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Answering Top-k Queries with Multi-Dimensional Selections: The Ranking Cube Approach

This paper presents the Ranking Cube approach for answering top-k queries efficiently in multidimensional spaces. The approach involves creating a logical block space for rank analysis, computing measures in the ranking cube, and creating a physical block space for efficient I/O. The method aims to support a broad class of ranking functions and transfer top-k queries to sequence of selection queries for block-level access. The system inherits the power of multi-dimensional analysis and provides rank-aware materialization without assuming specific functions.

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Answering Top-k Queries with Multi-Dimensional Selections: The Ranking Cube Approach

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  1. Answering Top-k Queries with Multi-Dimensional Selections: The Ranking Cube Approach Dong Xin, Jiawei Han, Hong Cheng, Xiaolei Li Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign VLDB 2006

  2. Outline • Introduction • Ranking cube • Answering top-k queries by Ranking Cube • Ranking Fragments • Performance study • Discussion and Conclusions

  3. Multi-Dimensional Ranking Analysis • Consider an online used car database R Type (e.g., sedan, convertible) Maker (e.g., Ford, Hyundai) Color (e.g., red, silver) Price Mileage select top 10 * from R where type = “convertible” order by price + mileage asc Roll Up select top 10 * from R where type = “convertible” and color = “red” order by price + mileage asc Drill Down select top 10 * from R where type = “convertible” and color = “red” and maker = “Ford” order by price + mileage asc

  4. OLAP with Ranking? • Data cube revisited • Pre-compute multi-dimensional group-bys • Traditional measures: SUM, COUNT, AVG • Materializing all top-k results is not feasible • Different k values • Various ranking functions • e.g., order by (price-20k)^2 + (mileage-10k)^2 asc • Our Proposal: Ranking Cube • Semi-online computation with semi-offline materialization • Support a broad class of ranking functions

  5. More on Rank-Aware Data Cube • Given a relation R • A1, A2, …, As are selection dimensions • N1,N2,…,Nr are ranking dimensions • {Ai} and {Nj} are not exclusive • Our goal: efficiently answering top-k queries in a multi-dimensional space • Ranking function f(x) satisfies: • Given the sub-domain of x, the extreme point x* can be computed • Given a sub-domain of x, the upper and lower bounds of f(x) can be computed

  6. Rank-Aware Query Processing • Rank-aware materialization for linear functions • Onion [Chang et al, SIGMOD’00], PREFER [Hristidis et al. SIGMOD’01], Robust Indexing [Xin et al. VLDB’06] • Rank-aware query transformation • Map rank query to range query [Chaudhuri et al. VLDB’99, Bruno et al. TODS’02] • Rank-aware query optimization • TA [Fagin et al. PODS’ 01], RankSQL [Li et al. SIGMOD’05], Boolean+Ranking [Zhang et al. SIGMOD’06] • Rank aggregate • RankAgg [Li et al. SIGMOD’06], ObjectFinder [Kaushik et al. SIGMOD’06] • Rank query with Joins • Ranked Join indices [Tsaparas et al. ICDE’03], Rank-Join [Ilyas et al, VLDB’03, SIGMOD ’04] • And more…

  7. What’s New with Ranking Cube • An effort made to enrich the data cube • Inherit the power of multi-dimensional analysis • A new rank-aware materialization without assuming particular (e.g., linear) function • Top-k query processing based on Rank Cube • Transfer a top-k query to a sequence of selection queries • Block-level access instead of tuple-level access • No modification needed in DBMS

  8. Outline • Introduction • Ranking cube • Answering top-k queries by Ranking Cube • Ranking Fragments • Performance study • Discussion and Conclusions

  9. Ranking Cube • Intuition • Given a ranking function, the ranking cube should be able to: • Quickly locate the most promising data region • How many tuples are there, and which tuples? • Efficient data retrieval • Approach • Step 1: Create logical block space for rank analysis • Group geometrically closed tuples into blocks by data partitioning • Equi-depth • R-tree • Clustering • Compute (logical) block ID for each block • The logical block space constitutes the basis for data cubing

  10. Ranking Cube (cont.) • Approach (cont.) • Step 1: Create logical block space for rank analysis • Each tuple is associated with a (logical) block ID • Step 2: Compute measures in ranking cube • Group-by with selection dimensions • Straight-forward measure: logical block IDs, as well as the list of tuple ID (TID) inside • Alternative measure: Compressed version (will discuss later) • Step 3: Create physical block space for efficient I/O • The size of the logical block differs in each cuboids due to the multi-dimensional selections • Group nearby logical blocks into a physical block for efficient data retrieval

  11. Constructing Ranking Cube A1,A2: Selection Dimensions N1,N2: Ranking Dimensions N1 Expected Logical Block Size P Create Logical Block Space N2 Generating Logical Block Dimension Measure in Ranking Cube Data Cubing A cell in ranking cube Table for data cubing Block table

  12. Constructing Ranking Cube (cont.) The sizes of TID list in different cuboids are not balanced due to the different cardinality of each dimension Physical block: Merge nearby logical blocks Physical Block Logical block: Original block partitions

  13. Outline • Introduction • Ranking cube • Answering top-k queries by Ranking Cube • Ranking Fragments • Performance study • Discussion and Conclusions

  14. Query Processing (1) • Data access methods Get physical block from Ranking Cube: Clustered index on Cell identifiers (A1, A2, B’) Get logical block from Block Table: Clustered index on B

  15. Query Processing (2) Locate the first logical block (b1) The target physical block (t1, t3, t4) is retrieved (t1,t4) is returned, t3 is buffered Locate the second logical block (b5) The target physical block (t1, t3, t4) is identified t3 was buffered, thus is directed returned Select top 2 * from R where A1=1 and A2=1 order by N1+N2 asc Query processing works on logical block space Data accessing works on physical block space Ranking Cube maintains the mapping between logical block and physical block S list: maintains the current top answers H list: maintains the best possible unseen answers

  16. Query Processing (3) • Determine next logical blocks to be retrieved • First logical block: analyzed by ranking function • Continuing logical blocks • Found in neighboring blocks (for convex functions) • Decompose the space and analyze each of them (for other functions) Ranking Function: N1+N2 First Block Second Block Ranking Function: (N1-0.5)^2+(N2-0.5)^2 First Block Second Block

  17. Outline • Introduction • Ranking cube • Answering top-k queries by Ranking Cube • Ranking Fragments • Performance study • Discussion and Conclusions

  18. Ranking Fragments (1) • Curse of dimensionality? Mining Cube Approach [Li et al, VLDB’04] ABCD Assembly high dimensional cuboids online ABD ABC ACD BCD AC AD CD AB Partition dimensions into several groups Materialize low dimensional cuboids offline BC BD B C D A

  19. Ranking Fragments (2) Requested Cell in Cuboids A1A2 Materialized: Cuboids A1, Cuboids A2 To Assemble: Cuboids A1A2 Cuboids A1: Request (A1=1, B=b1), return { t1, t4, t10,…} Cuboids A2: Request (A2=1, B=b1), return {t1, t4, t3,…} Do not assemble the whole cuboids Assemble the required cells only Merge two lists for cuboids A1A2: Request (A1=1,A2=1, B=b1), return { t1, t4,}

  20. Ranking Cube: Beyond the index • Decouple the cubing and partitioning modules • Unified logical block space for all cuboids • Reduces computation and space comparing with m-dim indices • Makes the online fragment assembly easier • Advanced partitioning methods for high-dimensional and structural data • Compressing TID list • Lossless compression: e.g., dictionary encoding, null suppression • Lossy compression: e.g., bloom filter • High-level summary: e.g., count (mean) in each logical block • Compressing across cuboids: e.g., correlation between cells • Block-level data access instead of tuple-level access

  21. Outline • Introduction • Ranking cube • Answering top-k queries by Ranking Cube • Ranking Fragments • Performance study • Discussion and Conclusions

  22. Experimental Results • Performance study • Baseline: SQL Server • Index on each dimension • Query transformation [Chaudhuri et al. VLDB’99] • Transform a ranked query to a range selection query • Multi-dimensional index • Ranking cube (fragment) • Index on cube cells (cuboids) • Index on block ids (block tables)

  23. Experiment Setting • Implementation details • C# + MS SQL Server 2005 • Store all ranking cubes, block tables in SQL Server • Synthetic data sets • Real data set: Forest CoverType • 12 selection dimensions, 3 ranking dimensions, 3.5M tuples

  24. Execution Time w.r.t. K Synthetic data Default parameter setting

  25. # Dimensions in Ranking Function Synthetic data with 4 ranking dimensions Partitioning was built on all 4 ranking dimensions The number of ranking attributes in queries are varied from 2 to 4

  26. Number of Data Tuples Vary the size of the database from 1M to 10M Very promising performance on large datasets

  27. Ranking Fragments Forest CoverType data Partition selection dimensions into groups with size 3 Build ranking fragments on each group Vary the fragment size

  28. Space Usage 1. Space usage grows linearly with number of selection dimensions 2. Most space is used to store the cell identifiers in the relational table 3. The space usage can be greatly reduced by storing the ranking cube out of the relational table Build ranking fragments with group size 2

  29. Conclusions and Future work • OLAP with Ranking • Ranking Cube as semi-offline materialization • Ranked query processing by semi-online computation • Current status • Extended to multi-relational ranked queries using multi-rank-cube • Future work • Apply compression techniques • Exploit and compare different partitioning strategies • Support more query types

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