 Randy Cohen Americans for the Arts

Culture Builds Florida (Happy 498 th !) Tampa, Florida October 25, 2011 Randy Cohen Americans for the Arts. Nonprofit Arts & Culture Attendees in Florida Spend $29.42 Per Person, Per Event. N onprofit Arts & Culture Attendees in Florida In-State vs. Out-of-State.

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Culture Builds Florida (Happy 498 th !) Tampa, Florida October 25, 2011 Randy Cohen Americans for the Arts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Culture Builds Florida(Happy 498th!)Tampa, FloridaOctober 25, 2011Randy CohenAmericans for the Arts

  2. Nonprofit Arts & Culture Attendees in FloridaSpend $29.42 Per Person, Per Event

  3. Nonprofit Arts & CultureAttendees in FloridaIn-State vs. Out-of-State

  4. Event-Related Spending in FloridaIn-State vs. Out-of-State Audiences

  5. Nonprofit Arts & Cultural Organizations FloridaEconomic Impact of $3.2 Billion in Expenditures

  6. Economic Impact of Florida Communities ($ in millions)

  7. A Growing Percentage of Foreign VisitorsParticipate in the Arts While in the U.S.

  8. Cultural Travelers vs. All U.S. Travelers • ·Spend more: $631 vs. $457 ($994 vs. $611, most recently) • ·Are older: 48 vs. 46 • ·More likely to be retired: 20% vs. 16% • ·Use hotel, motel, or B & B: 62% vs. 56% • ·More likely to spend $1,000+: 18% vs. 12% • ·Travel longer: 5.2 nights vs. 4.1 nights • ·Travel by air: 22 percent vs. 18 percent • More likely to shop: 44 percent vs. 33 percent

  9. CreativeIndustries in Florida 52,869 Arts-Related Business Employ 184,708 People

  10. CreativeIndustries in Florida State Sen-11 947 Arts-Related Business Employ 2,464 People

  11. Baltimore Symphony’s“Rusty Musicians”

  12. Opera in the Outfield

  13. Unlimited Attendance for a Monthly Fee(Netflix for the Stage!)

  14. Arts Apps on the iPhone

  15. 1. What is the message?2. Who are the messengers?3. Who gets the message? Build the Habit of Advocacy

  16. Thank You!www.AmericansForTheArts.org

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