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Physical and Cognitive Development Early Childhood

Physical and Cognitive Development Early Childhood. Chapter 7. Physical Development Early Childhood. Slower growth Weight- boys slightly larger Epiphyses Skeletal age Primary teeth Lymph tissue. Motor Skills for Age 2. Run Kick large ball Jump 12 inches Navigate stairs alone

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Physical and Cognitive Development Early Childhood

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Physical and Cognitive Development Early Childhood Chapter 7

  2. Physical Development Early Childhood • Slower growth • Weight- boys slightly larger • Epiphyses • Skeletal age • Primary teeth • Lymph tissue

  3. Motor Skills for Age 2 • Run • Kick large ball • Jump 12 inches • Navigate stairs alone • Construct tower of six to eight blocks • Turn pages of a book singly • Put on simple clothing • Hold a glass with one hand • Spoon

  4. Motor Skills for Age 3 • Stand on one foot • Hop on both feet • Ride a tricycle • Propel a wagon with one foot • Copy a circle • Draw a straight line • Pour from a pitcher • Catch a ball with arms extended

  5. Motor Skills for Age 4 • Stunts on a tricycle • Descend a ladder, alternating feet • Gallop • Cut on a line with a scissors • Make crude letters • Catch ball with elbows in front of the body • Dress self • Fork

  6. Motor Skills for Age 5 • Skip • Hop on one foot for 10 feet • Copy squares • Copy letters and numbers • Throw a ball well • Fasten buttons that are visible to the eye • Catch a ball with elbows at the sides • Knife

  7. Force and Power • Boys are ahead of girls

  8. Fine Motor Skills • Girls are ahead • Gross skills that include balance- skipping and hopping

  9. Early Childhood Language Development • Phonology • Morphology • Syntax • Pragmatics

  10. Early Childhood Information Processing • Attention • Recall • Memory strategies • Scripts • Metacognition

  11. How Play Enhances Cognitive Development • General Cognitive and Social Skills • Memory • Language and Literacy • Reasoning

  12. Types of Preschool • Child-centered preschools • Academic preschools

  13. Child-centered Preschool • Provide variety of activities • Children select

  14. Academic Preschool • Teacher in control • Structure • Repetition

  15. Quality of child care • Physical setting • Group size • Caregiver/child ratio • Daily activities • Interactions among adults and children • Teacher qualification • Relationship with parents • Licensing and Accredations

  16. Piaget’s Preoperational Stage • Egocentric • Animistic thinking

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