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Chan Yau Mei, 6A

Saving the Earth. I am writing to ask people to be more friendly to the earth.

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Chan Yau Mei, 6A

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  1. Saving the Earth I am writing to ask people to be more friendly to the earth. The first problem is the Earth facing is water pollution. People keep throwing rubbish into the sea. Therefore, this causes water pollution. A lot of fish are poisoned and died. Then people eat the poisonous fish and get sick. The Earth will become sick unless people stop throwing rubbish into the sea and the government punishes those who fail to do this. The second problem is the Earth facing is air pollution. People keep turning on air conditioners in hot weather. Then it produces so much carbon dioxide. Therefore, it causes air pollution and this affects people’s physical health. The Earth will become a terrible place to live unless people stop turning on the air conditioners on the hot days or open the windows to let fresh air come in. The third problem is the Earth facing is noise pollution. The traffic keeps making a lot of noise everyday. Therefore this causes noise pollution and it has a bad effect on people’s hearing. The Earth will become sick unless the traffic stop making a lot of noise. We all live on the same planet-the Earth. We should protect our environment so that we can live healthy and happily on it. Chan Yau Mei, 6A

  2. Fong Hui Ching, 6A Saving the Earth I am Uncle Earth and I am writing because I am facing many problems. I need you to help saving my life. The first problem I am facing is air pollution. You keep making a large amount of carbon dioxide. Therefore there is little oxygen for me to breathe. I will be suffocation unless you can reduce producing carbon dioxide. The second problem I am facing is rain forests disappearance. The rain forests provide me with oxygen. You keep destroying them. Therefore they will disappear in the end. I will not have enough oxygen to breathe unless you protect the rain forests. The third problem I am facing is over-explotation of natural resources. You keep wasting the resources. Therefore I become weak and ill. I will have nothing to give you to use again unless you stop wasting. The forth problem I am facing is using too many plastic bags. I hate plastic bags very much because they are very difficult to decompose. You keep using too many plastic bags. Therefore I become ill. I will die unless you reduce plastic bags. Please take action before it is too late !

  3. Wong Tsz Ching,6A A day I will never forget I will never forget the day when I got angry with my Mum. It was a sad and a terrible experience for me. It happened at my home when I was in primary six. We quarrelled because I spoke to her rudely. I did that since I didn’t want her to check my things and I shouted at her. I remembered that I said, ‘I don’t need you to care me!’ I saw my Mum was shocked with what I said. Suddenly, my Mum went to Yau Tong--my new house. At that time, I felt sad and worried. After a few days, my school had held an activity which needed us to send a letter to our parents. I decided to send it to my Mum. I was ashamed of my pass behaviour, I sent the letter bravely. At the same time, I felt scared too. It was because I afraid that she would not forgive me kindly. I promised would not quarrel with her in the furture.

  4. Wong Lok Wai, 6B A day I will never forget I will never forget the day when I went to many interesting places with my parents last Sunday. Firstly, we went to the Peak. We took the tram to go there, I felt very glad because I could see the beautiful views of Hong Kong. When I arrived at the peak, I was so excited about it. I wanted to know why the Peak was crowed of many tourists Then I found that it was very high above to see many parts of Hong Kong. Next, we went to Shan Cheng. It was because we could see Tsing Ma Bridge there. It was so huge! I couldn’t belive my eyes! At last, we went to Disneyland. I was very happy that I could go to the famous theme park I went back home and I think today was a wonderful and an enjoyable day for me. I will go there again and I ‘ll never forget this day.

  5. Chow Yuen Ching, 6B A day I will never forget I will never forget the day when I went to ride bicycle and fell down on the ground. I hurt my leg. Falling over was a painful experience. It happened in the park when I was in Primary 6. I fell down because it was the first time for me to ride the bicycle and I thought riding a bicycle was difficult. I felt very unhappy because my ankle was so painful and no one could help me. Suddenly, someone came. She was my best friend, Suhi. She cleaned and treated my ankle carefully. In the end, We went to a restaurant to have lunch. I learnt that we need to help each other when we face difficulties.

  6. Ng King Ho, 6B A day I will never forget I will never forget the day when I quarreled with my best friend, Ben for the first time. Quarrelling with him was an awful experience. It happened in Primary 5. We quarreled because I wanted to go to the convenience shop but he did not want to go there. Then, I went there alone. At that moment, I was really upset about that. From then on, we never talked and played together. I wanted to say sorry to him but I was ashamed of doing so Ben also wanted to say sorry to me. I was very happy abot that. Although we always quarrel but we will never forget that awful experience. We are happy that we can become friends again. I will never be upset with my best friend easily since I will never forget that terrible experience.

  7. Lo Po Yu, 6C Saving the Earth I am the sick Earth but I am kind. I need your help so I am writing. I am facing so many problems so I am ill. The first problem I am facing is pollution. There are four pollution, water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and land pollution. They all make me sick. You dump toxic waste into the sea and the cars produce so much smoke. Also, the traffic works make so much noise and you throw away a lot of rubbish on the land. Please stop doing these things. The second problem is endangered animals. You keep killing and catching animals. Therefore many animals become endangered. All animals will die unless you stop killing and catching them. The third problem is weather, You keep destroying forests so the environment isn’t balance. It makes me become hotter and hotter. Please save me and stop doing these things.

  8. Leung Ming Him, 6C Prince Elephant Princess Donna was locked up in a house by a wicked witch. One day, Prince George hunted in the forest which was surrounded by many old trees. He hunted for the whole day and he left in the evening. He got lost. Suddenly, he heard someone screaming. He walked and walked, after a while, he found a house. Prince George found Princess Donna and a witch. He asked the witch to let Princess Donna go. Then the witch said, ‘You have to make a promise,’ Prince George said, ‘I can give you a lot of jewelry.’ The witch replies, ‘OK.’ Then Prince George went back to the castle to take a box of jewelry and went to the house again. However, the witch rejected the jewelry because it was made of plastic! The witch turned Prince George into an elephant. He became bigger and bigger. At last, he became an elephant. Prince George trod on the witch and she died finally. But the prince could not return to a person again. Princess Donna and Prince George lived in the forest happily ever after.

  9. Wong Tsz Fung, Brian, 6C An Elephant Prince Princess Donna was locked up in a house by a wicked witch. One day, Prince George hunted in the forest which was surrounded by many old trees. He hunted for the whole day and he left in the evening. However, he could not find the way to go back. Suddenly, he heard someone screaming help Prince George followed the voice and walked and walked. At last, he reached a house. Prince George knocked on the door. However, there was no answer. Then , he went inside and looked around for a few minutes, soon he found a stair. He walked on the stair and found a beautiful princess who was locked up in a room. Suddenly, a witch appeared. Prince George wanted to rescue the princess so he asked the witch to let the princess go, The witch said if he wanted to save the princess, he needed to make a promise. The witch’s magic showed Prince George the way to the castle. Prince George took away a box of jewelry and went to the house again. However , the witch rejected the jewelry because she did not like those jewelry. The witch’s magic made Prince George became bigger and bigger. Prince George finally turned into an elephant. Prince George then fought with the witch and won. The witch was angry and turned Princess Donna into an elephant too. The witch then disappeared. Elephant George and Elephant Donna lived happily ever after in the house.

  10. Leung Ka Wing, YoYo, 6D Saving the Earth I am the friendly Earth and I am writing because I am facing so many problems. So, I need your help. The first problem I am facing is land pollution. You keep throwing so much rubbish into the land. Therefore everywhere is so dirty and it makes so much nasty smell. It will be a dirty place unless you stop throwing rubbish into the land. The second problem I am facing is water pollution. You keep throwing away so much rubbish and dumping so much toxic waste into the sea. Therefore the sea will become so dirty and fish will ill and die. More fish will die unless you stop dumping toxic waste and rubbish into the sea. The third problem I am facing is air pollution. The cars produce so many fumes. Therefore the air is not clean and it is hard to see the blue sky. The sky will always be dark unless cars stop producing so many furnes Please take action before it is too late.

  11. Chau Heng Seng, Keyman 6D Protect the Earth I am very tried because I get sick. I am a kind and friendly Earth and I am writing because I am facing many problems. We need your help to save our Earth. The first problem I am facing is noise pollution. The traffic makes so much noise in the streets. Therefore human beings’ ears will get hurt. The road works make so much noise in the streets. Therefore people cannot sleep well at night. They cannot do well at work or at school too. The second problem I am facing is air pollution. The cars produce so many fumes in the streets. Therefore human beings do not have fresh pair to breathe so much smoke. Air pollution will cause global warming. The third problem is land pollution. The people dump so much toxic waste into the land. There are not enough land for people to build house. The four problem is water pollution. You keep dumping toxic waste into the sea. Therefore the fish become ill some of them die. More of them will die unless you stop dumping toxic waste into the sea. Please take action before it is too late! It is as easy as ‘One, two three’. Save our earth start you and me.

  12. Ho Cheuk Wing, Cherry 6D Save the Earth I am the sick Earth and I am writing because I hope the people protect me and do the good things for me. The first problem I am facing is air pollution. Cars produce so many fumes every day and factories also produce so much smoke. Therefore, I can’t breathe properly. I will die and ill unless the factories and cars stop producing so much smoke. The second problem I am facing is water pollution. You keep dumping toxic waste into the sea. Therefore I do not have clean water to drink. I will be sick unless you stop dumping toxic waste into the sea. The third problem I am facing is land pollution. People keep dumping so many things on the land so that there are fewer places for human to live. They will have nowhere to live unless people stop dumping so many things on the land. I am sick and ill now. I hope people save the Earth and the environment and take action quickly !

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