Timucuan Tribe By: Ben & Mercedes
Hunting The Timucuan tribe hunted deer, wild turkey and alligators. They used tools for hunting like spears, clubs, bows and arrows and blowguns. They also caught fish, clams and oysters. When they were done hunting they smoked the meat over a hot fire and then ate the meat.
War and Disease Through 1649 and 1656 the Timucuan tribe began to diminish. Even though the Timucuan tribe was peaceful they fought when they were pushed around. While they fought the English and other Indians a lot of tribe members died from the war and a bad disease.
Gathering goods They had a fish trap called a weir. It was made out of fencing and wood. It was spread across a river so the fish couldn't swim any farther. Farming is very important. They grew beans, corn, squash, pumpkin and melons. The women cooked. They also gathered roots, nuts and wild berries.
Life in the villages The Timucuan tribe had two kinds of houses. One house was a long house. The houses frame was made out of poles. The walls were made out of bark. And branches from the palmetto plant for the roof. The Timucuan tribe had a lot of permanent villages. Each family has their own house. Cooking and eating took place in a central location. They had clothing made of deerskin and woven cloth. The men tied their long hair on the back of their head.
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