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An introduction to specification in VDM-SL. At the end of this lecture you should be able to:. write a formal specification of a system in VDM-SL; correlate the components of a UML class diagram with those of a VDM specification;
An introduction to specification in VDM-SL At the end of this lecture you should be able to: • write a formal specification of a system in VDM-SL; • correlate the components of a UML class diagram with those of a VDM specification; • declare constants and specify functions to enhance the specification; • explain the use of a state invariant to place a global constraint on the system; • explain the purpose of the nil value in VDM.
-10 Celsius TEMPERATURE +10 Celsius The Incubator case study The temperature of the incubator needs to be carefully controlled and monitored; Initially we will specify the software needed to monitor the incubator temperature; Later we will specify the software needed to monitor and control the incubator temperature. Safety requirements :
The UML specification IncubatorMonitor temp : Integer increment() decrement() getTemp() : Integer
Specifying the ‘state’ in VDM-SL in VDM-SL the state refers to the permanent data that must be stored by the system, and which can be accessed by means of operations; It corresponds to the attributes in the class diagram; The state is specified by declaring variables, in a similar manner a programming language and UML. Each variables is given a name, and a VDM-SL type.
The intrinsic types available in VDM-SL : natural numbers (positive whole numbers) 1 : natural numbers excluding zero : integers (positive and negative whole numbers) : real numbers (positive and negative numbers that can include a fractional part) : boolean values (true or false) Char : the set of alphanumeric characters
IncubatorMonitor temp : Integer increment() decrement() getTemp() : Integer Specifying the state of the Incubator Monitor System UML VDM-SL stateIncubatorMonitorof end temp :
IncubatorMonitor temp : Integer increment() decrement() getTemp() : Integer Specifying the operations in VDM-SL • Each operation specified in VDM-SL as follows: • the operation header • the external clause • the precondition • the postcondition
temp = + 1 temp > + 1 = temp temp - = 1 The increment operation increment() ext ? pre ? post ? wr ? temp : temp < 10
temp = - 1 The decrement operation decrement() ext ? pre ? post ? wr ? temp : temp > -10
The getTemp operation getTemp() ext ? pre ? post ? currentTemp : rdtemp : TRUE currentTemp = temp
decrement() extwr temp : pretemp > -10 post temp = - 1 Declaring constants It is possible in VDM-SL to specify constants; It is done by using the keyword values; The declaration would come immediately before the state definition: values MAX : = 10 MIN : = -10 MIN
Specifying functions A function is a set of assignments from one set to another; The function receives an input value (or values) and maps this to an output value according to some rule; 46 FALSE 69 hasPassed TRUE 50 There are two ways in which we can specify a function in VDM-SL
Specifying a function explicitly The style of this specification is algorithmic; We explicitly define the method of transforming the inputs to the output. Example add: add(x, y) ∆x + y signature definition
Specifying a function implicitly We use a pre- and postcondition in the same way as we described for operations; A function, however, does not access the state variables. add( ) pre ? post ? x , y : : z : TRUE z = x + y
An absolute function defined implicitly abs( ) pre ? post ? z : r : TRUE z<0 r = -zz 0 r = z
An absolute function defined explicitly abs: abs(z) ∆ifz < 0 then -z elsez
Recursive functions Some functions can be neatly specified by a recursive definition, whereby the function calls itself. Example a factorial function: factorial: factorial(n) ∆ifn = 0 then 1 elsen x factorial(n - 1)
State invariants Before we specified local constraint with preconditions. We can also specify a global constraint. In VDM-SL we incorporate such a restriction into the specification with a function called a stateinvariant; The invariant definition uses the keyword inv. Its signature will be: inv: State
-10 Celsius TEMPERATURE +10 Celsius Adding a state invariant into the IncubatorMonitor system invmk-IncubatorMonitor(t) MINtMAX
Specifying an initialization function An initialization function is given the name init; We will assume that when the incubator is turned on, its temperature is adjusted until a steady 5 degrees Celsius is obtained. initmk-IncubatorMonitor(t) t = 5
The modified state specification values MAX : = 10 MIN : = -10 stateIncubatorMonitorof temp : invmk-IncubatorMonitor(t) MINtMAX initmk-IncubatorMonitor(t) t = 5 end
Improving the Incubator System IncubatorController requestedTemp : Integer actualTemp : Integer setIInitialTemp(Integer) requestChange(Integer) : Signal increment() : Signal decrement() : Signal getRequestedTemp() : Integer getActualTemp() : Integer
Enumerated types The signal sent to the hardware could be one of 3 possible values: • an instruction to the hardware to increase the temperature; • an instruction to the hardware to decrease the temperature; • an instruction to the hardware to do nothing. A type that consists of a number of named values is often referred to as an enumerated type;
<<enumeration>> Signal INCREASE DECREASE DO_NOTHING Enumerated types in UML A standard method of marking a UML class as an enumerated type is to add <<enumeration>> above the type name:
Enumerated types in VDM-SL In VDM-SL the types clause is the appropriate place to define new types. types Signal = <INCREASE>|< DECREASE>|< DO_NOTHING> values ….. state ….. end
The nil value It is common in the programming world for a value to be undefined; VDM-SL allows for this concept by including the possibility of a term or expression having the value nil, meaning that it is undefined; We do that by placing square brackets around the type name: [] natural numbers or nil [] integers or nil. When the incubator system first comes into being, the actual and requested values will be undefined, and must therefore be set to nil;
IncubatorController requestedTemp : Integer actualTemp : Integer setIInitialTemp(Integer) requestChange(Integer) : Signal increment() : Signal decrement() : Signal getRequestedTemp() : Integer getActualTemp() : Integer Specifying the IncubatorController state stateIncubatorControllerof requestedTemp : [] actualTemp : []
The invariant The actual temperature must not be allowed to go outside the range of -10 to +10 degrees; However we need now to allow for the possibility that it could be equal to the nil value; The same is true for the requested temperature. invmk-IncubatorController (r, a) (MIN r MAX r = nil) (MIN a MAX a = nil)
Improving the readability of the spec by using a function inRange( ) pre post val : result : TRUE result MIN val MAX invmk-IncubatorController (r, a) (inRange(r)r = nil) (inRange(a)a = nil)
The initialisation function initmk-IncubatorController (r, a) r = nila = nil
Specifying the setInitialTempoperation setInitialTemp( ) ext pre post tempIn : wr actualTemp : [] inRange(tempIn) actualTemp = nil actualTemp = tempIn
The requestChange operation requestChange( ) ext pre post tempIn : signalOut : Signal wr requestedTemp : [] rd actualTemp : [] inRange(tempIn) actualTempnil requestedTemp = tempIn tempIn > actualTemp ( signalOut = <INCREASE> tempIn < actualTemp signalOut = <DECREASE> tempIn = actualTemp signalOut = <DO_NOTHING> )
actualTemp = actualTemp + 1 The increment operation increment () ext pre post signalOut : Signal rd requestedTemp : [] wr actualTemp : [] actualTemp < requestedTemp actualTempnil requestedTempnil ( actualTemp < requestedTemp signalOut = <INCREASE> actualTemp = requestedTemp ) signalOut = <DO_NOTHING>
The getRequestedTemp operation getRequestedTemp() ext pre post currentRequested : [] rd requestedTemp : [] TRUE currentRequested = requestedTemp
The getActualTemp operation getActualTemp() ext pre post currentActual : [] rd actualTemp : [] TRUE currentActual = actualTemp
A standard template for VDM-SL specifications types SomeType = ….. values constantName : ConstantType = someValue state SystemNameof attribute1 : Type : attributen : Type invmk-SystemName(i1:Type, ..., in:Type) Expression(i1, ..., in) initmk-SystemName(i1:Type, ..., in:Type) Expression(i1, ..., in) end functions specification of functions ..... operations specification of operations .....